My guest this month is Dell J. Rose. Dell is a cultural historian and current Ph.D. researcher at the University of Amsterdam’s HHP Center. He is also the recipient of the Swedenborg Doctoral Scholarship from the Swedenborg Society in the UK. Dell holds a Bachelor's degree, with majors in English, History, and Religion, and a Master's degree in Folk Studies. His current Ph.D project deals with Charles Augustus Tulk, the reception of Swedenborg’s ideas amongst 19th-century reforming societies, and the role that Swedenborgian ideas played in 19th-century political discourse. Dell has many academic interests which examine the interface between culture and esotericism including Christian theosophy, especially Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig and Jakob Böhme. Dell is also interested in Willem Bilderdijk studies, and the relationship between Romantic nationalism and esotericism. He has also worked on the Christian interpretation of Sabbateanism and Karaitism, and he has written on the philosophy of Franz von Baader. Other interests include work on the relationship between technology and esotericism, especially in the history of aviation and the airship.
This month's topic centers around Emanuel Swedenborg, who was, and still is, an extremely influential figure within the currents of esotericism. Dell Rose begins by giving a short introduction about Swedenborg, and then moves to discuss other aspects of Swedenborg's life and beliefs that led to his eventual 'revelations' about the nature of the spiritual world and free will.
Dell is particularly concerned with the cultural reception of Swedenborg, and he notes that Swedenborg's influence is varied, but overwhelming. This influence is seen in all forms of cultural life from the 19th century onward, in areas such as art, literature, poetry, and music; but also in the political sphere, including public planning, cooperative societies, and women's rights. Dell shares his own research into Charles Augustus Tulk, who was keen to implement Swedenborg's ideas onto social issues, as well as other figures who were also inspired by Swedenborgian thought.
Dell J. Rose: Research: Dell J. Rose - HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (
Dell Joseph Rose – Swedenborg Society
Selected works by Emanuel Swedenborg:
Arcana Coelestia volume 1 (
Heaven and Hell (
Swedenborg Foundation: Swedenborg Foundation - Explorations of spiritual love and wisdom inspired by Emanuel Swedenborg
Karl Herman Vetterling ('The Higher Buddhism in Swedenborg'): 5db21a82014ef811ec8a2232_Herman Vetterling.pdf (
Thomas Lake Harris (Swedenborg ideas eventually transmitted to Japan): American Communities and Co-Operative Colonies : Hinds, William Alfred : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Alfred Deakin (Australia): Alfred Deakin | National Museum of Australia (
Charles Augustus Tulk: Microsoft Word - lines_swedenborg.doc (
Swedenborg’s Influence – The Swedenborg Project
Charles Augustus Tulk 1786 - 1849 | Sue Young Histories
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea