It’s the second entry in Remember Shuffle’s “type of guy” series, and in this episode we are turning away from the meatspace hipster culture we discussed in the first entry and looking to the online world of atheism, bacon, and, of course, posting. The Shuffle Bois look at a particular kind of posting culture, the Epic Bacon Reddit Guy, a culture that flourished on Reddit (naturally).
They break down the Epic Bacon Reddit Guy’s sense of humour, analyze and trace their love of bacon, and deconstruct their political views and collective political actions, such as they were. They also discuss 2000s-era New Atheism, the pre-gamergate gender ideologies of Reddit, and realize that one of the last Epic Bacon Guy’s left on this earth is none other than the Poster in Chief of Twitter himself, Elon Musk.
Cold Open used is from College Humor.