Old pals Dick York, from Cryssis and Photographer David Apps, meet up with Steve from Retro Man Blog to chat about their careers. Dick will be appearing at the Retro Man Blog gig with TV Smith at The Railway in Southend-on-Sea on June 22nd, along with Andy J Gallagher and Roman Jugg of The Damned. He talks to Steve about his early days in Sta-Prest and resurrecting his band as Cryssis with Vom Ritchie (Dr & The Medics, Die Toten Hosen) after over 20 years. Then David Apps chats about his excellent "East London Photography" book, which charts the changes around the area of the new Olympics site. Copies of the book will be on sale at The Railway gig. David also talks about his artwork and how he ended up playing in a band with a founder member of the Sex Pistols..!
Check out more information on Dick York at www.cryssis.de David Apps at www.artificialdesigns.co.uk and even more at www.retromanblog.com