This week, host Daniel Raimi talks with RFF senior fellow Margaret Walls. Along with coauthors Patrick Lee and Matthew Ashenfarb, Walls published a study last week on the economic impacts that result from the establishment of national monuments. The study looks at how the designation of a national monument affects businesses and employment in the surrounding area. While some have argued that monuments stifle economic activity by making land off-limits to extractive activities like oil and gas drilling, others argue that national monuments generate growth in other industries, such as tourism. In their new study, Walls and colleagues provide answers.
References and recommendations:
"National monuments and economic growth in the American West" by Margaret Walls, Patrick Lee, and Matthew Ashenfarb;
"Cadillac Desert" by Marc Reisner;
"The Source" by Martin Doyle;
"Nuclear explained: Where our uranium comes from" by the US Energy Information Administration;