Ceaselessly pushing the boundaries between proper enslaving music for
the mind and straight out incendiary floor dynamics bound to wreak havoc
down the basement, Dutch production unit Artefakt counts as one of the
country’s finest exponents of that sleek, hypnotic school of techno.
Having carved out their niche as stalwarts of seminal Amsterdam-based
imprint Delsin, the pair keep on dishing out their enveloping blends of
silken analogue rhythms and elegant 4x4 digressions into a dreamy
unknown, which the present RYC mix makes a perfect showcase of. A
trance-inducing journey away from real-life hustle and across
lushly-textured jungles of sound, where the martial pulse of 909s,
squelchy acid tropes and magnetic deep tech elevation coalesce into a
volatile mix of escapist endeavour and big-room punch from hell. Bend
your mind.