In this episode, we have a conversation with author and religious studies scholar/professor Brad Onishi (who also is a co-host of the Straight White American Jesus podcast)! Brad talks about his upbringing in evangelical spaces in California, his journey from being a youth pastor to deconstructing to becoming a scholar on white Christian Nationalism, and also a little about his experiences in Paris (April gets excited whenever she has an excuse to talk to people about Paris).
You can find Brad on Instagram @bbonishi and Twitter @BradleyOnishi . Here is the link to purchase his book, Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism–And What Comes Next: You can listen to his podcast Straight White American Jesus on all podcast platforms and follow the pod’s Insta @straightwhitejc.
Other books mentioned in this episode:
“Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right” by Lisa McGirr
“From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism” by Darren Dochuk
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Our social media: @reclaimingthegarden on Insta, @RtGardenPodcast on Twitter, and Reclaiming the Garden on Facebook. Our personal accounts: @thatpunchabletheaternerd, @April_TheWriter (April is on Twitter and Insta). Also, our podcast account follows a bunch of awesome folks + podcasts in the exvangelical/deconstruction world and progressive Christian world, so if you’re looking for more resources, that’s a great place to start!