This weekend, moviegoers return to the world of Pandora after more than a decade since the original, record-setting “Avatar” was released. Our review of “Avatar: The Way Of Water” is spoiler free, but feel free to stick around for our spoiler-filled section if you managed to make it out to a theater and see it.
Also on this week’s show, we react to the official nominees for the Golden Globes which mark our first look at where the Awards season is headed.
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00:00:00 - Intro
00:03:34 - Golden Globe Nominations Reaction
00:27:51 - ‘Bardo: False Chronicle Of A Handful Of Truths’ Review
00:34:56 - More Awards Season Talk
00:38:20 - ‘Avatar: The Way Of Water’ Review
00:54:17 - Spoiler Talk: ‘Avatar: The Way Of Water’
01:02:03 - Our Favorite James Cameron Movie