Researching Peace – en podd från Uppsala universitet
Welcome to Philosophy Tea at Regina Theatre. Scones, tea and interesting discussions led by Professor Peter Wallensteen and Foreign Lecturer Daniel Ogden.
"For peace is not mere absence of war, but is a virtue that springs from force of character”
Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise, 1670
Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was a very controversial Dutch philosopher. As a young man, he was expelled from the Jewish congregation of Amsterdam for his unconventional ideas on God and religion; views that he would later put forth in his Ethics, published only after his death in 1677. When his Theological-Political Treatise was published in 1670, critics called it, “a book forged in hell”. Our talk will examine Spinoza’s ideas on God, humanity and the world; and his radical proposals for a society based on peace; not war.
Philosophy Tea is supported by Uppsala University.
Audio technician: Mattias Hammarsten
Producer: Paul Kessel
This episode was recorded and edited at Reginateatern, which also served as the host venue for the event on 18 January 2017.
The Philosophy Tea talks were held regularly at the Regina Theatre in Uppsala from 2014 to 2021. During these well attended events – where tea, scones and jam were served – Professor Peter Wallensteen and Guest Lecturer Daniel Ogden, both of Uppsala University, discussed thinkers who have contributed to our understanding of peace and justice. In all, 40 sessions were held, of which 31 are recorded. The session were also supported by Uppsala University as part of its outreach activities.