Remember The Game? Retro Gaming Podcast
Massive thanks to Eddie of Flynn’s Arcade & More in Florida for swinging by the show and talking shop this week. Show him a little love!
Flynn's Arcade & More
5869 Margate Blvd Margate FL 33063
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Who among us hasn’t fantasized about owning an arcade cabinet or two at some point? What about an entire arcade?? This week I’m talking shop with the owner of Flynn’s Arcade in Margate, Florida.
We talked how he got started, where he gets his cabinets, how he maintains them, his favourite (and least favourite) cabinets, we got into the Billy Mitchell controversy, and so much more.
I know some of you have been asking me for more interview episodes, so I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!
And before we chase high scores, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro!
This week, someone asks me why/if I’m anti-RPG? I make a few WrestleMania predictions. And why don’t I have any gaming material in my comedy act??
Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 arcade heavyweights: NBA Jam, X-Men, and Street Fighter II.
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