Many people have found hope, love, peace, and forgiveness in Jesus. It is His light that guides us through the darkness in our lives. However, there are still many out there who haven’t come to have faith in God and Jesus. Despite this, Jesus has not forgotten them. As His believers, we have the opportunity to share with others the truth we found in Christ.
In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, JoAnn Doyle joins us to discuss sharing Christ in the Middle East. JoAnn imparts inspiring stories of women who found faith in Christ and sought to share His light with the people around them.
Join us to learn how we can bravely share the truth, even with those who seem so distant. Listen to this episode just for you!
Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:
- Open your hearts to Muslims as you hear their struggles and stories.
- Be inspired to have faith in God and the truth of His Word..
- Learn how you, as a missionary, can bring Christ into the lives of those around you.
Episode Highlights
[06:25] JoAnn’s Journey
- JoAnn was a quiet and shy child who grew up not knowing Jesus.
- She first heard the gospel at 16 after struggling with terrifying and evil dreams.
- JoAnn married Tom when she was 20. Together, God has taken them around the world to share the love of Christ.
JoAnn: “He is the only one where we can come out of that darkness and into His glorious light. He can take a shy girl, a broken girl, and make her whole. That is what so many Muslim women feel. That they’re back in the darkness, they’re stuck in the shadows, they’re broken, they have no voice. But they come to faith in Christ and he gives them a whole new paradigm shift.”
[08:49] How JoAnn Found Jesus Christ
- In the past, JoAnn felt an emptiness, praying to God to help her fill it. Afterward, she experienced multiple scary dreams.
- She learned of the gospel through a friend and accepted Jesus. From there, she came to have faith in God. Jesus became a light in the darkness.
- Many Muslims are battling demonic forces. Similarly, she realized her dreams were spiritual warfare. Through Christ, they can break free of their hold.
[12:35] Their Calling to the Middle East
- Tom was a pastor before he was invited to lead bible tours in Israel. They heeded the call to work in the Middle East.
- The tragedy of 9/11 gave them the opportunity to reach out to struggling Muslims.
- Many Muslims experienced dreams and visions of Jesus. It is through these visions that they come to know Him as the Savior.
- Unfortunately, the Word of God is not prevalent in the Middle East. Illiteracy, access, and fear stop many Muslims from getting to know Christ.
JoAnn: “He pursued each one of us so that we could have not only eternal life in the afterlife after we take our last breath here. But that we could have an abundant life with Him right now, here on Earth.”
[17:30] Going Into the Uncharted
- They answered God’s call to go into places difficult to reach. They built churches and stood by the persecuted.
- Uncharted is the umbrella ministry, while Not Forgotten is the women’s division.
- One day, JoAnn had a vision of Jesus calling her to reach out to Muslim women. These women’s stories showed her the evils they’ve endured.
- One of the Muslim women she was talking to kept turning her head to the side. She learned it was because her husband had made her deaf in one ear.
- These women are not forgotten by God, nor are they forgotten by JoAnn. She hopes to share with them the light of Jesus.
[23:07] Life in the Middle East
- Life is especially difficult for women.
- At a young age, girls are taught that their fathers do not love them. Women do not have a voice and are often abused.
- In their culture, honor and shame affect their whole life and community.
- God has called women to be spiritual influences in their families. When these women come to have faith in God and Jesus, they can share the truth with their families.
[30:25] About Muslims
- Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet rather than the Son of God. They don’t believe that He was resurrected after death.
- Their god, Allah, is not a god of love and forgiveness. Their laws don’t include love, kindness, forgiveness, and others.
- Most Muslims have not read the Koran. Mostly, they learn about it during prayer.
- Practices and beliefs often differ depending on the country and the conservativeness of the family.
[32:40] Leila’s Story: Coming to Have Faith in God
- The stories in Women Who Risk are of real, ordinary women who experienced the extraordinary through God.
- Leila, one of the women JoAnn met, experienced abuse at the hands of the men in her family.
- Her family sought refuge in Syria, where she received an invitation to a Christian church. There, she experienced worship that brought her warmth and hope.
- Leila told the truth about how she felt and her difficulties as a Muslim woman.
- Many women experience feeling safety, peace, love, and wholeness in Jesus Christ.
Reagan: “You can just ask Him, ‘Jesus, I want to stop going my own way. I’m not satisfied with my life. I want You to be the Lord of my life. And forgive me for my sins and not following You. It’s time for me to follow You and be obedient to Your calling.’’”
[44:49] Kady and Amina’s Story of Learning to Have Faith in God
- Kady was a religious Muslim who dreamed about Jesus. After her prayers were answered, Kady came to have faith in God
- She shares her experience with Amina and encouraged her to pray. That night, Jesus answers Amina’s prayers.
- Together they attend an underground bible study that strengthened their faith.
- Despite the consequences of believing in Christ, they face the risk and share the gospel with others.
[55:02] Bravely Sharing the Truth of Christ
- Many people lived desperate lives before meeting God. Now, they have a holy boldness that allows them to share their joy and hope with others.
- Many former Muslims become full of holy boldness through their transformation in Christ.
- The Holy Spirit works in our lives when we share the truth without shame. Hope and truth are the armor that God gives us.
JoAnn: “It’s a beautiful combination. Not being ashamed of the gospel, knowing that it’s the power unto salvation, and then doing it in a way that’s kind and loving. How do you say no to that?”
[59:24] Your Prayers Can Help
- The COVID pandemic has prevented JoAnn and Tim from visiting the Middle East. Fortunately, Israel has opened their borders once again.
- You can pray for many divine opportunities to share the gospel.
- In the past, people used to pray for missionaries to reach difficult areas. Now, we are all missionaries, called to share the hope within us.
- When you see a Muslim woman, show them you see them. Don’t be afraid to share with her that she is loved.
- Take the opportunity to develop a friendship with her. This way, you can bring Jesus into their lives.
About JoAnn
JoAnn Doyle is the president and founder of the Not Forgotten division of the Uncharted Ministries. Together with her husband, Tom, they answer God’s call to work full time in the Middle East. JoAnn opened her heart to the women of the Middle East. She founded The Not Forgotten Ministry, where their team reaches out to all women, especially Muslims.
JoAnn co-authored multiple books with Tom, including Breakthrough - The Return of Hope to the Middle East and Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World. She continues to inspire women to reach out to Muslim women all around the world.
Connect and get to know JoAnn on Uncharted Ministries.
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kw: to have faith in God
meta: Learn to bravely share God's truth as JoAnn imparts inspiring stories of women who came to have faith in God and sought to share His light.