Kicking off the year under the best auspices, here comes a threat of a
mix from German producer Vril. Known for his nostalgia-soaked strain of
big-room techno and impeccably textured audio trips, the Giegling and
Delsin stalwart lays down a proper magnetic hour-and-a-half of
floor-focussed dynamics, packing the very type of steel-clad punch and
vaporous atmospheres we enjoy so much here at RYC. A perfect start to
the new year, Vril’s ever minutely engineered mix of hot-tempered
grooves and deep cinematic immersion will have you both zoning out and
sweating off all that extra fat put on during the holiday, while setting
your sight onto the next revolution with the poise and heartiness to
achieve your goals in 2024 and beyond. Happy new year to you, RYC