Doc Searls and Katherine Druckman talk to Kyle Rankin, Petros Koutoupis, and Shawn Powers about the new realities we're facing as a result of COVID-19.
Show notes:
0:04:08: How is this situation a little bit different from what we're used to?
0:04:36: E-learning
0:06:00: Shawn on e-learning and computer-based training.
0:08:09: Kids without computer or internet access.
0:11:31: What is lockdown? What’s on the horizon?
0:14:14: Remote work, how to do it well.
0:16:22: What can distributed open source software teams teach everyone?
0:17:35: This is not normal right now. Don’t judge remote work.
0:18:56: The chicken suppression system's working.
0:25:12: Asynchronous communication, time zones.
0:27:19: This plague may be elevating the Big Bad companies.
0:30:21: Ethical and privacy concerns.
0:35:20: Should harvested data be used to save lives?
0:37:29: Apple privacy
0:37:49: Fourth amendment concerns.
0:39:11 Facial recognition.
0:43:12 Law enforcement and Clearview AI.
0:44:12: What is the step too far? What are the unintended consequences?
0:44:44: Local vs. large scale communication.
0:47:03: Shawn is hopeful.
0:49:05: Innovation in the works.
0:52:45: Return to normal?
0:55:52: Small business.
0:57:16: Shawn’s bidet.
0:57:34: What happens to conferences?
1:02:33 DrupalCon and #vanlife.
1:07:58 Shawn: Wash your hands.
Special Guests: Kyle Rankin, Petros Koutoupis, and Shawn Powers.