In this exciting installment of Rewildology's "Conservation Chronicles: Stories from the field" series, host Brooke sits down with Mariella Superina, DVM, PhD, a renowned armadillo researcher, to explore her most memorable experiences in wildlife conservation. The episode promises a thrilling journey through Mariella's unexpected adventures, including confrontations with poachers in remote deserts, late-night animal rescues, and heartwarming interactions with local communities. You can expect to hear about Mariella's unconventional experiences, such as raising an armadillo colony in her backyard and witnessing an unlikely bond between her dog and a rescued armadillo. The conversation also touches on updates to Mariella's work since her last appearance on the show, providing a mix of personal anecdotes and professional insights into the world of armadillo research and conservation.
Read full show notes at the website. Recording gear provided by Focusrite.
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