Writer/Director John Lee Hancock joins the show to discuss his new film The Little Things starring Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto which hits select theaters and HBO Max this weekend. He discusses working with such talented actors, Steven Spielberg nearly signing on to direct and more.
Also on this week's show, we discuss the new Godzilla vs. Kong trailer, AMC raising money to last through the year, and AFI's top 10 movies of "2020." This launches us into a discussion on the Oscar race which is finally starting to heat up with the extended eligibility window nearing a close.
In celebration of his staggering career thus far, we take a look at Denzel Washington for this week's BlendGame. Next week, we're celebrating the tremendous work from composer Terence Blanchard. Let us know your favorite score of his on Twitter using #TerenceBlanchardBlend.
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Sean - @Sean_OConnell
Jake - @JakesTakes
Kevin - @KevinMcCarthyTV
Gabe - @gabeKovacs
We have all kinds of fun merch for dedicated Blenders to flaunt their fandom with pride. (cinemablend.com/shop)
2:15 - Weekly Poll
8:03 - John Lee Hancock Interview
36:27 - Godzilla vs Kong Trailer
44:44 - Harry Potter Series at HBO Max
53:00 - AMC Theaters Safe Through July
59:18 - AFI's Top 10
1:12:12 - This Week In Movies
1:28:32 - Denzel Washington BlendGame
1:36:59 - Outro