Our God is a good God. He is a faithful God. Our God keeps his promise. If God is taking you through a journey, He will complete the journey for you. He will never leave you halfway. If God is with you, nothing and no one can stand against you. His rod and His staff will comfort you. He will lead you along the right path and make you lie down in green pastures. Joshua loved to spend time with God. He loved waiting on God. He had heard the promises of God, and though He did not see them immediately, Joshua believed them and prepared for God’s promises to be fulfilled.
In this podcast, Rev. Johnson walks us through the life of Joshua and shows us how Joshua made himself available to God and what God did through him. We will learn how we need to prepare as we wait to see God’s promises being fulfilled and how our preparation and waiting can lead to greater victories.
Reverend. Johnson is a renowned speaker, motivator, influencer and leadership guru who firmly believes that you can live a "Blessed life" right here right now by applying the principles of God's Word.
To learn more, visit our website bethelag.in or call 080-67537777