Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill 3 & Jenny Slate’s The Sunlit Night
On this week's episode, author and screenwriter Rebecca Dinerstein Knight joins us to discus adapting her own novel for the screen, connecting with her film's star Jenny Slate on Twitter, adapting her next book "Hex" for TV and more.
Rosamund Pike stars as the pioneering scientist Marie Curie in the upcoming biopic Radioactive. The trailer dropped this week so we give our reactions to what looks like yet another Oscar-worthy performance from Pike.
It's looking like international markets might be ready for theaters to open well before the U.S., and that may mean major releases would open before domestic audiences have the chance. Also, interest in Kill Bill Vol. 3 has cropped up yet again, and so we discuss the potential of friend of the show Quentin Tarantino actually making the sequel.
And finally, our BlendGame this week celebrates the incredible career of Nicole Kidman! Next week, we are discussing our favorite films from the kinetic director Paul Greengrass. Send in your picks on social using #PaulGreengrassBlend.
This Week in Movies
7:19 - Weekly Poll: What did you stream this weekend?
11:24 - Rebecca Dinerstein Night Interview
31:00 - Radioactive Trailer Reaction
35:22 - Should Films Open Without the U.S. Market?
53:31 - Kill Bill Vol. 3
1:16:27 - This Week In Movies
1:22:07 - #NicoleKidmanBlend
1:32:04 - Listener Review
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