Rev. Johnson V | Bethel AG Church
God’s word series: "Born Again" The principle of being born again is still a question and lacks precision for many people due to the gap in their knowledge of God's word. In this sermon, Rev. Johnson exhibits a truthful insight from the word of God on why being born again is so important, drawing on the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. He highlights the connection between eternal life and the kingdom of God, the differences between rebirth and being born again, the origin of sin, identifying the real God, and the steps to being born again. John 3:7 "Do not marvel at what I said to you; you must be born again." Hear and be blessed! February is the month of God's Word! Acts 19:20: "So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." If New Here, We Welcome You And Are Also Glad You Are Here. Subscribe and Click The Bell Icon To Receive Notifications and Stay Motivated during the Week. To Receive Our WhatsApp Broadcast Messages Click On The Link Below : Link of Our Previous Sunday Service YOUTUBE FOLLOW US! Website: Twitter: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Download TOG APP on Google Play Store: Apple App Store: