STAR WARS RESISTANCE was announced this week as the next animated series coming from Lucasfilm. Join us on RFR as we provide a full breakdown of the press release description of this new, anime-inspired series to debut this fall. New TV spots featuring previously unseen footage and dialog from SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY have been hitting lately. We get our first listen to Jon Faverau’s character Rio, and discuss an alien species originally seen in THE CLONE WARS make their silver screen debut in SOLO. Speaking of SOLO, Alden Ehrenreich will be featured in an Esquire Magazine cover story and he says some interesting things about his future with the franchise. Jason’s son Parker Swank provides us with a kid-sized STAR WARS perspective, along with hilarious character impressionations. Listener voice mail prompts discussion about the Jedi afterlife and The Star Wars Holiday Special, and we bring news to make the Kitster Nation rejoice!