The movie business is having a blockbuster summer, with restaurants enjoying tie-ins with such certifiable hits as “Barbie” and “Super Mario Bros.” But marketing collaborations haven’t been the only ways the film and restaurant industries have fed off one another, as this week’s Restaurant Rewind podcast attests.
The two have been intertwined likely from the first time a director yelled “Action!” Along with TV, movies have used restaurants as the settings for everything from gangland shootouts to the star turn of a culinarily gifted rat. The places may not always be identified by their real names, but they’re no strangers to bright lights and rolling cameras.
Add in the tendency of stars from one field to branch into the other, and you have a symbiotic relationship that delights the public. And the interconnections may run deeper than even film buffs realize, as this week’s episode notes.
Download it for an entertaining late-summer look at the connection. At the very least, you’ll elevate your knowledge of entertainment trivia along with your cocktail banter.
You’ll find Restaurant Rewind from wherever you usually get your podcasts.