Tank Fires are Bad - Episode 82 - Reef Beef Podcast
In this episode we talk about Terence Fugazzi’s aquarium fire, Dr Sanjay Joshi drops in, why beefers are awesome, and Rich’s MACNA talk.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Saltwater Aquarium: https://tinyurl.com/RBSaltwaterAquarium
Saltwater Aquarium Wholesale: https://tinyurl.com/SWAWholesale
Saltwater Aquarium Octopus Controller Cabinet: https://tinyurl.com/SWAOctoController
PolypLab: https://www.polyplab.com/
Champion Lighting: https://www.championlighting.com/
Champion Lighting Wholesale: https://www.championlightingdealer.com/
RealReefing tank fire video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvM8PzNgD4E
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