The environment has many elements in it, and every element, in some way or the other, affects us. Either for the good or the bad. Some we realize, some we don't. One such illustration is the saltiness we feel on our skin when we are close to the beach. And it is not just the environment but also the surroundings that affect us in some way or another. The political situation, the economic situation, the friend circle we have, the kind of entertainment we allow and many more. Staying clean is essential. Some filth is avoidable, while some are unavoidable. But cleansing is crucial, and the only thing that can keep us clean is the blood of Jesus, the filling of the Holy Spirit. In this podcast, Rev. Johnson uses scriptures to help us see sin's filth and the blood's cleansing power.
Reverend. Johnson is a renowned speaker, motivator, influencer and leadership guru who firmly believes that you can live a "Blessed life" right here right now by applying the principles of God's Word.
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