We're not necessarily saying it's prophetic or anything, but when popular media gives us the likes of pro-wrestler-turned-mayor Mike Haggar, pro-wrestler-turned-governor Jesse Ventura, and pro-wrestler-turned-president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho we just kinda feel like maybe it's saying something. Does our special guest, Phil of the Deleted Saves Podcast, agree with our wrestling-to-politics pipeline theory? Find out!
Today's Guest Information
Name: Phil Morgan
Bio: Gaming for over 40 years. Created a short form podcast to talk about the games that stayed with me long after their time had passed.
Twitter/X: @deletedsaves on X
Instagram: @deleted_saves_podcast on Instagram
Website: Phil's Website
Music Attributions
Intro / outro excerpts from Stream by 505, used under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
Mentioned in this episode:
Get You Some Tasty Caffeine!
As a rule, we don't promote anything on the show that we can't personally vouch for. Bones Coffee has become a staple in both our households; in fact, it's the only coffee Shane drinks at home. With so many flavor-infused options, all with no added sugars or calories, there's bound to be something to pique your interest. Grab a sample pack today and taste what you've been missing!
Shoutout to Our Patrons!
Retro Hangover is supported by you, the listeners. We would especially like to thank the following Patrons for donating at the 8-bit tier and above: Lyle McKarns, Tony G, Tom the Superhero, Studstill Smash (The Milkman), Raging Demon, MaskedKeaton, Lucas (Game Over Hell), Ozzy Garcia, JC, Meagan Caruso, Rick Firestone, Dave Jackson, Jenny E., Retro Overdrive, Soha, The Emperor, Storm Beagle, Matt (AKA Stormageddon), B. Ross & Vanfernal (Super Garbage Day), Randall Quiggle, Keith Gasper, The Retro Vixen, Eric Gess, Nomad (Retro Wildlands), Ashevent, Alan Bingham, MikeTheRef (Backbreaker Gaming), RyanPlayerOne, Alt, Low Five Alex, ReynardDreaming, Ohmi, Makeshift Money, and SegaBoy7. If you'd like your name mentioned here, or would simply like to support the show, consider becoming a Patron today!