Real World Behavioural Science
In this Real World Behavioural Science special, Susan, Jim and I discuss how behavioural science can be used to help prevent the spread of COVID19 (Coronavirus).
Susan shares some of the insights from her recently published BMJ blog on using COM B to provide clear, effective and simple strategies to use to prevent the spread of infection. Jim provides some food for thought about using social psychology to try to slow the rate of transmission.
If you are a professional (or anyone else for that matter!), this podcast contains some helpful tips that could save lives. Big thank you to Susan and Jim for their time in sharing some great ideas on using behavioural sciences to limit the potential impact of Coronavirus.
Useful links:
Hertfordshire CC's Coronavirus social norms campaign toolkit (launching Friday 6th March):
Hertfordshire CC's Coronavirus FAQs:
Prof Susan Michie's on behavioural science in the PH response:
Prof Susan Michie's on using COM-B to reduce transmission: