Angels that fell from heaven came to earth to cause evil and issue injustice upon humanity. The roots of much evil in the world comes from these created beings— fallen angels[1]. But do these angels still have an influence on us today?
In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, we continue our interview with Chasity Jameson on the origins of evil and how the fallen angels continue to spread their demonic ways on our world today. She explains the different types of angels such as the Nephilim, Giants, the Watchers and the Divine Council and explains the motivations of the dark forces that plague humanity.
If you’d like to learn to battle the influence of fallen angels in the modern day, this episode is for you.
Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:
- Discover what motivates the forces of darkness to continue to bring evil and ancient technology into the world.
- Learn the contexts behind the stories in the Bible and the book of Enoch.
- Interpret modern-day signs of evil and how the fallen angels push their influences on humanity.
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Episode Highlights
[01:09] More Than Children's Stories
- Many Bible elements have become kids' stories, leaving many people searching for the origins behind them.
- The Bible says that there were giants, and that Jesus cast out demons — but where did these evil things come from?
- Chasity claims that the Church is sleeping on these histories.
- Some of these origins can get lost in translation, so it's important to learn the contexts of the Scripture.
[07:27] Reagan: “We do not understand the things that the early church fathers understood, and that Jesus was trying to tell us.”
[10:29] On the Origins of Angels
- Chasity talks about sons of God in the Old Testament and New Testament and who they were.
- Other contexts indicate that what we think are "angels" are actually "watchers" — entities meant to watch over humanity.
- The Nephilim are giants in some translations, but in others, they're the fallen angels.
[16:08] The Days of Noah
- Some translations indicate that Noah was "pure", as in not evil.
- However, other sources show that Noah's purity was genetic purity — as his line was unmodified.
- There was supposedly an incursion on Earth 500 years before the Flood that tampered with human genes and corrupted the planet.
- Chasity thinks that we're re-approaching the level of wickedness that necessitated the Great Flood.
- The signs of Christ's coming will be in the sun, moon, and stars, and it will be as it was in the days of Noah.
[22:12] The Motivations of Darkness
- The fallen angels, according to the Book of Enoch, will receive no justice and no mercy.
- Since they will receive no mercy at the hands of God, they seek to make us sin as well.
- After being cast out of Heaven, the fallen also sinned against humanity — so we will be their judges.
[23:19] Chasity: “These angelic principalities that transgressed as we're told in Jude, they transgressed the their first estate, their estate in heaven, and they came here, and they issued injustice upon humanity.”
[25:44] Ancient Technology in the Modern World
- Only one faction of angels came down to lust for human women. Another faction supposedly taught witchcraft and sorcery.
- Cush, son of Ham, found a stone tablet that contained the knowledge of the fallen angels.
- Chasity thinks that the modern-day medicine we use to cure illnesses comes from fallen angels.
[32:31] Why We Need to Know
- The words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" were also said by David in the Psalms.
- David was at the base of Mount Hermon, surrounded by bulls — but these bulls were not animals, but demons.
- Accessing dark knowledge gives evil entities a foothold in your soul, and the souls of your children through generational curses.
[37:33] On This Rock I Will Build My Church
- The rock that Jesus is talking about is Mount Hermon — the place where the fallen angels came to Earth.
- Chasity says that the name of the Greek god Pan is a corruption of the Hebrew name "Dan".
- Dan was cursed by Moses — and a representation of Dan is believed to be the Antichrist.
- Jesus' proclamation is made even more powerful when you realize that he was practically at the source point of evil on Earth.
[41:54] Clinging to God
- Chasity acknowledges that taking in this knowledge can be exhausting.
- She thinks that God has given her the supernatural strength to continue her podcast and research without tiring.
[43:43] Chasity: “There's so much division happening right now with politics, with religion, with nations with race, with gender, all these different topics that are happening right now where we are being divided, and conquered on all fronts.”
- We need to understand that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but evil itself.
About Chasity
Chasity is the owner and host of the Ancient Conspiracies podcast, where she goes over the connections between history, Biblical text, and extra-Biblical writing to uncover knowledge about the world that most may not know exists.
Join her to seek the truth on her website.
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kw: fallen angels
meta: Fallen angels are long gone from the Earth, but their influences are still visible — plain as day. In this episode of the Revelation Podcast, we continue our interview with Chasity Jameson on the origins of evil and how the fallen angels continue to spread their influence on our world today.
If you’d like to learn to battle the influence of fallen angels in the modern day, this episode is for you.