Robin Wright and Demián Bichir join the show to discuss their new film, and her directorial debut, Land. Land is a gorgeous, subtle film, and an impressive debut feature from Wright. They both have now in fact sat in the director’s chair on occasion, and so we discuss some of the lessons they took from directors while acting, and the major do’s and don’ts of the job. We also dig into the film’s gorgeous cinematography from Bobby Bukowski and why Robin chose to shoot an image much taller than your typical widescreen.
The Golden Globes happened! The guys give their reactions to this year’s unique telecast, and we discuss how the race to the Oscars is shaping up with this new stable of award winners. Also, Sean’s book “Release the Snyder Cut: The Crazy True Story Behind the Fight That Saved Zack Snyder's Justice League” is finally out. Jake and Kevin take some time to ask Sean about the surreal ride of writing and releasing an actual book, and the response to it so far.
Wesley Snipes has turned out iconic performance after iconic performance for decades, and in this week’s BlendGame we decide which of his is our favorite. Next week, we’re looking to the Fantasy genre with #FantasyMovieBlend. Send in your favorite Fantasy movie on Twitter using the hashtag, and we might just read it out on the show.
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Timestamps (approx. only)
3:40 - Weekly Poll
6:03 - Robin Wright & Demián Bichir Interview
28:20 - Sean’s Book Release
43:45 - Golden Globes Reactions
1:03:23 - This Week In Movies
1:20:58 - Wesley Snipes Favorites