Researching Peace – en podd från Uppsala universitet
Disarmament negotiator Alva Myrdal (1902-1986) was the focus in the Regina Theatre Philosophy Tea discussion on November 17, 2020 between Peter Wallensteen and Daniel Ogden and produced by Paul Kessel. Their discussion focuses on nuclear weapons, their impact on society (including Harry Martinsson’s Aniara) and the attempts to eliminate them. Alva Myrdal was the Swedish chief negotiator in the talks that were held in Geneva during the 1960s (following her position as Swedish Ambassador to India). Her book The Game of Disarmament was published in the 1970s and constitutes a classic in this particular field. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 together with Mexican ambassador Alfonso Garcia Robles (1911-1991) for their joint efforts to reach agreements on a nuclear weapons test ban and on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
The Philosophy Tea talks were held regularly at the Regina Theatre in Uppsala from 2014 to 2021. During these well attended events – where tea, scones and jam were served – Professor Peter Wallensteen and Guest Lecturer Daniel Ogden, both of Uppsala University, discussed thinkers who have contributed to our understanding of peace and justice. In all, 40 sessions were held, of which 31 are recorded. The session were also supported by Uppsala University as part of its outreach activities.