Guti, Ismael, and Ron couldn't handle this much heat on their own so they had to bring in BOOM! from the Cinenauts and Films Hags podcasts to cover the 2021 musical In the Heights.
Listen to Cinenauts and Film Hags.
Follow us on social media:
BOOM! on Instagram: @boomsheekajones
BOOM! on Letterboxd: @boomsheekajones
Cinenauts on Instagram: @cinenauts
Film Hags on Instagram: @filmhags
Guti on Letterboxd: @cgreviews
Ismael on Letterboxd: @ivm
Reel Latinos on Threads: @reellatinos
Reel Latinos on X: @reellatinos
Ron on Letterboxd: @ronjimenez
Tono No Mata on SoundCloud: @tononomata