Season 2 of Reel History starts today! We’re aiming to release episodes every other week so please subscribe, leave us a review and tweet your history puns at us @reel_history.
A Knight’s Tale from 2001 is a sport films about jousting and while it has a tenuous connection to any real history it serves as an excellent jumping off point for a discussion about knights, jousting, courtly romance and intrigue.
Did you know that Heath Ledger’s Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein was actually a real person? And while Paul Bettany’s depiction of Geoffrey Chaucer is a riot of WWE proportions, what connection is there really between this film and Chaucer’s “The Knight’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales? Answers to all this and more about feudal Europe can be found in our SEASON PREMIERE of SEASON 2 off Reel History!
Greatest Knight: The Remarkable Life of William Marshal, the Power
Behind Five English” by Thomas Asbridge
The post A Knight’s Tale (2001) | Feudal Europe (1372) first appeared on Shows What You Know.