Bea and Dee catch a ride on the Brown Caravan as the family takes a trip to Wyoming to visit the Winn Cattle Ranch. On the way there, Robyn's big ass Suburban dies on her, stranding the wives and most of the kids on the side of the highway at night. And do you think that motivates holy patriarch Kody to drive one hour out of his way to ensure the safety and health of his family? Why of course not, this is Kody Brown we're talking about!
After that, the girls dive to the Cairo level of the dumpster to check in with the Plaths and all their emotional problems. Lydia in particular is especially spooky as she asks Barry if IT'S THE HEART OF THE FATHER?! as she stares vacantly into her robotic dad's eyes. Elsewhere, Kim continues to shine brightly in all her malignant narcissistic glory while Ethan tries to find one small shred of empathy for his wife and fails. Did you see the new car he bought tho?
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