"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" gets revealed as the title of the next film in the saga, firing up the imagination of fans and critics alike. Upon hearing this news, RebelForce Radio conducted an emergency recording session to bring you the analysis, speculation and discussion you expect from us. We talk about stuff like the shift away from the episodic roman numbering convention and what that really means. We put the logo under the microscope, speculate about a future trailer, and dig deep beneath the surface to decipher the meaning of the title. David Collins joins us to weigh in on significance of "The Force Awakens" and we go behind the scenes to chat about a catastrophic RFR technical meltdown. And, we aren't forgetting Rebels! The fabulous Tiya Sircar, voice of Sabine Wren from Star Wars Rebels makes her RFR debut visit In The Cantina. Tiya give us the lowdown on a few things we can expect from Sabine and we learn what makes the young star tick, both as a professional and as a Star Wars fan. All this, plus more Kitster, this week on RebelForce Radio.