In Part 2, we move the conversation to discuss some points brought up in few academic articles, such as how rituals create a liminal space for connection with the invisible realm; the importance of exhibitions for providing spaces of encounter; the importance of religion or spirituality in the art space; what automatism is; and how art can respond to, or cope with, radical changes in the world.
Pádraic E. Moore -
Website: Padraic Moore page: Pádraic E. Moore | UCD Ireland -
Article "A Mystic Milieu: Johannes Itten and Mazdaznan at Bauhaus Weimar": A Mystic Milieu - Articles – bauhaus imaginista (
Twitter: Páḋraic E. Moore (@M0REM00REM0RE) / Twitter
Ewoud van Rijn -
Website: ewoud van rijn page: Ewoud van Rijn | KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague -
Article "Playing with the Other in the Beyond": (PDF) Playing with the Other in the Beyond | Ewoud van Rijn -
Instagram: Ewoud van Rijn (@ewoudvanrijn) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Garage Rotterdam, The Netherlands; "The Great Invocation" Exhibition: Catalogue | The Great Invocation (
Kurt Seligmann -
The Mirror of Magic (
Kurt Seligmann 1900-1962 : Leben und Werk. by Hauser, Stephan E.: Very Good Hardcover (1997) First edition. | Roe and Moore (
Paintings of Kurt Seligmann (
Essays by Grazina Subelyte in collected works -
"Kurt Seligmann, Surrealism, and the Occult" in- EBOOK: Surrealism Occultism And Politics Book PDF EPUB TUEBL MOBI (
"Spectrality and the Dance of Death in the Art of Kurt Seligmann" in - Black Mirror 2 – elsewhere – Fulgur Press
Info Grazina Subelyte: Grazina Subelyte - The Courtauld
Selected Articles and Books
"The Other Side" by Lars Bang Larsen: The Other Side by Lars Bang Larsen — fine print (
"Coming Forth by Night: Contemporary Art and the Occult" by Dr. Marco Pasi: (PDF) Coming Forth by Night. Contemporary art and the occult | Marco Pasi -
Suzi Gablik -
The Reenchantment of Art: Gablik, Suzi: 9780500276891: Books
Has Modernism Failed?: Suzi Gablik: 9780500284841: Books
Artists Mentioned in the Podcast -
Redfern Barrett, AA Bronson and Angus Cameron - Witches: Hunted, Appropriated, Empowered, Queered [Second Edition] - Printed Matter
Les Complices - Witches: hunted, appropriated, empowered, queered
Linda Stupart
chiara fumai
Other Reference Material -
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (
The Theosophical Enlightenment (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions): Godwin, Joscelyn: 9780791421529: Books
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea