270 avsnitt • Längd: 25 min • Månadsvis
A podcast for moms. Join us as we explore how the ancient scriptures apply to modern motherhood and provide the framework for finding answers to your specific questions. As part of the greater Risen Motherhood ministry, in-depth, topical mini-series are released periodically.
The podcast Risen Motherhood is created by Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
When we’re organizing the family calendar, packing lunches, or making a snack for our toddler, it can be tempting to feel as though no one sees our work as moms—but here’s the thing: God does see. God cares! Loving our children and faithfully tending to the tasks in front of us is a way we live a life of worship and make a Kingdom impact. In this episode, Emily and Laura unpack the phrase “every moment matters”—not because we’re expected to be perfect in every moment, but because no act of love and service is ever wasted. When we recognize that seemingly unspiritual, everyday things can be a chance to enjoy God and point others to his love, we can live for him in moments big and small.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors.
Learn more about our newest book, A Million Tiny Moments, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
Anytime you produce something public, you open yourself up to criticism—and Risen Motherhood was no different. Over the years, we received feedback of all kinds: encouraging, loving, constructively critical, and at times, hurtful. Maybe you’ve experienced the same in your own ministry work, or simply in everyday life. In this episode, Emily and Laura unpack some of these critiques and share their hearts for why they did or didn’t make certain decisions throughout the life of the ministry. Honestly, R|M wasn’t for everyone. But the gospel is for everyone, and we’re so grateful for the ways the Lord used us to bring the hope of Christ to so many moms. To him be the glory!
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors.
Learn more about our newest book, A Million Tiny Moments, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
We know these moments come rarely: when a season of life has such a clean end that you get the opportunity to stop and reflect on all that God has done. As we had a chance to serve in this capacity over the years, we were also deeply changed. Even though we haven't shared all the details publicly, trying to faithfully deliver quality content, lead a team, and navigate the online world with grace shaped us tremendously. God has worked through his Word on our hearts too, and today we want to take some time to share a bit about those lessons we've learned. No matter the season God has placed you in, he's growing you. We hope this episode encourages you to reflect on the ways God is teaching you to align your heart to his.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors.
Learn more about our newest book, A Million Tiny Moments, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
You know that simple, encouraging text that comes through at just the right time, or that run-in with a dear friend that lifts your spirits, even if you only had five minutes to chat? That’s what we hope this episode is for you today, mom. If you’re feeling worn down, exhausted (that’s all of us, right?), or wondering if God is working where he’s placed you right now, we hope these entries from Emily and Laura’s newest book, “A Million Tiny Moments,” remind you that God‘s working in your everyday moments—even when it doesn’t feel like it. (Psst! They also share some fun behind-the-scenes about their seasons of life when they wrote these! You don’t want to miss this one.)
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors.
Learn more about our newest book, A Million Tiny Moments, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
So let’s just say we reach a point where we’re pros at this gospel + motherhood thing… what do we do if it all starts to feel a little stale? As believers living in a fallen world, we know that the process of sanctification is often challenging—which is why we need more than just a framework or a system to keep us going; we need the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Emily and Laura share what they’ve learned personally through the ups and downs of pursuing gospel motherhood, encouraging us to keep coming back to the Lord time and again. Take heart, friend: our God is gracious and he will not allow you to be snatched from his hand (John 10:28). We can trust that even in seasons when we don’t see the fruit of our efforts, the Spirit is still at work.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
We’ve spent a lot of time in this series looking at how gospel motherhood brings freedom—so what do we do when our freedom feels in conflict with another mom’s preferences? (Oof. Tricky, right?) In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how we can honor moms who think differently than we do by asking questions while holding to our own convictions, being charitable, treating others the way we want to be treated, and prayerfully trusting the work of God in another mom’s life. Loving one another well often requires patience and sacrifice, but by God’s grace, we can learn to love other moms while standing unified around the most essential gospel truths.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
Many of us know it from memory: “the heart is deceitful above all else” (Jer. 17:9). So in a world that shouts we should “follow our heart,” what does it look like to be in the world—acknowledging our human interests and passions—while not being of the world, pursuing these things at all costs? In this episode, Emily and Laura share a few examples and questions we can consider when evaluating our heart motivation behind decisions big and small. The application will look different for all of us, and that’s the beauty of it! God has wired each of us differently, and he knows our hearts inside and out. In the words of the psalmist, “no good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Ps. 84:11). Will you trust him with it, friend?
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
You know that feeling—when your shoulders tighten or your stomach turns—where something you’re doing just doesn’t feel quite right. That’s often your personal conscience, and we know firsthand how challenging it can be to discern your conscience vs. conviction from the Holy Spirit. The encouraging news? God has given us both for our good! In this episode, Emily and Laura share some questions we can consider as we evaluate the decisions and beliefs we hold most tightly to in motherhood, as well as where we can extend grace to the moms who do it differently. With God’s Word as our anchor, all of us moms have freedom to make different choices and still pursue a gospel motherhood.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
Take a quick look around—see anyone that has your exact life? Same, friend. And yet, how often do we feel the pressure to do things exactly the way another mom does them? As believers, we know God made us uniquely in his image… so how does this play out in our lives as moms? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how our differing seasons and life circumstances not only free us to pursue God’s design for our motherhood, but also serve as the setting for his work in our lives. May this reminder free you to plant your feet firmly in the life God has given you, trusting his path forward for you and your family.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
For most of us, the idea of spiritual disciplines isn’t new: we know as moms pursuing Christ, it’s important to be in God’s Word, pray, and enjoy godly community. But… we also know it’s easier said than done. How do we find time between packing lunches and keeping everyone’s schedules straight to pursue spiritual habits and disciplines? In this episode, Emily and Laura give us a fresh take on what it means to evaluate our individual needs as moms, and how this frees us to look at spiritual growth differently than many of us have before. By God’s grace, these practices will become less of a checkbox and more of a can’t-miss as we move forward in faith.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
You’ve likely heard “the gospel” before, maybe more times that you can count—but no matter how often we walk through the pattern of Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation, we’re still in awe of the way this lens helps us see our motherhood (and all of life, really!) so much more clearly. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through the gospel framework, providing questions and Scripture along the way for you to apply to your own motherhood. Let this news bring hope to your weary heart today, mom: the Bible really does provide the answers to your modern motherhood questions.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
Think fast: when you first became a mom, what expectations did you have? Chances are that many of us planned to be a certain type of mom, intentional or not: the crunchy mom, the do-it-all mom, the ‘little bit of everything’ mom, and so on. But it doesn’t take long in motherhood to realize that our ideal doesn’t always match our life circumstances: that’s why in this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the freedom of gospel motherhood. Inspired by their new book, Gospel Mom, they share three truths we find for motherhood in Scripture and the everlasting hope they bring. Let’s break free of the labels and find our true identity in Christ.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Learn more about our new book, Gospel Mom, and find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
The R|M community never disappoints when it comes to submitting questions for our AUA shows! Here we go again, friends—in this one-hour conversation, Emily and Laura take to the mic to answer your questions. From what they’d tell themselves in the little years to how to find your personal style, sharing favorite recipes and their latest thoughts on aging, this is one you don’t want to miss. As you listen, we hope you don’t feel pressure to do life just like them, but that you see the beauty of the ways the gospel meets us in every season of motherhood.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
In this special bonus episode, Emily and Laura take to the mic to share a big announcement about what’s ahead for the ministry of Risen Motherhood and why year ten will be its last. Consider it the next-best-thing to a living room coffee date as a community of moms. You’ll hear them share their hearts and walk through this tender topic together.
Find all the R|M Sunset information here.
We’ve spent the past nine weeks talking about all of the ways we can pursue God’s design for us as women, but here’s what it really boils down to: mom, do you know how loved, how cherished, how valued you are by your Creator? Do you believe you’re made for more than eating PB&J leftovers at the sink and skipping a shower for days on end? (Ask us how we know!) In this final episode of the Whole mini-series, Emily and Laura remind us that we have dignity and value—not because we claim it for ourselves, but because we bear the very image of God. Even in the busyness of motherhood, we can live as women who are loved by God, redeemed in Christ, and have an important mission in his kingdom. What would it look like to honor his fullness of love for you today?
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to the Christian life: forgiveness. It’s hard, right?! But as we see with every command God gives us, the act of forgiveness is for our own good and flourishing. Many of us have seen how unforgiveness doesn’t stay contained; it seeps out until it permeates a lot of areas of our lives, including motherhood. That’s why Emily and Laura spend this show taking a hard look at forgiveness: what it is, what it isn’t, and why it matters. In this world, we will have trouble—but our Redeemer has overcome it all. In him, we find the power and freedom to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
*Note: We know this is a broad topic and understand we couldn’t possibly cover all of the intricacies and experiences at play for you personally. Our hope for this show is to provide you with a few thought-starters and Scripture references to understand forgiveness, but if needed we encourage you to reach out to a trusted friend, pastor, or counselor to speak into your personal situation and circumstances as you work through forgiveness in your own relationships.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
Mom, when’s the last time you had FUN? For so many good reasons, our tendency as moms can be to stay behind the scenes and keep the trains running on time. We know this is a big responsibility, and we go all-in on taking it seriously. But what if we let our hair down a bit, and experienced the joy of a motherhood rooted in Christ? In this show, Emily and Laura remind us that as whole women of God, we can experience joy, laughter, thrills, and fun—knowing that in Christ, we’re not as fragile as we may feel. When we set our fears down and remind ourselves that God—not mom—is our family’s refuge, strength, and protector, the goodness that awaits on the other side may just take us (and our kiddos) by surprise.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
We know that meaningful friendships require time and investment… so what do we do as moms when we have so little of these things to spare?! Or what if we have a great mom-to-mom friendship, but our kids struggle to get along or our lives are starting to look totally different from one another? In this episode, Emily and Laura go DEEP on the joy and hardship of maintaining solid friendships throughout various seasons of motherhood. From how to handle it when a friendship falters to what to consider as you’re pursuing God-glorifying relationships, this show is a can’t-miss if you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head at how to love others well despite your limited capacity. God designed us for flourishing, sanctifying friendships, so let’s be willing to think about this area of our lives intentionally and honor him as we do.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
It doesn’t take long for our heads to start spinning when we think about how creative God is: a sea of textures and colors, a sunset bursting in shades of light, a cool night sky speckled with stars… we could go on and on. As image-bearers, we too are wired with an ability to create—even if it feels we lack the time, talent, or desire to do so. In this episode, Emily and Laura look at the many ways creativity can come to life in motherhood, as well as a few practical ways we can make space to create, even if you don’t necessarily think of yourself as “creative.” Let us set our minds on what is true, pure, and lovely (Phil. 4:8)—and revel in the work of our Creator with every step.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
That to-do list is already overwhelming, so are we *really* about to suggest you read more books… on a motherhood podcast?! Yes, and no. Here’s the thing: we serve a God who communicates to us through story in his Word. We were MADE to feel the beat of creation-fall-redemption-consummation in every narrative we become immersed in, and as we pursue quality literature and fill our minds with redemptive stories, we may just learn more about ourselves and how to love others along the way. In this episode, Emily and Laura don’t just lay out the ‘why’ for reading good books and consuming quality media, but the ‘how’ to do it, even when mom life is crazy busy. By God’s grace, every good, true, and beautiful story will draw us back to him, our perfect Storyteller.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
Have you ever closed the back cover of a children’s book and found yourself impacted by its message… even if your kids seem unfazed? It’s the power of story at play, and we can learn a lot from it as we seek to teach our kids complex concepts that play out in so many little moments of life. In this special bonus episode, Emily chats with Laura on the ways we can use narrative to teach our children more about God’s design, and how this came to life in Laura’s latest children’s book, A World Wonder. (Side note: if you’re on the hunt for all kinds of book recs for your kids, this show is a must-listen!) God himself is truth, which means we have the joy of finding more of him even within the pages of seemingly simple children’s books.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
Can you imagine if we had a tally of all the things we’ve learned since becoming moms?! The trending baby gear, feeding strategies, discipline tactics, and so on—we’ve likely all absorbed more info than we ever planned in motherhood. So when it comes to learning and growing—to pursuing the Lord with all of our mind—how do we make room for it? In this episode, Emily and Laura help us navigate an info-at-our-fingertips world by giving us guideposts and questions to consider as we pursue knowledge. Lord willing, our curiosity will not only model the beauty of lifelong learning for our children, but will draw us closer to the Wellspring of all knowledge and truth himself.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
You know the moments. They may not feel like they come often in the mundane moments of mom life, but many of us have been there: when the sight before you takes your breath away; when God’s creation makes your heart swell; when a song brings tears to your eyes. Down to the way he made our neurons to fire and our hearts to beat faster when captivated by pure beauty, we see that God designed us to experience awe. In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into how awe grows us as women of God, along with practical ways we can step back and reflect in awe, even in the busyness of caring for our children. By God’s grace, we can find ourselves in awe over the simplest of things he’s given us right here, right now.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
Was there a moment you realized motherhood had changed you? Or did it happen steadily, gradually, until one day you realized: I’m not who I was. For many of us, we can agree that motherhood rightfully requires much of us—but as the seasons of motherhood change, how do we hold our role as ‘mom’ alongside the whole woman God designed us to be? In this episode, Emily and Laura kick off a new mini-series with a look at Scripture to see how we lay down our lives for Christ and flourish as whole women of God. We’re going beyond the bounds of motherhood in this series, but here’s the beauty: as we embrace God’s design for us and give our lives wholly in allegiance to him, we will find ourselves growing in motherhood, too. Whether you’re brand-new to being a mom and it feels all-consuming or you’re in a season where you have time and capacity to cultivate other interests, there’s refuge in our Maker, who sees you, loves you, and is making you new.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Whole series here.
So we’ve spent several weeks now dialing in on different areas of weakness and how Christ meets us in it all—as we set our eyes on him, what does it really look like in the day-to-day as moms to trust his design for us and accept our God-given limits? In this final show of the Abundance mini-series, Emily and Laura take to the mic to discuss limitations they’ve felt in their own lives, and practical questions to help us draw near to Christ in the everyday strains of weakness in motherhood. They also share more info on their newest book, Gospel Mom, releasing in 2024! Until we’re back in your earbuds again, let us leave you with this: we are weak, dear mom, but he is strong.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (6 Prayers for When You Feel Weak in Motherhood), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abundance series here.
Here’s something you won’t hear too often around social media, but we’ll say it because we love you: mom, you are NOT enough. And that’s a good thing! As moms, we feel the tug-and-pull of wading through mundane moments alongside the high calling and immense privilege of raising children God has given us. If you’ve ever wondered how you’re supposed to “do it all” in motherhood, this show is for you. In it, Emily chats with writer and Bible teacher, Amy Gannett, on what Scripture says about Christ’s loving sufficiency in all things. Take a deep breath, mom: for everything you lack today, Jesus stands before you and fills in the gap. If he didn’t abandon you at the cross, why would he now?
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (6 Prayers for When You Feel Weak in Motherhood), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abundance series here.
In so many moments throughout the day, little hands and hearts demand our time and attention, but we can’t meet everyone’s needs. With the flutter of noise, we grow impatient, our fuse is cut short. But it’s not just these moments that try our long-suffering. Maybe it looks like wading through deep sorrow as you walk through suffering that won’t let up. Maybe you’re growing tired, because you expected your season of life to look different by now, but God still has you in the same place. If patience is a fruit of the Spirit dwelling in us (Gal. 5:22-23), why does it feel so hard to actually be patient? In this episode, Emily chats with her dear friend, Maryanne Challies Helms, on seeing the ways God is training us in patience through our everyday moments as moms. Be encouraged: whatever trial you’re facing today, God has planned it for your growth and his glory—he will not leave you to fight this battle alone.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (6 Prayers for When You Feel Weak in Motherhood), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abundance series here.
Each day is filled with decisions and we’re anxious to make the right ones. We live in a world where information is right at our fingertips—but as moms, we need something deeper and never-changing. Even when knowledge is helpful, no amount of Internet searching will ultimately give us God’s direction for our family. For that, we need godly wisdom—so where do we find it? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Glenna Marshall, on how we can seek wisdom from the Lord through Scripture, prayer, and wise counsel. While we don’t get a personalized playbook for the life before us, God in his gracious provision gives us what we need through his Word. When we seek wisdom from the One who knows all and sees all, he provides more than we could ever dream to ask.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (6 Prayers for When You Feel Weak in Motherhood), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abundance series here.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep all of the plates spinning? Never missing a school activity, always having the kitchen clean and ready, and even having time to sprinkle in a little self-care . . . and yet, many of us feel our to-do list getting longer by the minute. But what if God actually gives us limits for our good? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Gretchen Saffles, about her own postpartum journey where she experienced discouragement as she saw limitations on her time and capacity. Gretchen also gives some great practical tips for evaluating our priorities and getting into God’s Word, even when you’re busy. Let this Scripture-packed show remind you: there’s only One who can do it all, and he beckons you to rest in him today.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (6 Prayers for When You Feel Weak in Motherhood), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abundance series here.
We love a good mom hack, but we’ve yet to find one that makes motherhood feel like a breeze. Whether it’s that first all-nighter with a newborn or the tough conversations that come as our kiddos get older, motherhood brings *all* the opportunities to feel our limits. In this episode, Emily and Laura share some of the areas they’ve felt weak in motherhood and a few principles to keep in mind as we look to Christ’s strength in our weakness. Emily also gives an exclusive look at her new book, He Is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak. Take heart, mom: in Christ we don’t just receive life—we receive life abundant (John 10:10). Let’s bring our weakness before him today and trust that he stands in the gap.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (6 Prayers for When You Feel Weak in Motherhood), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abundance series here.
When we experience deep sorrow, many of us long for heaven more than ever. The desire for a joy-filled eternity with God is a good one, wired in us by our Creator. But have you ever wondered what makes heaven such a source of hope for believers today? In this episode, Emily and Laura sit down with author and Bible teacher Courtney Doctor to look at what Scripture says about heaven. Throughout the Grief series, we’ve heard stories of suffering and pain, but the thread of hope woven throughout them all is the promise that one day God will wipe away every tear for those who are found in Christ (Rev. 21:4). As Christian moms, when we ponder what his Word has to say about heaven, we can better run our race here on earth. Never-ending joy truly awaits those in Christ.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
Motherhood holds challenges, even with a loving husband and father by our side. So when the painful sting of death ends our marriage, how can we shepherd our children and find healing when grief is this deep? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and widow, Lisa Appelo, on her experience raising seven children after the sudden death of her husband. The heartbreak of losing a father and husband is painfully real, but as we navigate the seas of grief, we can be reminded that God is always with us—in his presence, we can have hope in the darkest of places.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
There’s no way to soften the tragedy of losing a child. As moms, we love, protect, and care for our children with fierce depth and intensity, but we don’t have ultimate control. When the unimaginable loss of a child occurs, how do we carry our grief as we walk forward in the life and family God has kept earthside? In this episode, Emily and Laura hear from author and Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie on what she learned in the process of losing two children after birth. While grief this deep may never truly leave us this side of heaven, we can look to the God who sacrificed his own Son for us and know that he meets, sustains, and restores, even in the immense sorrow of losing a beloved child.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
When God allows adoption to be a part of our family’s story, there can be hopeful anticipation alongside waiting and sorrow. How can we hold the beauty and hardship of it with grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and adoptive mom Jen Oshman on her own experience with adoption, and the tension that parents hold when bringing a child out of his or her birth family and into their own. Jen also shares a word of encouragement to adoptive moms, as well as what to consider before pursuing adoption. As we seek to love our children well in the midst of hard circumstances, we can trust that our God whose heart is for the fatherless (Ps. 68:5) supplies our every need.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
Have you ever felt desperate to find something steady in the midst of grief? Someone you can turn to that can hear, see, and truly understand your pain? While our needs in seasons of grief are many and real, from getting proper sleep to eating well and spending time in community, there is only one place we can go that will never fail us or prove untrue: God’s Word. In this episode, Emily reads verses from Scripture that we hope meet and uplift you in sorrow. As you listen to the words of God’s people crying out to him for help, and God’s gracious response to them that he will save and redeem all that has been broken, we pray that these truths from Scripture will be a steady rock when all else feels like sinking sand. Whatever we may be struggling with today, God hears the cries of his beloved people.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
As moms, the grief of miscarriage is a deeply intimate one. After the joy of a positive pregnancy test, the loss of that life in the womb brings deep devastation. In this episode, Emily and Laura sit down with Abbey Wedgeworth, author of Held: 31 Biblical Reflections of God’s Comfort and Care in the Sorrow of Miscarriage, to learn about how miscarriage impacts women, the ways a mom can remember the life of her child, and how the gospel meets us in the sting of death and sorrow. Even when our darkest fears in motherhood come to life, we can trust that no questions, doubts, or pain are beyond the reach of God’s sovereignty and care for us—one day, he will wipe every tear from our eyes and death will be no more (Rev 21:4).
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
Motherhood has a way of revealing our limits, be it physical, mental, or emotional. When we find ourselves at the end of our abilities, it can be easy to wonder if God has equipped us with everything we need to be a good and faithful mom. In this episode, Emily and Laura sit down with Vaneetha Risner to discuss the topic of chronic pain in motherhood. Whether you suffer from chronic pain or disability, or simply find yourself wondering if you have what it takes to make it through another day of mothering, Vaneetha provides gospel encouragement and perspective for the mom who wonders if she’s ‘enough’ for her children. When we trust that our sufficiency is in Christ, our hearts are freed to steward the gift of motherhood faithfully with what God has given us today.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
Have you ever wondered if your feelings are “normal” when navigating a hard season? Maybe we’re more easily irritated, shed tears more often, or even find ourselves apathetic or emotionless to what’s happening around us. In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with counselor and theologian Matthew LaPine on the science behind how our bodies process grief. Matt also shares a few trends to help a mom identify when it might be time to seek professional help. As we look at the ways God designed our bodies to respond and process in seasons of suffering, we can be reminded that he has knit us together in perfect design, and we can find refuge in our Maker even on the darkest of days.
*While this series is meant to be an encouragement to you in times of grief, we know that a podcast episode can’t speak to the specific details and struggles of your day-to-day life. If you’re walking through a season of deep grief, please reach out to a trusted friend, mentor, counselor, and/or medical professional that can speak into your specific circumstances. This series is not meant to give personal advice or be a substitute for professional help.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
Motherhood brings a flood of emotions and experiences. We know the laughter and the joy, the frustrations and the hardships, but what about when motherhood brings grief? Whether we’ve had to encounter death, trudge through the deep pain of a chronic disease or disability, or we’ve felt the sting of a circumstance gone wrong, life in a fallen world eventually brings tears and heartache. In this episode, Emily and Laura launch a new mini-series by exploring the origins of sorrow in Scripture, considering what we can learn from others’ stories, and providing three truths we can cling to as we navigate motherhood in the midst of sorrow. No matter what hurt we walk through in this life—and we know the pain can cut unimaginably deep—we have the hope of knowing that Christ has defeated death, and one day our suffering will be no more.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free download (Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms), discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Grief series here.
Screens are everywhere—from ordering groceries, responding to an email from school, managing our calendars, and more, it’s no surprise that our kids are interested in screens and technology. As faithful stewards of our children’s hearts and minds, what does it mean to navigate screen time, devices, content, and media engagement in today’s culture? In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the topic of technology through the lens of discipling our children as they grow in curiosity and independence. While the Bible doesn’t directly address tablets and smartphones, we can trust that as we seek the Lord in wisdom, he will give us wisdom to disciple our children well in a digital age.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
Whether from sleepless nights, the loss of discretionary time, or the stress of managing family schedules, the demands of motherhood affect our physical appearance. As we look in the mirror each morning, how can we get ready for the day as stewards, considering how we can glorify God and adorn the gospel? In this live-recorded episode from The ONE Conference, Emily and Laura tackle the topic of aging—from anti-aging creams to coloring grays, expensive foundation to botox, the gospel really does give us the framework we need to shape our beauty regimen. As we shift our eyes away from the mirror and on to Christ, our lives can display the beauty of the gospel to those around us.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
Have you ever felt a little awkward when your child asks you about someone with a disability? As moms, we want our kids to show kindness and compassion toward everyone, but it can feel tough to know how to address a topic that we ourselves don’t feel fully equipped for. In this episode, Emily and Laura provide four foundational truths we can use to help our children understand disability and what it looks like on this side of heaven. Laura also shares more about her new children’s book, Like Me. Whether your children are typically-developing or disability is woven into your family, God has created every one of us in his image with purpose and beauty—by his grace, we are far more alike than we are different.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
From the moment we learn we’re going to be moms, the decision points begin to roll in quickly. Whether we’re unsure about pacifier styles and sleep training methods, or we’re researching the best time to get our kids a phone and leave them home alone, motherhood is made up of choices big and small. These decisions can leave us anxious and exhausted if we don’t know how to discern what is best in our own unique situation. In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the topic of personal conscience—what it is, how it works, and how we honor other moms who make different decisions. Scripture may not directly address every topic we face in modern motherhood, but we can trust that as the Spirit works in us, our conscience will align more and more to God’s will for our lives as we pursue him.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
As moms, we feel the weight of preparing our kids for so many things in life, from the early years of potty training to applying for their first job. But as believers, we also feel the weight of something far greater: the call to train them up in godliness, reminding them that the Bible is true and God is worthy of our obedience. In this interview with Hillary Morgan Ferrer and Amy Davison of Mama Bear Apologetics, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to equip our children with a biblical worldview and good critical thinking skills as they engage secular culture. Let’s point our children to the God who is unchanging, real, and true, who can hold them through the storms and pressures of the world.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
Have you ever wanted to share the gospel with another mom, but held back out of fear? While some of us may have the God-given gift of evangelism (Eph. 4:11), all of us are called to make disciples—but what does this look like in the context of everyday mom life? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss what it means to be a faithful presence in our communities, showing our neighbors what it looks like to hope in Christ. There are a lot of reasons it can feel scary or hard to share the good news of the gospel with those we know, but we can trust that as we pursue obedience in Christ, the Holy Spirit is working in us to bear fruit in our life and the lives of others.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
God calls all of us to train our children up in the ways of the Lord (Prov. 22:6), but when our kids become school-age, our options for helping them learn subjects like math and reading abound. Should we send our kids to public school, enroll them in private school, or homeschool? Is there only one right way for all Christian families? In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the topic of school choice, encouraging moms to thoughtfully evaluate risks, be invested in their education, and outline practical steps we can take as we determine the right fit for our kids’ schooling. There are a lot of voices out there that push us one way or another, but the gospel gives us freedom to prayerfully pursue what is right for our individual children and families.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
Whether we make time to sweat-it-out everyday or getting off the couch feels overwhelmingly difficult right now, most moms have noticed that our capacity for physical fitness varies from season to season. We might exercise for our health or because we long to “get our body back” after baby, but what does Scripture say about our motivations and time investments? In this live-recorded episode from The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, Emily and Laura take a fresh look at what it means to pursue fitness in motherhood through the lens of the gospel. God created our bodies with purpose and intention, each to proclaim his glory—how might we honor his design in that today?
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
Have you ever hoped your day would go according to plan? Maybe it’s simply getting a moment to unload the dishwasher without a sibling squabble, or finally having hours on the calendar to finish that work project. Maybe your whole motherhood journey hasn’t gone the way you dreamed or expected. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through a few questions we can ask ourselves as we grapple with inevitable interruptions. As we remember that God is Lord over our days and we willingly receive his plans, we can also trust that what he gives us is ultimately for our good.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
When Dad has to work late (again) and the kids’ bedtimes are still hours away, is there a gracious response to give? Although long days might leave a wife stuck in cycles of comparison with other families and even anger, God hasn't left her without hope and help. No matter the income-producing work balance between mom and dad, it can feel challenging to navigate family life alongside work responsibilities. In this episode, Emily and Laura look at the ways we can honor our husbands through busy work seasons, inflexible schedules, travel, and missed expectations. When our hope is rooted in Christ, we can trust that even when our husband’s meeting runs long or he’s called into work on a Saturday morning, God is our sure foundation and our greatest help.
*This show is intended to address the typical strains of balancing work and parenting within the context of healthy Christian marriages. If you’re in a marriage that is experiencing these tensions within the context of unconfessed sin or neglect, we encourage you to reach out to a trusted mentor, pastor, or counselor for help.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our What We're Still Talking About series here.
Order Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) here.
Surprise! We’re back with a bonus episode to help tackle the ‘how’ behind memorizing Scripture. We’ve spent some time exploring the ‘why,’ but we get that it can feel overwhelming to know where to begin. In this episode, Laura shares five practical tips for weaving Scripture memory into everyday rhythms. As you listen, we hope you feel equipped and excited to store up God’s Word in your heart (and bring your kids in on the fun!).
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
School snacks, show-and-tell day, sports practices, meal prep, and more . . . with so many things to remember in motherhood, it makes sense why Scripture memory feels impossible. We wonder how we can make time for it, if it will really stick, or if we can save it for a day when life looks a little less chaotic. In this episode, Emily and Laura encourage us to consider the ways memorizing Scripture brings the life-giving hope we need in the busy seasons of motherhood. By hiding God’s Word in our hearts, we may be surprised at the ways it gives us joy, hope, and guidance the next time we face an unexpected sick day, run late for a meeting, or tackle our chore list.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
When doubt creeps in, it can feel suffocating: sometimes it’s in the middle of a mundane chore, other times it consumes our thoughts when we finally get a moment to ourselves. Is there hope when we doubt God? In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on as we navigate doubt in the throes of motherhood. As we reflect on the truths God reveals through his Word, we can cast our cares on him and trust his faithfulness. Because of Christ, we don’t have to hide our fears and questions—we pray these verses remind you that the Lord sustains and provides for his children in every season.
Note: We understand that spiritual doubts can arise from a wide variety of factors and causes. Please keep in mind that some instances of doubt may require professional counseling or pastoral care. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
Whether we’re brand new moms or have decades of experience in motherhood, we’ve likely all come upon a moment or season when it’s hard to find true joy. When the calendar is filled to the brim with sports practices, our teen makes a cutting remark at the dinner table, another night’s sleep is interrupted, or motherhood just isn’t as picture-perfect as we always imagined, we need a well of joy that never runs dry. In this episode, Laura reads a collection of verses to meditate on as we seek true joy in motherhood. As these truths root deep into our hearts, we’ll see that looking to and thinking about the Lord, his work, and his promises can give us deep joy, even if we still experience grief and pain. We pray these verses bring an eternal hope as you look to him for joy in every season.
Note: We understand that the absence of joyful or hopeful feelings can have a wide variety of factors and causes. Please keep in mind that some instances of persistent sadness or depression may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
Disobedience, nagging, interruptions, sibling squabbles, an attitude of entitlement, or just toys carelessly left all over the floor—there are plenty of opportunities to feel anger in motherhood. And when anger rises up in us, it’s tough to respond slowly and gently. Fortunately, God’s Word gives us hope and help. In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on when we feel angry as moms. When we fill our minds and hearts with the truths of Scripture, we can remember these words when anger tempts us to sin or despair. Next time you’re doing dishes, driving to work, or making lunches, we pray these verses encourage and transform you. The God of all sees your frustrations—he knows you and loves you deeply.
Note: We understand that anger covers a wide spectrum of responses and feelings. Please keep in mind that some instances and experiences of anger may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
When we’re struggling with mom guilt, burnout, keeping up with housework, and more, where should we turn for help and hope? While fresh resources, support from others, creative hacks, and advice from other moms are helpful and important, one source of truth outlasts and supersedes all others: God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of God’s Word in the life of a mom, troubleshoot the most common barriers to studying it, and share the inspiration behind this Scripture-heavy series. As we study the story of God’s promises and faithfulness to his people throughout history, we can trust that he is faithful to work in our lives, too.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour conversation, Emily and Laura discuss how they’ve applied the gospel to their own lives as they answer listeners’ questions. In this episode, you’ll hear what they’ve learned in marriage and motherhood over the years, how they deal with mom jealousy and comparison, how they disciple their children with disabilities, their favorite life hacks, and more. As you listen, we hope you don’t feel pressure to do life just like them, but that you see the beauty of the gospel in motherhood as we grow and gain the perspective of time.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
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Every mom does motherhood and work a little bit differently. A ton of factors are at play as each woman seeks to honor her own husband, care for children, serve the church, invest in the community, and glorify God in the marketplace. Instead of putting ourselves in another mom’s shoes, seeking to understand her situation or ask questions—we make a snap judgment, deeming her good or bad, faithful or unfaithful with little information. While there is a place for correction and tough conversations, left unchecked, our snap judgments about other moms can fuel pride and cause division. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss practical ways to love moms in our lives, even when we make different choices. When our identity is in Christ and we’re seeking faithfulness in our own lives, we learn from other moms who might do things differently.
Note: Not all moms have the luxury of choice when it comes to balancing day-to-day work and motherhood, and we understand that the consideration to honor our husbands is not applicable for single moms. No matter your season or circumstance, we pray this episode is an encouragement to you.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
Snow days and sick days, unexpected meetings, appointments, and skipped naps—motherhood is full of so-called “distractions” to our work. When these things happen, what is our next move as we seek to honor God in our day-to-day responsibilities? How can we be purposeful as we pursue the work God has given us to do? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author and Bible teacher Phylicia Masonheimer on practical ways to love the work of the home and manage daily demands. As we apply a right theology of work and motherhood to our lives, we can trust the Lord to give us the guidance and strength to run the race marked out for us.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
Where do career dreams fit in with God’s calling on our lives as moms? For most of us, our capacity for income-producing work has likely ebbed and flowed as we’ve transitioned into motherhood, enrolled our kids in school, or added to our families. In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with Portia Collins, founder of nonprofit women’s ministry She Shall Be Called and Partner Development Specialist at Revive Our Hearts, on being faithful in full-time income-producing work, career ambitions, and motherhood. As we ask the Lord what he has for us in each season, we can view all of our work as an opportunity to serve, trusting that he is faithful to give and take for our good and his glory.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
As moms, the work that fills our to-do lists can feel overwhelming. Schedules are tight, keeping the house clean is near-impossible, and the weight of meeting the mental and emotional needs of our families can put us in overdrive. In this episode, Emily chats with Jill Thomas, a mental health therapist focused on helping moms through the challenges of marriage and motherhood, on the ways work affects our mental health and how to step back and care for ourselves as we seek to faithfully do what God has placed before us. When our work feels heavy, we can rejoice that God has never asked us to do it alone, and his grace is sufficient to sustain. *While Jill Thomas is a licensed therapist, this episode is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you resonate with any of the mental health topics discussed, please reach out to a counselor or medical professional.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
How many hours can we clock each week, and still serve our families well? Should we take that job now that our kids are in school, or pull back as our families grow? Scripture hasn’t given us a one-size-fits-all answer in this area (which means Emily and Laura won’t be able to tell you either!), but we can find help for direction and discernment from God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura outline a few questions to think through when considering turning the knob up or down on income-producing work, particularly if you have the privilege of choice*. To take this show even further, we’ve also created a free workbook filled with gospel-centered questions to help a mom think through their income-producing work. You can find the link to the workbook below! As we navigate these decisions, we can trust that the Lord is our Counselor and Comforter in every season.
*We know not all moms are afforded choice in this area and it's an enormous gift to have options in work. If you are in a season where you long for a change in how you spend your days, please know we've prayed for you, asking God to give you strength to trust him in every season.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
It’s time to make the bed—again. Do the dishes—again. Sit in a meeting—again. Answer an email—again. When we’re in a cycle of everyday, ordinary work, what is our reaction? Some of us dive head-first into busyness and box-checking, and some of us pull back, saving the hard work for “later.” In this episode, Emily and Laura examine our various sin tendencies when it comes to our work as moms. While we all will face challenges in our work on this side of heaven, God is gracious to help us work according to his principles and lead us in his ways.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
As moms, we all want to be faithful in our work. Whether paid or unpaid, seen or unseen, mundane or exciting—God has given all of us work to do, and what he has given us matters. In this episode, Emily and Laura look at God’s good design for work and the variety of ways it manifests in motherhood. The work we do as moms won’t always be easy or exciting, but when we’re able to lay it before the Lord, we can trust that he is faithful to finish the work he started in us.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
The dishes pile up. The kids run circles around the house. The to-do list is a mile long. Motherhood is full, but too often, we fill our time hunching over our phones, giving our best self to social media instead of looking up at the work in front of us. When we don’t know where to begin, social media feels like a welcome distraction. But when our days are consumed by social media, we might miss the most important things. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss faithfulness in motherhood, examining the way it impacts our limited time and energy. When we give God first place in our hearts and steward the responsibilities before us, we can use social media as a tool rather than an escape.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
As proud moms, most of us can’t resist sharenting. (Yep, that term is real! If you haven’t heard it before: it just means sharing pictures of our kids online.) Whether we have a small, private account for friends and family or share lifestyle content for thousands of eyes to see, let’s at least ask the question—why are we posting this? What are the rewards? What are the risks? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat through questions to consider the ‘why’ behind our sharenting. While the takeaway will look different for everyone, when the gospel guides our thinking, we’ll share with love and wisdom.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
Let’s get real: we all want to be liked. No matter where we are on the social media spectrum, from a professional content creator on Instagram to an occasional poster for the sake of the grandparents, God’s principles for the way we share content remain the same. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through questions to consider as we seek to honor God in the things we post online. When we’re known and loved by him, our content won’t be ruled by our desire to be ‘liked’ by others.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
We’ve all been there. We’re innocently scrolling through social media and then we feel a tinge of guilt, anger, or sadness. We get on social media to relax or escape from the world, and find ourselves feeling worse than ever. Cancel culture. Shame. Outrage. Judgement. Where does this all come from? How do we deal with it? In this episode of the podcast, Emily and Laura talk through all the feelings that social media brings up for us and how we process what faithful response looks like online. The only perfect person—Jesus. We won’t feel worse than ever when we spend our days looking at him.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
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Whether we recognize it or not, social media is changing us. It changes how we interact with people. It even changes our motherhood—what we buy, what strategies we use, and where we go for hope and help. In the first episode of our social media mini-series, Laura and Emily invite us to wake-up to the impact of social media on our lives. If we want to know how to swim in the waters of social media, we need to take a hard look at it’s risks and pitfalls. But as we bring the gospel to bear on our social media use, we can ask God to shape our desires and impulses for what brings the longest good to our families.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
_Surprise! We have an extra show for you! Don’t worry, you didn’t get the day wrong. It’s not a Wednesday, but we loved talking about prayer so we just kept going. Maybe you’re left wondering “how do I actually get started with prayer?” Or you’ve started the habit countless times before, but always end up fizzling out. Emily jumped back behind the microphone to share 8 quick tips for making prayer a habit. As we round out the Prayer mini-series, we want you to feel equipped to go forward with a habit of prayer. So we put all the tips we could think of in one easy place for you!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the ESV audio Bible read by award-winning modern hymn writer, Kristyn Getty. This word for word audio version of the full Bible brings God’s word to life in a fresh way. Listen in your car, in your home, or on the go. Stream it for free today at ESV.org or in the ESV Bible app for iOS and Android devices. You can also purchase the audio as a digital download for 50% off with your Crossway Plus account. For more information visit crossway.org/plus. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
What do you do when you don’t feel like praying? Like the disciples in the garden with Jesus, you want to do the right thing, but you just can’t stay awake. Or you have the invite to the prayer meeting, but you would rather stay home to watch TV. In the final episode of the Prayer mini-series, Laura and Emily talk about the elephant in the room—sometimes we just don’t want to pray. Listen in as they troubleshoot the various reasons for why we might not feel like it. But they don’t leave us there. You might not feel like praying today, but hopefully this episode will fan a lingering flame in you, sparking a renewed desire for prayer.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the ESV audio Bible read by award-winning modern hymn writer, Kristyn Getty. This word for word audio version of the full Bible brings God’s word to life in a fresh way. Listen in your car, in your home, or on the go. Stream it for free today at ESV.org or in the ESV Bible app for iOS and Android devices. You can also purchase the audio as a digital download for 50% off with your Crossway Plus account. For more information visit crossway.org/plus. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
We believe prayer is important—even necessary—but where do we even begin? Listen in as Laura chats with a seasoned mom of six boys (yes, six!). You may know Ruth Chou Simons as the founder of Gracelaced and from her award-winning books. But we’re also thankful for her as one of the Risen Motherhood Board Members, so we’re excited to share her motherhood wisdom with you today! She gives her tips for making prayer part of your family routine, how to give your kids language for prayer, and so much more. You won’t want to miss this episode!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the ESV audio Bible read by award-winning modern hymn writer, Kristyn Getty. This word for word audio version of the full Bible brings God’s word to life in a fresh way. Listen in your car, in your home, or on the go. Stream it for free today at ESV.org or in the ESV Bible app for iOS and Android devices. You can also purchase the audio as a digital download for 50% off with your Crossway Plus account. For more information visit crossway.org/plus. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
Prayer is not a box to check during nap time. It’s something the whole family can get involved in, even when nap time is non-existent! In today’s episode, listen in as two moms, Laura and her friend Hunter Beless (whom you may know from the The Journeywomen Podcast!) share practical tips for praying as a family. They remind us that while it’s good to pray alone in the quiet of our bedroom, it’s also good to involve our kids in prayer as we do it together. There’s a practical idea for everyone in this episode!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the Flourish Bible Studies series by Lydia Brownback. These 10-week studies illustrate the overarching storyline of the Bible book by book. Each workbook features conversational teaching and study questions designed to give women tools for Bible study in every season of life. Pick up the Flourish Bible Studies wherever books are sold or visit crossway.org/plus to find out how you can get 30 percent off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
When it comes to prayer, kids have all the questions. Why do we say “amen?” Do I need to close my eyes? But moms have lots of questions about prayer too. Do I pray to God or can I pray to Jesus? How do I teach my kids reverence in prayer? In today’s episode, Laura and Emily tackle some frequently asked questions with biblical answers and personal application. As we disciple our kids according to their own questions and needs, we can be moms who point our kids to Christ and train them in prayer.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the Flourish Bible Studies series by Lydia Brownback. These 10-week studies illustrate the overarching storyline of the Bible book by book. Each workbook features conversational teaching and study questions designed to give women tools for Bible study in every season of life. Pick up the Flourish Bible Studies wherever books are sold or visit crossway.org/plus to find out how you can get 30 percent off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
Why is it so hard to pray? We know prayer is essential, but like the discipline of healthy eating, we turn to the chips instead of the veggies. We choose the quick fix, rather than the thing that sustains. In the first episode of our mini-series on prayer, Emily and Laura talk about our common struggles with prayer, the benefits of this essential habit, and why prayer is possible right now. Prayer keeps our eyes on the Lord, changing our lives today and generations to come—why wait? Listen in to hear the many ways prayer benefits you and how prayer has been part of God’s plan for his people from the beginning!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the Flourish Bible Studies series by Lydia Brownback. These 10-week studies illustrate the overarching storyline of the Bible book by book. Each workbook features conversational teaching and study questions designed to give women tools for Bible study in every season of life. Pick up the Flourish Bible Studies wherever books are sold or visit crossway.org/plus to find out how you can get 30 percent off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
Sign up for Risen Motherhood's email list for your free Prayer downloads!
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible®, Artist Series, for helping make this mini-series possible! This collection of journaling Bibles celebrates the treasure of God’s word through the artistic talents of his people. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a biblical theme or passage, all designed to help readers engage with the Bible. Head to their website to view the beautiful covers and order your copy. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible®, Artist Series, for helping make this mini-series possible! This collection of journaling Bibles celebrates the treasure of God’s word through the artistic talents of his people. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a biblical theme or passage, all designed to help readers engage with the Bible. Head to their website to view the beautiful covers and order your copy. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible®, Artist Series, for helping make this mini-series possible! This collection of journaling Bibles celebrates the treasure of God’s word through the artistic talents of his people. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a biblical theme or passage, all designed to help readers engage with the Bible. Head to their website to view the beautiful covers and order your copy. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin, for helping make this mini-series possible! This book is a fresh, biblical look at the Ten Commandments and how they impact our lives today. Jen shows us that Christians can live in obedience and holiness, and delight in the law of God, without undermining the grace of God. To purchase Ten Words to Live By and Jen’s other best-selling books, just head to their website for more info. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin, for helping make this mini-series possible! This book is a fresh, biblical look at the Ten Commandments and how they impact our lives today. Jen shows us that Christians can live in obedience and holiness, and delight in the law of God, without undermining the grace of God. To purchase Ten Words to Live By and Jen’s other best-selling books, just head to their website for more info. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin, for helping make this mini-series possible! This book is a fresh, biblical look at the Ten Commandments and how they impact our lives today. Jen shows us that Christians can live in obedience and holiness, and delight in the law of God, without undermining the grace of God. To purchase Ten Words to Live By and Jen’s other best-selling books, just head to their website for more info. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Scripture Journals, for helping make this mini-series possible! Pairing individual books of the Bible with blank pages, you can journal as you read, listen to a sermon, or study the Bible. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up the black or Illuminated ESV Scripture Journals for forty percent off with a free Crossway+ membership.
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Scripture Journals, for helping make this mini-series possible! Pairing individual books of the Bible with blank pages, you can journal as you read, listen to a sermon, or study the Bible. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up the black or Illuminated ESV Scripture Journals for forty percent off with a free Crossway+ membership.
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
What would happen if we were prepared for the storms of life? What would it look like to cultivate faith that can weather a job loss, or a child’s illness, or our friends rejecting us for our faith? In this episode, we have a special treat—a message from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on being a woman who trusts the Lord in the face of fear. Teaching from Proverbs 31:21-25, she encourages us to be proactive—not reactive—to the storms of life. If you’re looking for practical help in facing your fears, or ever wanted to understand what it means to be a true Proverbs 31 woman, this message is for you!
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Scripture Journals, for helping make this mini-series possible! Pairing individual books of the Bible with blank pages, you can journal as you read, listen to a sermon, or study the Bible. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up the black or Illuminated ESV Scripture Journals for forty percent off with a free Crossway+ membership.____
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
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We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp, for helping make this mini-series possible! These short devotions invite you to prepare your heart for Easter by focusing on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus this Lenten season. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up Journey to the Cross for forty percent off with a free Crossway+ membership.
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
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We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp, for helping make this mini-series possible! These short devotions invite you to prepare your heart for Easter by focusing on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus this Lenten season. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up Journey to the Cross for forty percent off with a free Crossway+ membership.
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
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Have you ever wondered why we experience fear in the first place? In this episode, we’re going back to our roots! Laura and Emily examine fear through the gospel lens—creation, fall, redemption, consummation—reminding us that our fears have an explanation. It hasn’t always been this way, and because of Christ, it won’t be this way forever! If you’re new here or been with us since the beginning, we hope you’ll be encouraged to see your fears in light of the greatest story—God’s story.
Note: We know that “fear” covers a wide variety of issues—some so lighthearted that we can easily brush them off, and some so disturbing that we can barely utter them to our closest friend. This series is aimed at the most common fears in motherhood—the things that cross our minds and motivate our daily actions. But due to the limitations of our knowledge and the brevity of a 7-episode series we don’t aim to address life’s most complex and sober terrors. Please keep in mind that some instances and experiences of fear may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp, for helping make this mini-series possible! These short devotions invite you to prepare your heart for Easter by focusing on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus this Lenten season. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up Journey to the Cross for forty percent off with a free Crossway+
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
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Motherhood offers no shortage of reasons to fear, which is why we’re doing a deep dive into the topic in this mini-series. In the first episode in this 7-episode series, Laura and Emily talk about some of the fears they’ve faced in the past year. Not all fear is bad though, so they give us examples of different types of fear and talk about the best kind—the fear of the Lord. If you find yourself in a state of fear, you’re not alone. Let’s fight our fears together with the truth of God’s word.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp, for helping make this mini-series possible! These short devotions invite you to prepare your heart for Easter by focusing on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus this Lenten season. Now through March 31, 2021, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up Journey to the Cross for forty percent off with a free Crossway+
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Fear downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Fear series here.
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As moms, we all fall short of the glory of God day after day. So we need to preach the gospel to ourselves again and again. But how do we actually do that? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how reminding yourself of the gospel is an important part of the Christian walk—but it requires some practice. To preach the gospel, we have to know the gospel. It’s the only thing that keeps us from being defined by the time we yelled in the car or hid in the pantry stress-eating dark chocolate. Momma, your true identity is secure in Christ—offering peace, hope, and joy in every moment.
We’re grateful to Christian Planner for helping make this week’s show possible! Are you looking for a planner to keep you organized, while also helping you keep Christ at the center of your busy life? As a listener of the Risen Motherhood, you can get a free sticker book with a purchase of a 2021 planner through December 31, 2020, while quantities last. Just add the sticker book to your cart and enter the code RISEN at checkout on ChristianPlanner.com.
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
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There’s just something about music that helps us remember things we’ve learned in a way that other methods can’t match! In this episode, Emily and Laura celebrate our opportunity to worship God through song. No matter what our singing voices sound like, we can all benefit from remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness through shared songs in the Christian faith. By inviting these moments of worship into our homes, we’re able to experience the joy of knowing God and resting in his promises as a whole family.
We’re grateful to Christian Planner for helping make this week’s show possible! Are you looking for a planner to keep you organized, while also helping you keep Christ at the center of your busy life? From now until December 31, 2020, Risen Motherhood podcast listeners will receive a free sticker book with a purchase of a 2021 planner when you use the code RISEN at checkout on ChristianPlanner.com.
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
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Can a mom really develop a personal understanding of the Bible in the season of young children? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and Bible teacher, Jen Wilkin, about her passion for biblical literacy. Jen encourages moms to pursue a firsthand knowledge of scripture and gives practical examples of what this might look like. She offers encouragement to set aside larger blocks of time, get involved in a structured study with accountability, and consistently consume the word whenever and wherever you can. If you haven't been sure how an understanding of scripture can impact your role as a mom, you'll be so challenged and encouraged by this interview!
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
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We’re grateful to Moody Publishers, who recently published Motherhood Without All the Rules by Maggie Combs, for helping make this week’s show possible! In this new book, Maggie invites you to find freedom from society's rules for motherhood by finding freedom in Christ through obedience to God and his word.
One of the most exciting things we can teach our children is that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby and that he’s coming back as the King. This past-and-future perspective is at the heart of the Advent season as we celebrate what has happened and wait expectantly for what is to come. In this episode, Emily and Laura explain the meaning of Advent, share ways to celebrate, and encourage moms to find freedom in the Christmas season. Instead of running into the holidays with added pressure of one more thing, we can look to Christ and celebrate the gospel story in our homes from an overflow of joy.
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We’re grateful to Moody Publishers, publishers of the new books, Screen Kids and Grandparenting Screen Kids, for helping make this week’s show possible! These new books provide parents and grandparents with the practical tools needed to make positive changes regarding screen time.
It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. On the other hand, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura apply the gospel to these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.
We’re grateful to Val Marie Paper, creator of prompted prayer journals, for making this week’s show possible! From now through December 31, 2020 get 10% off any non spiral bound item in their shop with the code RM10.
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At R|M, we love sharing great resources! In this all new episode, Emily and Laura share a Top 10 List of best products to encourage and equip us in our relationship with the Lord along with gift ideas for kids and some of their personal favorite books. As much as we love these beautiful, intentional, and creative resources, we hope they ultimately point you to Christ and his word. Resources can be helpful, but only God’s word is essential.
We’re grateful to Operation Christmas Child for helping make this week’s show possible! Operation Christmas Child provides a simple way for your family to meet practical needs of children all over the world, while also bringing the hope of the gospel. National Shoebox Collection week is November 16–23, 2020, so there’s still time to fill a shoebox with your kids. You can even fill your entire box online!
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Moms know that you don’t start reading a storybook in the middle! If you skip the first half, your kids miss important aspects of the plot and the character development. Instead, you start at the very beginning and view all of the parts as a whole. But for some reason, when it comes to the Bible, we often toss that concept aside and go straight for the easier-to-understand New Testament books. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of reading the Old Testament, citing eight reasons why it really matters! Processing the entire Bible in light of the cross is critical for us (and our kiddos) to rightly understand God's epic redemption story.
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child, teaching in your women’s ministry, or using for personal study, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find your Bible at csbible.com.
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Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
We know we should be grateful for the gifts God has given us in motherhood. But instead, we may find ourselves battling discontentment, anxiety, and stress over our inability to keep up with even the simplest tasks. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author Hannah Anderson about her book Humble Roots. Hannah applies gospel-truth to challenging topics like postpartum body image, vocational or ministry calling, and dealing with the temptation to live for our ideal version of motherhood instead of God's plan for us. This conversation is candid, challenging, and leaves much to be considered as Hannah offers an opportunity for weary moms to rest by accepting their limitations and letting God be God.
We’re grateful to Well-Watered Women, creators of the Give Me Jesus Journal, for making this week’s show possible. From now through December 31 2020, you can use the promo code RISEN10 for 10% off anything in their shop.
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Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Evangelism is an essential part of the Christian life—so why does it feel so overwhelming and awkward? Maybe you worry you’ll say the wrong thing or offend someone. But when you think about it, is there anything better or more beautiful than sharing Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some common pitfalls we experience in evangelism and the gospel hope that drives us to try again. From the people in our homes to those we see in our communities, we can share the greatest news of Christ’s resurrection by simply sharing what he did and how the gospel impacts our own lives!
We’re grateful to Crossway and the ESV Women’s Study Bible for making this week’s show possible. Now through November 14, Risen Motherhood listeners can pick up an ESV Women’s Study Bible for 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Head over to crossway.org/risenmotherhood to find out more!
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Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Scroll through Pinterest or eavesdrop in a coffee shop and you might see or hear something along the lines of, “All I need is a whole lotta of Jesus and a little bit of coffee/tacos/Netflix/sleep.” While it’s usually said in jest, we all have little crutches that we tend to rely on when we’re in survival mode. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about potential crutches in motherhood like wine, shopping, or social media. While these things may make us feel good temporarily, only Christ is the source of our greatest and lasting joy. So momma, let’s go back to the cross and fix our eyes on the only one able to sustain, encourage, grow, and help us in every situation—Jesus.
This episode is brought to you by our generous R|M donors! Consider joining them with an ongoing gift to help us produce more content like this episode.
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The daily hardships of motherhood weigh on us—difficult decisions, potty training, sleeplessness, and more. But sometimes we experience deeper, more profound suffering that makes us cry out, “Why God?” In this episode, Emily and Laura offer gospel encouragement for those in the midst of deep suffering. Suffering is different for everyone, but scripture offers unshakeable hope in every situation. Since God didn’t excuse himself from suffering, one day—through Christ—our suffering will give way to joy.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Crossway’s ESV Women’s Study Bible and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid until November 14, 2020.
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Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea about diversity to our children, exposing them to different types of people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture—affirming that all people are made in the image of God and should be loved as such.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Crossway’s ESV Women’s Study Bible and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid until November 14, 2020.
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Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
You know that little voice in your head? The one that pipes up when you feel guilt over letting your kids eat too many cookies or sets off an internal alarm when you watch something questionable? All of us have one, but it’s not necessarily the Holy Spirit. What is it exactly? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the topic of personal conscience. God gave us a conscience to help discern what’s right and wrong in the everyday “gray” areas of life. While it can be dulled by sin, God can recalibrate our consciences through the study of his word and fellowship with believers, so we can do all things in faith with love.
We’re grateful to singer-songwriter Janet Blair for making this week’s show possible. She is looking for inspiration for future music and wants to tell your story through song. To be considered, simply enter at songplease.com by September 30.
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Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Parenting alongside your husband can sometimes feel awkward and bumpy. We want to be intentional, but it can seem like we have wildly different styles and strategies than our spouses! In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the topic of marital unity. Even though we have different upbringings, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, God has joined us in marriage for his mission. He designed for us to do it together! Through Christ, we can have humility, forgive one another, refocus on our mission, and live in unity with our husbands as we parent together.
We’re grateful to singer-songwriter Janet Blair for making this week’s show possible. She is looking for inspiration for future music and wants to tell your story through song. To be considered, simply enter at songplease.com by September 30.
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Even when it seems like you've done everything right as a mom, inevitably, things still don't go as planned. Someone disobeys, comes down with a fever, talks back or leaves their toy on the ground for you to step on, and in no time...you blow it. Your hopes for a near-perfect day are dashed, leaving you wondering if there's even any point in trying. On today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about those bad moments and how we’re tempted to let them dominate our whole day. But we don't have to get stuck there, because our identity in Christ means we can keep pursuing holiness, even when we sin or our circumstances aren’t ideal. When we have faith that the Spirit of Christ works in us and we want to live in light of our redemption, we can press on in faithfulness. Momma, will you join us?
We’re grateful to World Vision for making this week’s show possible. World Vision is helping the world’s most vulnerable children and their communities address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit worldvision.org/rm to sponsor a child today.
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Whether we’re answering a hard question, navigating a public meltdown, or wading through a sibling conflict, as moms, we’re well-acquainted with the benefits of pausing to consider the best next steps. Reflecting instead of reacting can help us keep our eyes on the gospel. In this episode, Emily and Laura reflect on five years of the podcast and share a big announcement about some exciting changes on the horizon for Risen Motherhood! But one thing that will never change is our passion for bringing gospel hope to moms for many years to come.
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB is accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
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As much as we may desire to live with eternal purpose and become more like Christ, some days we’re doing well just to keep the diapers changed—much less figure out how we can change. In this episode, Emily and Laura get practical about how we change into the image of Christ. Drawing from David Powlison’s book, How Does Sanctification Work?, they unpack five things that contribute to our growth in godliness. God is changing us and using our lives for something that matters as we live faithfully from one moment (or diaper change) to the next.
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
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As you make the meals, change the diapers, settle the arguments, and fold the laundry day after day, do you ever wonder if any of it really matters? With so many immediate needs in front of us, it can be easy to lose sight of our eternal purpose. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some simple (yet profound) truths that help clarify our destination and goal as believers in Christ. When we remember that we’re being conformed to the image of Jesus and one day we’ll dwell with him for eternity, we can hold things loosely in this life and embrace our role as servants doing the Master’s work—even if it’s the same work day after day.
We’re grateful to Harvest House Publishers for making this week’s show possible. Check out Love Made by Quina Aragon, Bible Infographics for Kids; and Courageous World Changers by Shirley Raye Redmond at harvesthousepublishers.com. For the rest of April, you can receive free shipping and 40% off most books purchased with the code STAYHOME.
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Read alouds aren’t just for our little ones. We can find great encouragement and joy in having the word of God read over us and explained. So in this special episode, Emily and Laura invite John Piper to read and reflect on what he considers to be the greatest chapter in the Bible, Romans 8. As he walks us through this incredible passage, John Piper connects its themes of suffering and loss to motherhood, encouraging us that no matter how deep the waters of our suffering, God’s unshakeable love is deeper still.
We’re grateful to Harvest House Publishers for making this week’s show possible. Check out Love Made by Quina Aragon, Bible Infographics for Kids; and Courageous World Changers by Shirley Raye Redmond at harvesthousepublishers.com. For the rest of April, you can receive free shipping and 40% off most books purchased with the code STAYHOME.
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All moms have important work to do—work in the home, the community, and the church. But income-producing work can bring unique challenges. So, in this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share about what they’ve learned as they balance work and motherhood, seeking to honor God and serve faithfully in every sphere of life. No matter what kinds of work we do, we can reflect the image of God who is always at work in the world and in our lives.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Saints and Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus by Nancy Guthrie and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through May 14, 2020.
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Motherhood comes with lots of hard things—but by God’s grace, those very things can bring fruit in our lives. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jani Ortlund about some of the hard things she faced as a mom of young children, like fatigue, fear, and finances. Jani is a writer, speaker, and podcast host who ministers alongside her husband, Ray. She is a mother of four and grandmother of fourteen who remembers well the challenges of the little years. In the midst of the hard, she encourages us to keep seeking the Lord, trusting that he will gently lead us.
We’re grateful to Harvest House Publishers for making this week’s show possible. Harvest House offers a wide variety of books, including: DadTired and Loving It by Jerrad Lopes and Bible Infographic for Kids. Find these books and more at harvesthousepublishers.com.
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When we say, “The gospel changes everything,” we mean everything! Even the way we think about makeup. Whether you’re a mom who loves it or hates it, wears it or doesn't, exploring our thoughts and feelings about makeup opens a window into our beliefs about beauty and identity. Join Emily and Laura in this episode for some fun conversation and gospel application as they consider how we can rightly enjoy beauty and be good stewards of our bodies, while ultimately finding our identity in Christ.
We’re grateful to our generous donors for making this week’s show possible. Join them here, and help us bring gospel hope to moms everywhere.Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour episode, Emily and Laura answer listeners’ questions from how to survive motherhood without family support and how to protect children from negative influences, to how they maintain privacy for their families on social media and what their quiet time looks like. We hope as you listen, you’ll see how the gospel applies to everything and how we have freedom in Christ to serve our families in unique ways.
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
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The Bible is the timeless word of God, but finding time to study it as a mom of young children can feel nearly impossible. Does it count as a quiet time if we’re surrounded by noisy children? How is it possible that no matter how early we wake up for Bible study, our children seem to wake up earlier? The little years bring real struggles for spending time in God’s word, but there’s hope! In this special bonus episode, Emily and Laura share a chapter from their book, Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments, called, “The Little Years are Not the Lost Years.” In it, they offer encouragement and practical tips for spending time in God’s word and growing in our love for the gospel, even during busy seasons of motherhood.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Crossway’s ESV Scripture Journals and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through April 17, 2020.
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On one hand, we may feel like we’re never alone as moms—even going to the bathroom often becomes a family activity! On the other hand, motherhood can feel lonely and isolating. Caring for our families often leaves little time and energy for nurturing our friendships. But we’re not meant to live in isolation—we need friends who point us to Christ and encourage us in our mission! In this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share their thoughts on navigating friendship in the busyness of motherhood. Though we may need to adjust our expectations and find creative ways to connect, we can still have meaningful friendships in the midst of motherhood.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Get Jen Oshman's new book, Enough about Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self, 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through April 10, 2020.
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Prayer seems like one of the most basic parts of the Christian life, but it can also be one of the most confusing. What exactly is prayer? What should we pray for? Are there things we shouldn’t pray for? How do we teach our kids to pray? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss these questions and more with Kristie Anyabwile. Kristie shares from her wisdom and experience, encouraging us to go boldly and confidently to the Lord in prayer. We don’t have to do it perfectly, because we have a perfect Savior who is always interceding for us!
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Get Jen Oshman's new book, Enough about Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self, 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through April 3, 2020.
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If the word “discipline” makes you feel confused, discouraged, or even defeated, you’re not alone! As our children transition from sweet, snuggly babies into tantrum-throwing toddlers, we can see that they need discipline, but knowing how to discipline is a different matter. We may wonder whether there’s a “right” way or a “Christian” way to discipline. We may even find ourselves wishing someone would just give us a cheat sheet with all the answers! In this episode, Emily shares some of her experience trying to make sense of discipline. Although there’s no clear-cut system to fix all of our discipline struggles, she helps us think about discipline through the lens of scripture and discusses seven practical things we can do when we don’t know how to discipline.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Get Crossway's ESV Scripture Journals 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through March 26, 2020.
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Busy. Distracted. Overwhelmed. Worn out. Are these the inevitable characteristics of motherhood? Or is there another way? In this episode, Laura shares her journey from “hurry sickness” to rest. She helps clarify the biblical practice of Sabbath and explains how orienting one day of the week toward rest and worship can change all the other days. Even moms can find Sabbath rest as our hands do good while our hearts rest in the gospel!
We’re grateful to Bethany House Publishers and Kristen Whetherell’s new book, Fight Your Fears: Trusting God’s Character and Promises When You Are Afraid, for making this week’s show possible. Find out more at kristenwetherell.com/books.
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Dealing with differences can be hard. How do we engage with others who have very different life experiences, beliefs, or preferences than we do? How do we guide our children as they encounter these same challenges? In this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share how the truth that we’re all made in the image of God, or Imago Dei, impacts their motherhood and relationships. While it’s okay to be aware of our differences, the gospel reminds us that we’re all the same in one fundamentally important way—we’re created in the image of God. So whether we share many things in common or seemingly nothing at all, we can love our neighbors as God has loved us.
We're grateful to The Good Book Company for making this week's show possible. Check out their bestselling children's book, The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross.
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Does all of the time, effort, and heart we put into motherhood really make a difference? When we make meals that end up on the floor, wash load after load of laundry, and discipline our children for the same behaviors day after day, it’s easy to wonder if motherhood makes an eternal impact. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher (authors of Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women) about how moms matter in the redemptive story of the Bible. They help us see how God used the ordinary faithfulness of moms in scripture to lead to the birth of Jesus, and they encourage us that God is still working through moms just like us to carry out his plan of redemption in the lives of our children and beyond.
We’re grateful to Harvest House for making this week’s show possible. Looking for a new resources for your kiddos? Check out Even Me by Adie Camp and Courageous World Changers by Shirley Raye Redmond.
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Most of us have heard it. Some of us have said it. There’s a common encouragement to moms of littles that if we “pay our dues now” or if we’re “faithful in the small things” then there will be bigger things coming later as our unseen sacrifices give way to visible fruit. In this episode, Emily and Laura unpack this idea, helping us see that while it comes from a very right desire to encourage faithfulness in following Christ, it may lead us to wrong expectations. Rather than serving the Lord looking ahead to “better” things he might give us later, we can be content in serving him now, because he has already given us the best thing in his Son.
We’re grateful to Harvest House for making this week’s show possible. Looking for a new resources for your kiddos? Check out Even Me by Adie Camp and Courageous World Changers by Shirley Raye Redmond.
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Being a mom can feel isolating. Our children may be our constant companions, but we often long to interact with other adults, and social media can be a fun and easy way to connect. But with statistics showing that the average person spends 2.5 hours a day on social media, we’re wise to consider how it affects our ability to live out the calling of motherhood. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how social media is designed to draw us in and how it might influence our hearts and actions more than we may realize. They offer practical boundaries for social media use and encourage us to consider whether that use of time is beneficial to our growth in Christ. It’s important for Christians to be present on social media, but we don’t want our presence there to come at the cost of loving God and others.
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
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We make so many decisions in motherhood. Daily, we consider things like, what snack should I feed my child? How much screen time should they have? What discipline strategy should I use for this tantrum? And we also ask deeper, bigger questions like, how should we handle their schooling? What church should our family go to? How much time should we spend away from our kids? In today’s episode, Emily and Laura discuss how they each process decision-making and the many factors that influence the final outcome. God calls each of us to a dependent life that aligns with our deepest desire—to love and live like Christ in all we do, big and small.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
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Have you ever frozen as your child loudly asks why another child is in a wheelchair? Wondered how to check in with your friend after her child receives a difficult diagnosis? Felt unsure of how to encourage a mom who feels their child’s needs might be “too much” for the church to handle? In this special round table, Emily and Laura are joined by Abigail Dodds and Katie Blackburn to discuss what it’s like to raise a child with special needs and how others can show support. Whether you’re impacted directly or indirectly by the joys and challenges of this reality, we hope this show encourages and equips you to love moms who have children with special needs.
We’re grateful to Faithlife TV for making today’s show possible. This platform provides access to thousands of hours of shows, movies, and Bible teaching for the purpose of edification and entertainment. For a limited time, you can redeem a free 14-day-trial by visiting faithlifetv.com/motherhood.
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‘Tis the season of special Christmas parties at work and school. There are gift lists to check off and cookies to devour (we mean, deliver). There’s the Advent calendar and accompanying crafts, and someone needs to find the tree decorations. Is it just us or are you already tired? In this episode, Emily and Laura invite five women to share how they rest in Christ through this season of hustle and bustle. All of the good things we do—from present shopping to craft-making—can be an overflow of a heart that’s beholding God’s goodness in this season. Let’s pause to reflect on God’s greatest gift to us and the only One able to offer us true rest: Jesus Christ.
We’re grateful to Lifeway Women for making this week’s show possible. Looking for an Advent Bible study? Grab a copy of Advent: The Weary World Rejoices to help you meditate on how Advent points to the glory to come.
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Navigating the waters of grandparent-parent relationships can be difficult. How how much candy is too much? How do you invite them into your kids’ lives? How do you talk about boundaries? In this episode, Emily and Laura welcome their parents to the show to discuss how they honor one another in their differing roles and to work together to cultivate a gracious relationship. Whether you’re navigating a new grandparent relationship with your parents and in-laws or you are the grandparent, this episode is full of laughter, wisdom, and encouragement.
We’re grateful that the Hands-On Bible from Tyndale House Publishers made this week’s show possible. Looking for a new kids’ Bible? The Hands-On Bible, in the New Living Translation, is packed with activities, humor, and colorful graphics to help kids understand and live out important Bible truths. Use coupon code Risen to receive 35% OFF select Hands-On Bibles. Coupon is valid through December 13th, 2019.
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Moving is hard. One day, you’re packing a box faster than your toddler can unpack it, and the next, you need Google maps to find the kids’ new school. Your family can feel uprooted, discouraged, exhilarated, and adventurous all on the same day. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the challenges of moving with littles (which overlaps with any season of transition!). While moving is hard and full of unknowns, we can be sure God has a plan, and it’s a good one. These days, months, or even years aren’t throwaway seasons. By God’s grace, they’re times of pruning and growth in our hearts, leading us to joy in Christ—not our circumstances.
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
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Have you ever noticed your child light up as they greet others at church or offer drinks to guests in your home? Those moments could be the first glimpses into your child’s natural or spiritual gifts. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Karen Hodge about nurturing our children’s gifts in the context of community. Karen is a pastor’s wife and mom of two adult children, who serves as the Coordinator for the PCA Women’s Ministry. She’s also the R|M Board Chair and has been a faithful encourager of the Risen Motherhood ministry. As parents, we disciple our children with eternity in mind, preparing them to meet Christ. What a privilege to teach them how to use their gifts for God’s glory.
We’re grateful to Moody Publishers for making this week’s show possible. Grab your copy of Bible and Breakfast by Asheritah Ciuciu. This 31-day devotional combines rich devotions with easy breakfast recipes, so you can feed your body and soul—together.
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Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour episode, Emily and Laura answer listeners’ questions about the R|M pop-up shop and upcoming conferences, to things like spiritual slumps, attraction in marriage, and finding the right church for your family. We hope as you listen, you’ll see how the gospel applies to everything and how we have freedom in Christ to serve others in unique ways.
This episode is brought to you by our generous R|M donors! Consider joining them to help us produce more content like this episode.
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Stretch marks, loose skin, and under-eye circles—oh my! Many moms stand a little awkwardly before the mirror, examining their postpartum bodies. We may know the world’s standard isn’t a true one, but how do we find peace with our new bodies? In this episode, Emily and Laura invite five women to share how the gospel changes their outlook on their postpartum bodies. While we’re tempted to focus on what we think our bodies should be today, the gospel reminds us that our hope isn’t in our flesh. Instead, these bodies reminds us that our hope is in Jesus alone—who willingly bore our sins, scarring his perfect body to give us life. This hope gives us grateful hearts, so we can care for and steward the body we have today as a vessel for good works.
We’re grateful to Moody Publishers for making this week’s show possible. Grab your copy of Bible and Breakfast by Asheritah Ciuciu. This 31-day devotional combines rich devotions with easy breakfast recipes, so you can feed your body and soul—together.
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Moms are no strangers to worry. We daily consider the possibility of danger, hurt feelings, or stressful situations. We turn hypothetical situations around in our heads, trying to find solutions, but it feels like everything is just beyond our control. And so we worry. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel changes our worry. As moms in a broken world, we know we’re going to ask ourselves, “What if?” and, “What then?” But what do we do when we start to dwell on those questions? We train our minds with the promises of God found in Christ. As our trust in God’s care deepens, our worry can become worship.
Oh and ps: We’re having our fall fundraiser through Friday! Instead of ordering pizza for dinner this week, consider giving $25 to help 19 women hear the gospel.
We’re grateful to Harvest House for making this week’s show possible. Looking for a new resource for your kiddos? Check out the Baby Believer board books, Love Made, or Bible Infographics for Kids!
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It’s easy to think of things that are more fun than doing dishes or putting shoes back where they belong. But serving in motherhood often means sacrificing what we want in order to care for those around us in service to Christ. We know we’re called to be living sacrifices, but what are we supposed to do when the “sacrifice” part is uncomfortable? In this episode, Emily and Laura examine another angle of being a living sacrifice: service. Working hard to serve others isn’t an obstacle to fun or freedom. It’s the pathway to joy in Christ.
We’re grateful to Dwell for making this week’s show possible. Visit https://dwellapp.io/risenmotherhood to learn how they keep scripture in your ears and on your heart. Risen Motherhood Listeners, get 50% off Dwell!
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Sometimes we serve ourselves into exhaustion, and sometimes we avoid serving to keep ourselves comfortable. Neither extreme is good. Many of us have heard that we’re called to be a living sacrifice, but what does that mean? In this episode, Emily and Laura examine one angle of being a living sacrifice: burnout. While not every mom experiences full burnout, many of us believe our work proves our worth or the world depends on us. If these lies motivate us, we’ll live as though we’re limitless until we’re unable to do anything well. But a heart abiding in Christ knows we can work faithfully and restfully within our limitations, which are for God’s glory and our good.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
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We see each other every week at church, but our relationships can grow into more than just a quick wave in the lobby while a toddler hangs from our knee. We’re supposed to the church body, supporting and caring for one another by God’s grace as we grow together in Christ. In this episode, the Risen Motherhood team shares how their local church communities have helped them in various seasons. The church plays a vital role in the Christian’s life, and while it’s not perfect, God uses the church to help us grow in wisdom and maturity.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
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Most of us have our favorite “experts” or “gurus”—the voices we turn to for tips, tricks, and how-tos. We love the ability to learn something quickly by scrolling through our social media feeds. But should Christians solely depend on the “experts” of our culture to learn how to live a faithful life? In this episode, Emily and Laura examine why we like our gurus so much. While they are often be helpful, we’re called to unconditionally follow only one expert: Jesus. In Christ, God gives us the Holy Spirit to teach and train us in wisdom according to God’s word. We can still enjoy the gurus, but we know the source of all wisdom is God alone.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
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Why does marriage feel so hard in the little years? After pouring your energy and brain power out for your kiddos, it’s easy to offer your spouse the leftovers. In this episode, Emily and Laura invite some very special guests on the show to talk about marriage with little ones: their husbands, Brad Jensen and Mike Wifler! Dates may look different, conversations may constantly be interrupted, and serving one another may look mundane, but the gospel can breathe new life into marriage. The gospel story reminds us of God’s faithfulness as he works in our hearts—and the joy of partnering with others in the process.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
Order the Risen Motherhood BookRisen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
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The show is back! After a summer break, we’re kicking off the season by flipping the microphone and putting Emily and Laura in the interviewee seats to discuss being women in process. In Christ we’re growing, but we’re not perfect yet. So while we truly want to obey God, we still put our hope in other things. But even in the tension, Christ offers all we need as we learn to live lives of faithful obedience. No matter where we are in the process, the gospel meets us there.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Expecting a baby? Grab a copy of Gloria Furman’s Labor with Hope to remember our only boast and hope in childbirth is Christ.
Pre-order the Risen Motherhood Book Get the Bonus ChaptersPre-order the book before 9/3 and receive TWO bonus chapters. Submit your information by pressing the link above.
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At the beginning of June, you reveal your summer bucket list, which makes your children cheer with anticipation. By July, you can’t find your list and by August, you’re tempted to check out until a new season starts. It’s no surprise we need the gospel to shape every expectation we have as we think about our summer plans. In this episode, Emily and Laura look towards the next three months and offer challenges to help us keep the right perspective as we plan, hope, and dream for summertime. We’re living for something much bigger than our summer plans, and God’s grace will sustain us as we persevere in motherhood—and to September.
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Everything seems pressing in the early years of motherhood. The baby’s diaper, the promised game of tag, and the dirty upstairs bathroom repeatedly demand our attention. It can be easy to feel bogged down by the everyday and lose sight of the bigger picture. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth about building habits of faithfulness in every season of life. Nancy has impacted millions of women worldwide through her ministries, Revive Our Hearts and the True Woman movement. She’s a prolific writer, speaker, radio host; and she’s wife to Robert. It may be hard to see past the early years of motherhood in the moment, but when we’re 40, 50, or 60 years old, we’ll see the spiritual impact of the daily choices we make right now. If we want to breathe the gospel in and out, we need a steady habit of seeking God through his word.
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We all wonder if we meet the “good mom” standard. Do I feed them enough vegetables? Should I be the one reading the bedtime story? Do my kids behave? In this special episode, Emily and Laura ask the mother of all motherhood questions in front of a live audience: How do I know if I’m a good mom? Deep down, we all know we’re not good enough on our own. But the good news of the gospel is that we have Christ’s perfect record as our own, and God sees us as good in Jesus. So instead of looking at ourselves, let’s look at Christ and ask the better question: Do I know and love the One who makes me good?
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Motherhood is a gift from God. We never want to forget that. But while we’re down here in the trenches, we can’t ignore real annoyances—like who left this sock behind and why are there crumbs everywhere? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss why moms get annoyed and how the gospel shapes our responses. They even discuss some practical tips. Every mom is going to face annoying things, so we can sigh and roll our eyes or turn back in dependence to God who supplies for our every need. Christ came to save us—annoyances and all—so we could learn to love others even when we’re annoyed.
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Historians won’t record that we prayed with ours kids before school, dropped off meals to neighbors, or hosted Bible study. But God’s greater story uses the everyday work of women to spread the gospel around the world. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Dr. Michael Kruger about women in the second century church. Michael is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte) and professor of New Testament and Early Christianity; and an author, husband, and father. Church history teaches us that God is faithful to his Church through his people. From the second century to now, God uses ordinary women serving in sacrificial ways to change the world with the gospel of Christ.
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Going to Bible study in the early years of motherhood can feel like an Olympic feat. In our minds, getting everyone ready requires some gymnastics, enough snacks to feed a sumo wrestler, and the ability to marathon your way across a parking lot. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss common struggles that keep moms from being involved in women’s ministry and reasons to get yourself out the door. While podcasts, websites, and books are great gifts of encouragement, God specifically gives the local church to train, equip, and nourish his children. Getting there will be worth it.
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Sometimes it feels like we can’t finish a thought before a child needs us to grab more water, tie a shoe, or change a diaper. When mom’s brain power is consistently going to urgent things, adding scripture memory into the routine can seem too hard. Who really has time for flashcards? In this episode, Emily and Laura show how memorizing scripture gives us the wisdom we’re craving for the everyday. God’s word renews our minds and transform our lives, which helps us in the carpool line, the kitchen, and every moment of motherhood. God gave us his word as a gift; let’s enjoy it.
VIEW TRANSCRIPT GIVE TO RISEN MOTHERHOOD MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief, John M. Frame
Ep. 104, What Does It Mean to Find Your Identity in Christ?: An Interview with Jackie Hill Perry
Related R|M resources:
Ep. 63, Jen Wilkin: Growing in God’s Word as a Mom of Little Ones
Ep. 87, What Does It Mean to “Preach the Gospel to Yourself?”
“What Should I Teach My Children About the Bible?” Emily Jensen
Around the web:
An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture, Dr. Andrew Davis (Here’s a free PDF from Dr. Davis with similar content.)
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Donald S. Whitney
"He’s Memorized 42 Books of the Bible and You Can Too" Don Whitney
Help Me Teach the Bible: Nancy Guthrie and Andy Davis on Scripture Memory
Songs for Saplings (can also be streamed online for free)
Hidden in My Heart (can also be streamed online for free)
Scripture memory can be hard for moms, so let’s take a personal inventory on Bible memory and the challenges in our lives. Do you currently memorize scripture? Have you ever had a rhythm for scripture memory? What are 2-3 reasons why you don’t memorize scripture (ie. uninterested, too tired, overwhelmed—and seriously no need to get stuck in guilt here. This is just a starting point!)?
We believe the Bible is in the infallible Word of God, and it holds the power to judge the intentions of our hearts and renew our minds. Why is it important for Christians to know what the Bible says?
Look up Psalm 119. List some of the benefits of knowing God’s word. Do you think you can experience these gifts apart from knowing God’s word and how he desires for us to live?
We mentioned a lot of helpful tips and resources to start Bible memory in your home. Choose one or two that sound like a good fit for your learning style and family rhythm. How can you incorporate them into your week? How can you include your kids in the fun?
Remember, we don’t earn our right standing before God by reciting Bible verses. He doesn’t love, bless, or help us more because we’ve proven ourselves worthy. Instead, he gifts us his word so we can better know him and how to live in a way that leads to joy. Consider an area in your life where you struggle to remember God’s love for you. What verses can you memorize to help you trust in God’s faithfulness to you?
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
*Affiliate links used where appropriate. Thanks for supporting this ministry!
Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour episode, Emily and Laura answer listeners’ questions from how they handle the work of the ministry and how they manage their personal screen time, to how they’ve changed as mothers and how they intentionally connect with their husbands. We hope as you listen, you’ll see how the gospel applies to everything and how we have freedom in Christ to serve our families in unique ways.
VIEW TRANSCRIPTQuestions (Time-Stamped):
[1:51] What podcasts do you listen to?
[4:28] How do you potty train little boys?
[6:39] Do you guys hang out a lot outside of podcast/book stuff?
[8:37] Do you consider yourselves stay-at-home moms?
[11:17] How do you do the ministry of R|M and motherhood?
[18:20] What advice would you give to those wanting to grow in their writing?
[22:34] Do you ever struggle with comparing yourselves to each other? How do you deal with this?
[29:14] Do you have limits or personal policies that you use to limit or guard yourself from too much social media intake?
[31:56] How are you a different mom now than in the first year or two of mothering?
[37:23] How do you practically handle being real about your emotions with your kids (anger, sadness, crying) while still giving them the stability they need from their mom?
[44:41] What are some of your go-to questions to ask your husband to help connect?
[45:36] What are some of your most common prayers throughout any given day?
[46:45] Are there rules for prayer?
[49:47] Do you have any friends whom you disagree with theologically? How do you navigate this?
MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:Nonprofit Ally (Mentioned by Laura)
Help Me Teach the Bible: Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism (Mentioned by Emily)
Masterpiece Podcast (Mentioned by Emily)
Ep. 6, The enCourage Podcast: Body Image (Mentioned by Emily)
Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ, Naselli & Crowley
Quote by Milton Vincent: “You already know the worst thing about me, I nailed Christ to the cross.” (As read in this post.)
Marriage questions:
How can I love you better this week?
How can I love you in intimacy this week?
What’s coming in the week ahead?
What’s one way I can serve you this week?
Related R|M resources:
Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments (the book!)
Ep. 18, Freedom to Be the Mother God Created You to Be: Why Comparison Doesn’t Work
Ep. 35, Putting Your Marriage First: Giving Him More Than the Leftovers
Ep. 40, To-Do Lists & How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood
Ep. 61, Prayer & Motherhood: An Interview with Valerie Woerner
Ep. 123, Motherhood is Ministry: How to See and Serve Your Kids
“Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents” Quina Aragon
“What Does It Mean for a Mom to Have Freedom in Christ?” Nana Dolce
“Mommas, We Speak From the Overflow of Our Hearts” Katie Blackburn
“Remedies for the Mom Who Keeps Blowing It” Amy DiMarcangelo
“What God Wants for You to Pray for Your Kids” Melissa Kruger
Writing Resources:
All moms are ministers of the gospel of Christ. Some may serve in official capacities like in a church or nonprofit, but all serve in their homes and local communities. How is motherhood a ministry? How does God instruct believers to serve others out of their love for Christ? How do you share the gospel in your words and actions in everyday life?
By God’s grace, we’re able to grow in our ability to mother. We may learn a new trick like prepping lunch before heading out to church or learn a spiritual discipline like being patient amidst the demands for snacks every afternoon. How have you grown as a mother? How are those examples—practical or spiritual—signposts of God’s faithfulness to you?
There’s a form of godly comparison that encourages you towards godliness and thankfulness. What would this look like? Can you think of a friend whose love of God and others causes you to praise God and press into the work before you? Consider sharing with your friend how her joy in the Lord shines for others.
Connecting with your husband in the little years can take a little creativity and a lot of intentionality. (That’s probably why every AUA has a question about marriage!) What makes your husband feel known, respected, and cared for? How can you build some of those things into your weekly rhythm?
God’s word offers what we need for godly living and encouragement. Podcasts, articles, and books are extra gifts but not the source of wisdom. Are you searching the scriptures for wisdom or looking around for second-hand information? How can you become a better student of God’s word?
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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“Mommy, what happens when someone dies?” When our kids ask us about death, answering can feel intimidating and even sad. How much should we share? What can they understand? Will we scare them? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Tim Challies about how to talk to our kids about death. Tim is a husband, father of teenagers, pastor, and writer who encourages us to bring the conversation about death back to our children’s hearts and the hope they have in Jesus. We don’t need to worry so much about what to say to our kids. God gave us what we need in his word to teach our kids the victory of the gospel in the face of death.
VIEW TRANSCRIPT MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:Devoted: Godly Men and Their Godly Moms, Tim Challies
Related R|M resources:
Around the web:
“5 Ways to Talk to Your Children About Death” - Jeff Robinson
“How Being Honest About Death Brings Hope” - Matthew McCullough
“How to Explain the Gospel to Children” - John MacArthur
“#blessed” - Trillia Newbell
Goodbye to Goodbyes, - Lauren Chandler
Holding Onto Hope, - Nancy Guthrie
“Do Pets Go to Heaven?” - Ask Pastor John
Our kids will ask big theological questions. How do you feel when one is lobbed your way? Have your kids asked about death? After listening to the interview, how would you describe a theology of death to your kids?
Any conversation around death will eventually end with God’s judgment or grace, which makes it a launchpad for talking about your child’s heart. How can you explain the need for Jesus? What specific examples in your child’s life can you use to show their need for a Savior?
When children press to know if pets (or neighbors or friends) will be in heaven, it’s often because they equate “forever happiness” with being with the things and people they love. What are some specific people, pets, or things your child may expect to be in heaven? How can you point them to the true joy that will be waiting for believers in heaven? What examples can you give them to make them most excited to be with Christ?
We all feel pressure to have perfect theological answers, because we fear misleading our children or misrepresenting God. But it rests on God to change our children’s hearts. How can we be faithful in sharing scripture’s truths with our children without fear of “messing up”?
There are hundreds of resources for how to teach your children, which is a gift from God. But the even greater gift is the gift of his own words in the Bible to train us in godliness and biblical knowledge. We have what we need for gospel-centered motherhood through his word and his Church. How can you invest more time in Bible study? Is there an older woman in your church you could reach out to for counsel?
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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It’s vacation time! We can see ourselves sleeping in, sipping hot coffee, and diving into a good book. But it’s more likely someone will get sick, the traffic will be terrible, and the diaper bag will be left at the house. In this episode, Emily and Laura offer a “Mom Heart Check” to help find the root of difficulty in family trips. When we travel, it’s not about being served but about serving others. We can prep our hearts before, during, and after a trip by rethinking our expectations and remembering the servant love of Christ.
Ep. 19, A Bad Moment Doesn't Have To Make A Bad Day: Redeem Your Day
Ep. 21, Idols of a Mom’s Heart
Ep. 47, Facing the Cold and Flu Season with Grace
Ep. 49, When Momma Gets Mad, Part 1: What's Under the Surface?
Ep. 123, Motherhood is Ministry: How to See and Serve Your Kids
“See Needs and Meet Them” Laura Wifler
“The Kingdom of Mom” Maggie Combs
“A Mother’s Hope” Christina Fox
“A God Who Serves Mothers” Amanda Criss
Around the web:
“Your Child is Your Neighbor” Jen Wilkin
“Summer Vacation and the Gospel” The Gospel-Centered Woman
“Summer Vacation is No Sabbath” Kathryn Butler
“You Are Responsible for Your Own Actions” Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
“When God Interrupts Your Plans” Christina Fox
R|M Apply:
Consider your heart motivations when planning and prepping for a trip. How do you view vacations for your family? A chance to get away? The highlight of the year? A time for you to clock out?
No matter how well we plan, we’ll be met with interruptions, surprises, and challenges when we travel. What difficulties have you experienced on trips? Were your responses honoring to God and your family? If not, what would have been a godly response in that situation?
When things are difficult we often blame everyone around us. While it may not be anyone’s fault, our responses reveal our trust in things other than God. Do you believe God is in control of your trip? How does this truth stop blame-shifting and enable us to extend grace in all things?
After kids, “vacation” doesn’t mean the same thing it once did. There are needs to meet for our families no matter where we are, so we need a right understanding of service. How does God serve you as you serve your family—even on vacation? Are you ever without his help or grace?
It helps to set your mind and heart on the right things before a trip begins. Consider the sin issues that pop up when you travel. Think of past examples of common challenges that may happen again. How can you respond kindly and graciously? How can you help your kids understand how to love God and others while traveling? How can you communicate the gospel to your family before, during, and after vacation?
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Changing dirty diapers. Providing nourishing meals. Having conversations about patience and self-control. It doesn’t look like an official outreach or job position, but ministering to our kiddos is one way we serve God. In this episode, Emily and Laura share how moms can see and serve their kids. Our individual circumstances are different, but we can all look to Jesus as our perfect example for ministry in everyday life. He worked, traveled, taught, and ate with his disciples to show them what it looks like to obey and love God in all things. Mamas, let’s live a life of ministry too.
Faithful Motherhood Series
Ep. 107, Grace in Discipline: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Elyse Fitzpatrick
Ep. 113, Trusting God with Our Children: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Nancy Guthrie
Ep. 116, Leaning into Grace: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Debbie Martens
Discipleship and Teaching “Gospel Thinking”
Ep. 76, Sally Clarkson: Nourishing & Training Up Your Children at the Table
Ep. 82, Using Stories to Pass Along the Gospel to Your Children
Ep. 89, Trillia Newbell: Helping Our Kids Celebrate God’s Beautifully Diverse Design
Ep. 111, Seasons and Rhythms: Incorporating Gospel Reminders Into Your Year
“What Should I Teach My Children About the Bible?” Emily Jensen
“Gospel Thinking: How Do We Decide Our Family Traditions?” Eric Schumacher
“Passing Along Our Heritage: Teaching the Gospel in All of Life,” Autumn Kern
Encouragement in the Ministry of Motherhood
Ep. 19, A Bad Moment Doesn’t Have to Make a Bad Day: Redeem Your Day
Ep. 40, To-Do Lists & How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood
Ep. 61, Prayer & Motherhood: An Interview with Valerie Woerner
Ep. 66, Hannah Anderson: How Humility Nourishes a Weary Mom’s Soul
Ep. 73, Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children
Ep. 110, Creativity and Motherhood: An Interview with Quina Aragon
“Gospel Hope When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough,” Christina Kposowa
Intentional Motherhood
Ep. 46, Intentional Motherhood: Communicating Your Family’s Mission
“Where Are We Going? Leading Your Family with a Gospel-Centered Vision,” Shelly Wildman
“Five Ways My Mom Invested the Gospel in Me,” Jaquelle Crowe
Bible Literacy
Ep. 15, When Quiet Times Aren’t Quiet: How Moms Make Time to Study God’s Word
Ep. 63, Jen Wilkin: Growing in God’s Word as a Mom of Little Ones
Ep. 79, She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, In Every Season
Husbands as Ministry Partners
Ep. 28, On the Same Team: Getting on the Same Page as Parents
Ep. 90, Unified with Your Husband: Different Styles, Same Mission
Around the Internet:
RM APPLY QUESTIONSNow that we see our work in motherhood as a ministry to our children, let’s talk about how to see and serve them well. You’ll find there are a million ways to do this with a scroll on social media, a simple Google search, or even a look at the R|M website. But ministry isn’t a thing of guilt, it’s a thing of grace. God graciously invites us into his work to spread his gospel and make disciples, even in our homes. Our ministry will look different than the mom next to us, but our goal is the same: to raise children up in the ways of the Lord.
When you hear the word “ministry,” what comes to mind? Who ministers? What does ministry look like? Ministry simply means serving God by serving others in our spheres of influence—which for a mom includes her family. How would you describe your ministry in motherhood?
The first thing we need to do ministry is a relationship with God. This is how we’re equipped to serve our kiddos and how we learn to obey God. How do you grow in your relationship with God? How do you grow in godliness and gospel thinking?
We have hundreds of moments in a day in motherhood to decide to submit in obedience to God or to chase our own selfish desires. Can you think of an example of a moment like this in your home? What would it look to serve God in that moment?
We minister in two main ways: in the physical and in the spiritual. What are some practical needs you meet for your children? How does that work communicate the gospel to them? What are some specific hearts needs in your children right now? How can you communicate the gospel to them for those issues?
Resources are everywhere, which is a wonderful thing. But it can also leave us feeling overwhelmed by the options or guilty for not doing all of them. How does the gospel free us from “mom guilt” and allow us to use resources with joy?
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Sometimes it feels like “mom world” is another planet. A nursing shield? An all-terrain stroller? Funny-shaped food? It seems easier to build friendships with women in our season of life, but the gospel gives us a bigger picture of community. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elizabeth Woodson about building flourishing friendships with women in other seasons of life—particularly singles. Elizabeth is a Bible teacher who writes, teaches, and helps to develop leaders at The Village Church and serves as the Director of Resources for the Sparrow Conference. Christian moms and singles can have the most important thing in common: our faith in Christ. So press in a little deeper with a woman in a different season and enjoy God’s gift of community.
“God’s Grace Beyond our ‘Mom Tribes,’" - Abby Hummel, Risen Motherhood
“The Gospel Comes with a House Key,” - Rosaria Butterfield, Risen Motherhood
“When We’re Offended: The Cost of Being a Peacemaker,” - Lauren Weir, Risen Motherhood
“Members, Not Measures: A Call to Own One Another’s Joys and Sorrows,” Abbey Wedgeworth, Risen Motherhood
“Moms Make Peace Through Christ,” - Emily Jensen, Risen Motherhood
Ep. 38, Friendship & Motherhood - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 43, Serving Others Right Where You’re At - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 55, Hospitality in the Little Years - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 65, Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community? - Risen Motherhood
Around the internet:
Messy Beautiful Friendships: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships, - Christine Hoover
Life Together, - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community, - Brett McCracken
“6 Costs of Real Friendship,” - Jen Thorn, Christianity Today
“Loneliness, Friendship, and the Goodness of God,” - Melissa Kruger, TGC
“Woman Enough for Friendship,” - Jasmine Holmes, Fathom Magazine
Ep. 17, By Faith with Christine Hoover: On Friendships for Moms with Emily & Laura - By Faith
It’s great to have a close group of mom friends, but God also designed Christian community to include a variety of ages, experiences, and gifts. Women in different seasons of life can have flourishing friendships if we’re willing to find common interests, have honest conversations, and build on our shared love of Christ. We’re made to be in community and to encourage our sisters-in-Christ, and that happens across every season of life.
Do you have friendships with women who are in different seasons of life than you? If so, how can you further invest in these friendships? If not, can you think of any women who share similar interests with you in other areas? Consider inviting one of them to join you for coffee, bread baking, running, etc.
There are common threads in all our lives. We all experience pain, loss, and difficulty; and we all experience joy, thankfulness, and hope. The gospel meets us where we are in our different situations and enables us to mourn and rejoice with one another. How is a shared love of Christ the foundation for friendship? How does it connect you to other sisters-in-Christ who may be experiencing different life events than you?
Moms and singles can be tempted to run away from hard relationships, but God calls us to consider one another as more important than ourselves. What would it look like to approach a difficult friend with grace? How can you find out how to love that person well?
If we want to be true friends, we have to open up our lives to others—which means opening our homes too. What are your expectations for the “right conditions” to be hospitable? Are these biblical requirements or heart idols? How can you open up space this week to invite a single woman over?
All women are told to have spiritual children in the faith regardless of our life seasons. We’re to steward the information God gives us by pouring into a younger sister-in-Christ. Is discipleship a regular part of your life? How can you make time for it and who might you “do life” with?
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Want to start a business? Wondering if you should start traveling for your job or pick up an extra shift? Trying to bend and stretch your schedule to make all your opportunities work? Being able to consider new work responsibilities, ministry roles, or creative endeavors isn’t the norm for everyone, but when we have a choice, it’s a huge privilege to steward. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how to evaluate new or changing career or ministry opportunities. We’re made to work and use our gifts to pass on the legacy of faith in all we do. By tuning our thoughts to God’s word, we can pursue holiness, count the cost of each decision, and lay down our lives for others.
Ep. 83: Nikki Daniels: Finding Freedom in Christ as a Working Mom - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 118: Gray Areas: Personal Conscience in Motherhood - Risen Motherhood
“When You Don’t Measure Up” - Laura Hardin, Risen Motherhood
“Every Woman’s Call to Work” - Abigail Dodds, Desiring God
“Women, Work, and Faith: Five Common Themes” - Bethany Jenkins, TGC
“The Counter-Cultural Woman: A Fresh Look at Proverbs 31” - Revive Our Hearts Series
“Women, Work, and Our Crisis of Identity” - Carolyn McCulley, Desiring God
“Women’s Roles and the Great Commission” - Allyson Todd, For the Church
“The Wonder of Work” Melissa Kruger, TGC
“When You’re Stuck in a Season You Don’t Want” - Lauren Weir, Words Worth Noting
“Let Me Be A Woman: A Discussion on Biblical Femininity” - Nana Dolce, Aimee Byrd, Brooke Ventura
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
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Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on social media.
Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Regular date nights are a joy. We love getting out of the house and away from the kids! But does a flourishing God-honoring marriage require this regular habit? If you and your husband are in an overwhelming season and you’re not “succeeding” at date night, this one’s for you. In this episode, Emily and Laura dig into a different perspective on the “modern date night.” Instead of putting our hope in a single night out with our husbands, God teaches us to cherish and serve one another daily. Date nights aren’t a guarantee, but God’s covenant-keeping grace is, and he can sustain our marriage, even when we don’t get a date night.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPT MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:Ep. 109, Ask Us Anything!: Fall 2018 Edition - Risen Motherhood
Hunter Beless on Instagram
Hudson Taylor: Gospel Pioneer to China - Vance Christie *Laura’s book recommendation
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
“Don’t Put Your Hope in Date Night” Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler, TGC - Featured article written in conjunction with this week’s show
Ep. 05, Marriage & Motherhood - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 35, Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More Than the Leftovers - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 62, When Your Husband Works Long Hours - Risen Motherhood
“Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy” - Laura Hardin, Risen Motherhood
“Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents” - Quina Aragon, Risen Motherhood
“Tell Your Husband You Love Him” - Laura Wifler, Risen Motherhood
“Practical Ways to Love Your Husband Who Works Long Hours” - Risen Motherhood
“When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage” - Risen Motherhood
The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller
“On Disappointment in Marriage” Trillia Newbell [Video], For The Church
“Susannah Spurgeon Lived for Christ Without Leaving Her Home” Christine Hoover
“10 Ways to Grow Your Marriage While Having Young Kids” Gavin Ortlund, TGC
“Lay Down Your Life for a Lasting Marriage” Jen Oshman
“The Purpose and Privileges of Marriage” Garrett Kell, For The Church
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
*Affiliate links used where appropriate. Thanks for supporting this ministry!
Am I an Enneagram 3? A Princess Belle? An INFP? Wait, what are you?!
It doesn’t matter if it takes 10 minutes and 100 pop-ups, we’ll click through to learn something new about our personalities. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about why we love learning about ourselves and what role personality profiles should play in our mothering. Digging into who we are can be useful, but our personalities aren’t the full definition of who we are in Christ. God is making all things new, changing and transforming every part of us—personalities included—into the image of Jesus.
“Personality Assessments and the Wondrous Knowledge of Being Known” Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Lifeway
“I’m Not an Expert on Myself” Jen Wilkin, Family Life
“Personality Tests and Abiding in Love” Liz Wann, Morning By Morning
“Personality Tests: Knowing God Through Knowing Ourselves” Nate Claiborne, Christian Pop Culture
“What God Thinks About You” John Rinehart, Desiring God
“Stop Using Your Personality Test as a Crutch” Michael Kelley, For The Church
“The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About the Enneagram” Joe Carter, TGC
“What the Bible Says About Our Identities in Christ” Melissa Kruger, Megan Hill, Jen Pollock Michel [Video], TGC
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To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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It’s our first episode of 2019, and we’re talking about the little voice in your head. The one that pipes up when you feel guilt over letting your kids eat too many cookies or sets off an alarm bell when you watch something questionable. All of us have one, but it’s not the Holy Spirit. What is it exactly? In this episode, Emily and Laura start the conversation on personal conscience. God gave each of us a conscience to help discern what’s right and wrong in the everyday “gray” areas of life. While it can be dulled by sin, God recalibrates our consciences through the study of his word and fellowship with believers, so we can do all things in faith with love.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPT MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Risen Motherhood’s Board of Directors
Conscience: What it is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ, Naselli & Crowley
That Little Voice in Your Head: Learning About Your Conscience, Naselli (Kids version)
Ep. 13, Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding: How the Gospel Changes the Conversation - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 56, Feeding Our Families & the Gospel - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 63, Jen Wilkin: Growing in God’s Word as a Mom of Little Ones - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 83, Finding Freedom in Christ as a Working Mom: An Interview with Nikki Daniels - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 85, Same Grace, Unique Circumstances: Every Mom is Your Neighbor - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 92, Learning, Growing, & Changing Our Minds: How the Gospel Frees Us to Do Something Different - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 93, How Should We Educate Our Children? The Case for Freedom, Part 1 - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 103, When Snack Time is Scary - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 117, “Mommy, Can I Watch a Show?”: Screen Time & the Gospel - Risen Motherhood
“What Does It Mean for a Mom to Have Freedom in Christ?” Nana Dolce - Risen Motherhood
“Bridges of Grace: Dealing with the Different Mama” Emily Guyer - Risen Motherhood
“Loving the Mom Who is Different From Me” Amanda Criss - Risen Motherhood
“Unity Rather Than Uniformity” Christine Hoover - Risen Motherhood
“Gods’ Grace Beyond Our ‘Mom Tribes’” Abby Hummel - Risen Motherhood
“What is Conscience?” - Joe Carter, TGC
“Always Let Your Bible Be Your Guide” Dawn Wilson, Revive Our Hearts
“Don’t Always Follow Your Conscience” Andy Naselli, Desiring God
The Art of Turning, Kevin DeYoung
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
*Affiliate links used where appropriate. Thanks for supporting this ministry!
Screen time can be a hot topic. We wonder, “Is there a formula for the right amount of TV time?” “Is 30 minutes or 45 minutes holier?” “Do you think my kids will be quiet if I put on a show and hide in the kitchen?” But what we need to ask is, “What’s going on in my heart?” In this episode, Emily and Laura share gospel hope for two issues in many moms’ hearts: guilt and fear. Whether you’ve used screen time to avoid the craziness of the day or created a system of rules to guarantee a particular outcome, the gospel meets you there with wisdom and hope.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
“Wisely Using Technology” Tony Reinke on Journeywomen
“ERLC Panel discussion: Screen time and family time” Trillia Newbell, Jason Thacker, Ben Stuart, Jamie Ivey, Tim Blackmon
The Tech-Wise Family, Andy Crouch
This is Our Time, Trevin Wax
“The Tension of Technology: Hope and Fear in the Digital Age” Jason Thacker
12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, Tony Reinke
“Are We Worrying Too Much About Kids on Their Phones?” Trevin Wax
“Give Your Children All of Your Attention. Some of the Time.” Harriet Connor
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To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Moms have a lot of work to do and the exhaustion of our responsibilities in the home, the church, and the community, often leave us wanting to lean into despair and defeat... But God uses the work before us to show us his sufficiency and unending love in our weakness so we can lean into grace. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Debbie Martens about God’s faithfulness and grace in motherhood. Debbie is a wife, mom of seven, and grandmother of six who is actively involved in her local church and community. We’re called to be faithful to God in the work before us, but even when we fail, God is faithful to teach and sustain us in every season of motherhood.
RM APPLY VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Ep. 49, When Mama Gets Mad, Part 1: What’s Under the Surface?
Ep. 50, When Mama Gets Mad, Part 2: Practical Ways to Stay Calm
Ep. 55, Hospitality in the Little Years
“Six Tips for Getting in God’s Word as a Young Mom” - Laura Wifler
“Your Child is Your Neighbor” - Jen Wilkin
“Preach the Gospel to Yourself” - Paul David Tripp
“Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: Gospel Hope for the Moments We Look More like Miss Trunchbull than Miss Honey” - Abbey Wedgeworth
“The Heart of Hospitality” (Series) - Revive Our Hearts
“You Can Be Hospitable, Even with Little” - Trillia Newbell
“Parents, Your Tiredness is an Opportunity” - Kristen Wetherell
The Heart of Anger, - Lou Priolo
Between Walden and the Whirlwind, - Jean Fleming
Give Them Grace, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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We experience daily hardships in motherhood that weigh on us—difficult decisions, potty training, sleeplessness, and more. But sometimes we experience deeper, more profound suffering that makes us cry out, “Why God?” In this episode, Emily and Laura offer gospel encouragement for those in the midst of deep suffering. Suffering is different for everyone, but scripture offers unshakeable hope in every situation. Since God didn’t excuse himself from suffering, one day—through Christ—our suffering will give way to joy.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
“When Suffering Falls on Our Children” - Sarah Walton
“Seeing Beyond the Suffering” - Trevin Wax
“8 Reasons to Cling to Scripture in Suffering” - Kristen Wetherell
“Why You’re Suffering” - Charles Spurgeon
“Suffering in Community” - Wendy Alsup
God’s Grace in Your Suffering - David Powlison
Suffering - Paul David Tripp
Holding Onto Hope - Nancy Guthrie
A Path Through Suffering - Elisabeth Elliot
The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
When the Darkness Will Not Lift - John Piper
The Scars That Have Shaped Me - Vaneetha Rendall Risner
Hope When It Hurts - Kristen Wetherell & Sarah Walton
Sing a New Song - Lydia Brownback
The Valley of Vision: Puritan Prayers
“How Can God Be Sovereign and Good and Allow Suffering?” - John Piper
“Though You Slay Me” - Shane & Shane
“Psalm 126” - Bifrost Arts & Molly Parden
“Satisfied in You” - The Sing Team
“How Firm a Foundation” - Norton Hall Band
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD MAKE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!You crafted the perfect Christmas list for your kids—a blend of beautiful, educational, practical, and personal. All will be well when they open their pre-approved number of acceptable gifts. That is, until the gift-giver enters the scene and breaks all the rules. In this episode, Emily and Laura flip the gift-giving conversation to ask, “Mama, what’s going on in your heart?” When we remember God’s love to us through Christ, we can see the gift-giver through the lens of grace as we consider our response. Let the richness of Jesus's birth set a tone of gratefulness in your home this gift-giving season.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Ep. 74, “Grandparents and the Gospel: Why Do Grandma & Grandpa Get Under Your Skin?”
Ep. 75, “Grandparents and the Gospel: Give Them Grace”
“Gospel Thinking: How Do We Decide Our Family Traditions?” - Eric Schumacher
“FAQ: Should I Curtail Grandparent Gift-Giving” - Jen Wilkin
“Gentle Leading Advent: The Gifts of God” - Trish Shank
“X-Ray Questions” - David Powlison
“Christmas: It’s All About the Gifts” - Melissa Kruger
“The Guilt and Grace of Christmas Giving” - Leslie Schmucker
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, - Kristen Welch
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD MAKE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Every moment in motherhood is an opportunity to trust God. Through suffering, hardships, and difficulties, we have to answer the question, “Is the gospel really true?” In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Nancy Guthrie about faithfulness and hope in motherhood. Nancy is a wife, mom, author, and Bible teacher who experienced deep suffering when she lost two children. We can fret, strategize, and lose sleep over many worries in motherhood, but when we trust God is sovereign and faithful, we’ll see the gospel meets us in every situation.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Holding onto Hope - Nancy Guthrie
Seeing Jesus in Genesis - Nancy Guthrie
Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books - Nancy Guthrie
Seeing Jesus in the Historical Books - Nancy Guthrie
The One Year of Praying Through the Bible for your Kids - Nancy Guthrie
Even Better Than Eden - Nancy Guthrie
What Every Child Should Know About Prayer - Nancy Guthrie
Help Me Teach the Bible (podcast) - The Gospel Coalition & Nancy Guthrie
“God Will Sustain You One Day at a Time” - Vaneetha Rendall Risner
“God Knows What You Don’t Have” - Abigail Dodds
“‘Should Be,’ ‘Would Be,’ and The Hope of What ‘Will Be’” - Abbey Wedgeworth
“Who Do You Trust?” - Charles Spurgeon
God’s Grace in Your Suffering - David Powlison
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Strollers, music lessons, school clothes, and summer trips—motherhood can be expensive. But the way we spend money can often reveal what we value and desire. In this episode, Emily and Laura scratch the surface of spending in motherhood, digging down to the roots: what’s in our hearts. By God’s grace, the gospel reshapes our hearts to love what God loves, enabling us to use the resources he’s entrusted to us for his glory. No matter our financial situation, Christ is our greatest treasure and our hearts will only be satisfied by him.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
“King Lemuel’s Mother: Raising Sons of Privilege” - Chelsea Stanley
“How You Honor Your Maker with Your Wallet” - Ivan Mesa
“In the Image of Christ or Instagram” - Whitney Aguirre
“The Gospel and Your Money” - Jason K. Allen
“Four Questions to Keep Close to Your Wallet” - Marshall Segal
“Emerald Green with Envy” - Abigail Dodds
“Your Choice: Gumball-Machine Happiness or Lasting Joy” - Melissa Kruger
Stewardship: Grace Made Visible - The Village Church (video)
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD MAKE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Our daily schedules are busy, so it’s no wonder we’re surprised when all of a sudden it’s a new season. If we don’t intentionally stop to think about them, they pass us by! In this episode, Emily and Laura share how incorporating gospel reminders into your year can help your family remember God’s sovereignty and story of redemption. It’s not another burden or thing to check off a list, but rather a chance to bring joy into your home as you remember Christ in every season.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPT Articles, Resources and Related Content:Ep. 42, Making Christmas Traditions Matter
Ep. 81, Celebrating Advent with Little Ones
Ep. 82, Using Stories to Pass Along the Gospel to Your Children
The Church History ABCs: Augustine and 25 Other Heroes of the Faith - Stephen J. Nichols
Reformation ABCs: The People, Places, and Things of the Reformation - Stephen J. Nichols
Love Came Down at Christmas: Daily Readings for Advent - Sinclair Ferguson
Come Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional - Paul David Tripp
The Village Church Seasons Book (church calendar/seasons)
The Pilgrim’s Progress - John Bunyan
Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim’s Progress (for kids) - Oliver Hunkin
The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Whether you’re the crafty mom who can beautify anything, the mom who is always coming up with fun new adventures, or the mom who feels caught in the doldrums of daily life God’s word teaches that we’re all creative. We’re all image bearers of the Creator. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Quina Aragon—a wife, mom, and artist—on creativity and the gospel. As God’s ambassadors, we’re called to cultivate the earth in order to proclaim his name. Whether we make a delicious meal, comb a child’s hair, or help paint watercolor masterpieces, our creativity fills our homes and communities with the knowledge of the glory of God.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Love Made - Quina’s New Book
Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents - Quina Aragon for RM
“Listen & Live” Spoken Word for TGC - by Quina Aragon, shot by Light Foster, & produced by The Gospel Coalition
“Are You Suffocating Your Creativity?” - Erik Raymond
“Creativity as Worship” - Kelly Wolfe
“Made in His Likeness” - Jeanie Layne
“The Foolishness of Creativity” - Tresta Payne
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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Every person bears the image of God, and as believers, we also bear the image of Christ. No matter how we fail—including in creative endeavors—our righteousness before God doesn’t change. We’re secure in God’s love through Christ forever. Let’s consider how this reality frees us to be more creative as we live out the mission to spread God’s authority to all the earth, making known his glory.
God created mankind in his image to serve as ambassadors, acting on his behalf, to fill the earth with the knowledge of his glory. What does it mean for you to be an ambassador of God in this mission? How does your family pursue this mission?
God told Adam and Eve to cultivate the earth for his glory. Jesus taught us to pray for God’s kingdom—which is full of his glory—to come to earth. Jesus gave us the Great Commission to go and make more disciples to fill the earth spreading the news of God’s glory. This mission is throughout scripture! How do creativity and cultivation propel this mission?
We’ll never be perfect ambassadors in this mission, which is why we need Christ. Jesus was the only perfect ambassador, and through his perfect record, we have his righteousness as our own. How does knowing God’s love for us in Christ free us to try new, creative things?
Being creative isn’t confined to a particular artistic style, but rather we see creativity as we take what God has made and cultivate it into something beautiful—from a bouquet of flowers delivered to a friend to an organized filing system implemented for your church. What are some ways you are gifted creatively? How can you use your creativity to serve your family, church, and/or community to spread God’s glory?
Part of motherhood is nurturing our children, including nurturing their creativity. What are some ways your children image God’s creativity? How can you help them use their creativity to serve others? What are some ways your family can serve together?
Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour episode, Emily and Laura answer listeners’ questions from thoughts about date nights and what kind of cars they drive, to how they encourage their children to pray and how their families handle Santa. We hope as you listen, you’ll see how the gospel applies to everything and how we have freedom in Christ to serve our families in unique ways.
[3:37] “What kind of car do you each drive?”
[7:25] “What’s it like living with your parents, Laura? Any tips on clashing with parents?”
[11:40] “Do you guys use essential oils?”
[12:54] “What do you think about forcing your children to hug grandparents/family/strangers?”
[15:19] “What’s your enneagram number?”
[23:54] “How have your husbands been a part of R|M?”
[27:06] “Do you wrestle with the influence you have and how has the Lord guided you in this?”
[33:14] “How do you do date night? How do you strengthen your marriage in the busyness of littles?”
[38:34] “How do you introduce or encourage a toddler to pray?”
[40:41] “How you explain image bearers to young kids?”
[45:50] “I’m using catechisms with my 18-month-old and feeling frustrated. Am I having too high of expectations?”
[48:07] “How do you approach Santa and other non-advent type Christmas traditions? Is this how you handle the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy…”
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Ep. 33: Intentional Motherhood Starts at Day One
Ep. 74: Grandparents & the Gospel: Why Do They Get Under Your Skin?
Ep. 75: Grandparents & the Gospel: Approach Them With Grace
Ep. 81: Celebrating Advent with Little Ones
Ep. 89: Trillia Newbell: Helping Our Kids Celebrate God's Beautifully Diverse Design
Ep. 90: Unified With Your Husband: Different Styles, Same Mission
Ep. 92: Learning, Growing, & Changing Our Minds: How the Gospel Frees us to Do Something Different
“Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents” - Quina Aragon
“Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy” - Laura Hardin
“Passing Along /our Heritage: Teaching the Gospel in All of Life” - Autumn Kern
“What Does It Mean to Remember the Gospel?” - Emily Jensen
“What Does It Mean for a Mom to Have Freedom in Christ?” - Nana Dolce
“Five Ways My Mom Invested the Gospel in Me” - Jaquelle Crowe
“Raising Treasure Hunters” - Stephanie Grayum
“Personality Assessments and the Wondrous Knowledge of Being Known” - Lore Ferguson Wilbert
The Enneacast - Love Thy Neighborhood
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To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Discipleship can be an intimidating task, but it isn’t out of reach for the everyday mom. It’s living out the gospel in front of our kids, teaching and inviting them to follow Jesus with us. In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into how we disciple our kids, asking, “What is it? How do we do it? And why does it seem so difficult?” We get to faithfully teach our kids to love God and share their faith by showing them how we do it. We won’t disciple them perfectly, but we can trust the Holy Spirit to equip us for the task and change our children’s hearts.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources, and Related Content:
R|M Resources:
“Five Ways My Mom Invested the Gospel In Me” - Jaquelle Crowe
“Raising Treasure Hunters” - Stephanie Grayum
“Where Are We Going? Leading Your Family with a Gospel-Centered Vision” - Shelly Wildman
“Gospel Hope When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough” - Christina Kposowa
“Helping Children See Christ in Scripture” - Nana Dolce
“Helping Our Kids to Celebrate God’s Beautiful Diverse Creation” - Trillia Newbell
“Passing Along Our Heritage: Teaching the Gospel in All of Life” - Autumn Kern
“What Should I Teach My Children About the Bible?” - Emily Jensen
“Ten Opportunities to Talk to Your Child About God in Everyday Life” - Laura Wifler
R|M Recommended Resources for Training Children
“Four Marks of Discipleship” - Trevin Wax
“Mom as Unsung Disciple-Maker” - Sam Bierig
“Leading Your Kids Beyond ‘Praying the Prayer’” - Mike Phay
“How to Raise an Alien Child” - Jen Wilkin
“What is a Disciple?” - JT English
“Teaching Children Theological Vocabulary” - Emily Jensen
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!There’s no formula for raising godly children. Instead, we follow the Christ’s example by offering our kids God’s expectations and grace as we disciple them. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elyse Fitzpatrick about faithfulness in the early years of motherhood. Elyse is a wife, mom, and prolific author of many books that apply gospel truths to daily life. While we’re called to faithfully nurture, train, and discipline our children according to God’s word, only Jesus can transform their hearts and teach them to love his design. Let’s give our kids the greatest example of faith by being sinners who run to Jesus with them.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Elyse’s Work:
Give Them Grace (co-authored with Jessica Thompson)
Answering Your Kids' Toughest Questions (co-authored with Jessica Thompson)
Finding the Love of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation
Front porch with the Fitzes Podcast
“He’s Been Through It All” - Elyse at R|M
Ep. 44 | Raising More Than Just “Good” Kids
“X-Ray Questions” - David Powlison
“Parenting is a Process, Not an Event” - Paul David Tripp (Video)
“Parenting a Difficult Child” - Julie Lowe
“Discipline that Connects with Our Children’s Hearts” - Jim & Lynne Jackson
Parenting - Paul David Tripp
Shepherding a Child’s Heart - Ted Tripp
For More:
To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Tired, overwhelmed, hurting, and lonely. Every mom struggles in different ways, but there are some moms whose experiences make them vulnerable in society. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel changes us at the heart level so we can see and serve others with humility. Our challenges are different, but our common dependence on Christ encourages us as we love the vulnerable women in our communities.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
When Helping Hurts - Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert
Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands - Paul David Tripp
Toxic Charity - Robert D. Lupton
Is the Bible Good for Women? - Wendy Alsup
“Justice Needs a Face” - Bethany Jenkins
“Wrapping Around Foster and Adoptive Families” - Jason Johnson
“Women with a Past with Dr. Sandra Glahn” - Journeywomen
“How You Can Resolve to Help the Vulnerable this Year” - Christy Britton
“21 Places Women Emerge Front and Center in Scripture’s Storyline” - Eric Schumacher
MLK50: Ministry on the Margins: Immigration, Refugees, and Ministry to the Vulnerable
“Is God a Misogynist?” - Mary Willson
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!There's a reason our podcast opens with, "Motherhood is hard." Because it is! From sleepless nights and potty training accidents to constant discipline and raising adolescents, motherhood can leave us crying in the bathroom and eating from the secret chocolate stash. In this episode, Emily and Laura consider how the gospel breathes hope into the moments of motherhood that leave us feeling undone. The good news of Jesus means that God calls, equips, and sustains us in the work he's prepared for us to do—including requests for snacks, sibling squabbles, boo-boo kisses, and the fifth reading of their favorite book. We were never meant to mother in our own strength, and by the kindness of God, we don’t have to.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
R|M Ep. 87: What It Means to "Preach the Gospel to Yourself"
"Motherhood is a Gift" - Gloria Furman
"Motherhood Feels Like Death" - Courtney Reissig
"Gospel Hope When You Feel Like You're Not Enough" - Christina Kposowa
"Millennial Motherhood" - Abigail Dodds
"The Father's Love in Motherhood" - Jasmine Holmes
"Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood" - (Audio) Melissa Kruger
Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truths of Jesus into the Everyday Life Stuff - Jeff Vanderstelt
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full - Gloria Furman
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!It’s a phrase we share over coffee, in a text, or at the park, “Find your identity in Christ!” But do we really know what it means? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jackie Hill Perry. Since coming to know Christ at the age of 19, amidst struggles like gender confusion and same-sex attraction, Jackie has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry. Today she’s a wife to Preston and mom to Eden and Autumn and just like the rest of us, sometimes she still struggles to remember her identity in Christ in motherhood. Whether you listen to this one while cleaning the dishes or driving to the office, know that God created us as his image bearers, which means every aspect of our lives is lived for his glory.
RM APPLY QUESTIONS VIEW TRANSCRIPTArticles, Resources and Related Content:
Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry
Identity Theft: Reclaiming the Truth of Our Identity in Christ - edited by Melissa Kruger
In His Image, - Jen Wilkin
“What Does It Mean to Remember My Identity in Christ?” - Emily Jensen, RM
“Finding Your Identity in Christ,” - David Powlison
“Who Am I?” - Ed Welch
“Identity in Success for the Christian,” - Liz Wann
“Finding Your Identity in Christ Looks Like Death,” - (Video) Trillia Newbell, Blair Linne, Rosaria Butterfield
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Summer break is over, and the weekly show is back! In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel applies to snack time. It may seem like a “lighter” topic, but our opinions, preferences, and rules about snack time reveal a lot about our hearts. Whether you’re guilt-ridden about “giving in” or glued to your snack standards, the gospel reminds us to identify with Christ as we love our littlest neighbors.
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HELP RISEN MOTHERHOOD CREATE MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS!Most of us know evangelism is an important part of the Christian life—so why does it feel so overwhelming and awkward? Maybe you worry you’ll say the wrong thing or offend someone, but when you think about it, is there anything better or more beautiful than sharing Christ’s love? In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss some common pitfalls we experience in evangelism and the gospel hope which drives us to try again. From the people in our home to those we see in our communities, we can share the greatest news of Christ’s resurrection by simply sharing what he did and how the gospel impacts our own lives!
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Books, podcasts, Bible studies, conferences, articles, and social media—oh my! With so many resources and so little time, how should a mom choose the best resources for her spiritual growth? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how wise use of time on the best resources is a stewardship issue. Our hearts can chase the wrong sources of wisdom and false gods too easily, but through the study of God’s word and the work of the Holy Spirit, we can all grow in wisdom and discernment as we choose excellent resources to fill our time!
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When we ask for questions from the RM community, they range from the super practical to the thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something really special. In this one-hour episode, Laura and Emily answer listeners’ questions from what they cook for dinner and their daily routines, to short anecdotal examples of how they approach discipline and what they value about their friendship. They even touch on one of our most frequently asked questions: how do you approach intimacy in the little years? We hope that as you listen in, you’ll see that the gospel truly does impact every aspect of motherhood, and we’re all learning with you.
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Laura’s Favorite Recipes
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God’s heart is for the broken, wounded, and forgotten. So what does that mean for how we care for the vulnerable children in our midst? One way is by opening your home to care for a child for a season. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss the gospel’s impact on foster care with foster parents, Andrew and Chrissy Wolgemuth. While living out the gospel can be costly—requiring our time, resources, and hearts—God’s grace is sufficient in every circumstance for every family—whether we’re fostering or supporting those who are.
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There is just something about music that helps us remember things we’ve learned in a way that other methods can’t match! In this episode, Laura and Emily celebrate our opportunity to worship God through song. No matter what our singing voices sound like, we can all benefit from remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness through shared songs in the Christian faith. By inviting these moments of worship into our homes, we’re able to experience the joy of knowing God and resting in his promises as a whole family.
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You’re not the first mom to wonder, “How often should I bathe my kid?” or “How do you teach a stubborn child to obey?” Since other moms have asked these same questions, there may be someone with the biblical insight you need in your season of motherhood. In this episode, Laura and Emily remind us that looking to and learning from a mom who is in a season ahead of us can be a helpful way to apply biblical truth to the difficult situations in our lives! Despite our different life circumstances, we can learn from and teach one another because of our common status as believers in Christ. From one momma to another, let’s pass on God’s wisdom.
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Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel— in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jen Wilkin, a wife, mom, author, and Bible teacher, on her family’s decision to educate their children through the public school system. We all have unique situations when it comes to schooling, but our ultimate consideration is how to honor Christ as we care for our families (and our communities) in the decision making process.
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We have a special place to find our collection of education resources this month! Here you’ll find links to all of the interviews, resources and tools we’ve found helpful, and the RM questionnaire to serve as a springboard of things to think about as you and your family consider the decision of how to educate your child.
Below, you’ll find some episode-specific resources:
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Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk to Irene Sun, a pastor’s wife, mom, and author, about her experience as a mom who homeschools. Because our identities are found in Christ alone, we have nothing to prove to ourselves or anyone else. This should cause us all to breathe a sigh of relief. The lives of our children are safe in the hands of God.
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We have a special place to find our collection of education resources this month! Here you’ll find links to all of the interviews, resources and tools we’ve found helpful, and the RM questionnaire to serve as a springboard of things to think about as you and your family consider the decision of how to educate your child.
Below, you’ll find some episode-specific resources:
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Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel— in our education methods. In this episode, Laura and Emily interview Melissa Kruger, a wife, mom, and writer, on her family’s decision to educate their children through the private system. No matter where we school our children, our responsibility remains to create a gospel-culture in our homes and to trust God’s good work in our children’s lives. School is important, but we are the biggest influencers in our children’s education.
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We have a special place to find our collection of education resources this month! Here you’ll find links to all of the interviews, resources and tools we’ve found helpful, and the RM questionnaire to serve as a springboard of things to think about as you and your family consider the decision of how to educate your child.
Below, you’ll find some episode-specific resources:
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Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura kickoff our RM month of education with the first of four podcast shows on schooling choices! Deciding how to educate your child reveals a lot of options, opinions, and pressures from both inside and outside of your home. We hope you’ll join us over the next month while we talk about private, public, and homeschooling, and how the gospel gives us freedom to choose, in the context of our own situation, for the glory of God.
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We have a special place to find our collection of education resources this month! Here you’ll find links to all of the interviews, resources and tools we’ve found helpful, and the RM questionnaire to serve as a springboard of things to think about as you and your family consider the decision of how to educate your child.
Below, you’ll find some episode-specific resources:
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From diaper choices and sleep methods to snack options and schooling methods, we make many decisions throughout our years of mothering. We research, we pray, we talk with our husbands, and we come to what feels like our “final” decision. But what about when we need to or want to change? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about changing our minds on the little things and the big things. While we will never be perfect in decision-making, we serve a God who is wise, all-knowing, and in perfect control of all things. Momma, let’s be faithful in our limitations while trusting our limitless God to bring all things to fruition for his glory and our good.
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Scroll through Pinterest or eavesdrop in a coffee shop and you might see or hear something along the lines of, “All I need is a whole lotta of Jesus and a little bit of coffee/tacos/Netflix/sleep.” While it’s usually said in jest, we all have little crutches that we rely on when we feel like we’re survival mode. In this episode, Laura and Emily talk about the potential crutches in motherhood like wine, shopping, or social media. While they may make us feel a little good for a little while, only Christ is the source of our greatest joy for the longest time. So momma, let’s go back to the cross and fix our eyes on the only one able to sustain, encourage, grow, and help us in every situation – Jesus.
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Parenting alongside your husband can sometimes feel overwhelming. We want to be intentional, but it can seem like we have wildly different plans than our spouses! In this episode, Emily and Laura give a nod to Valentine’s Day by diving into a marriage topic: unity with our husbands. Even though we have differences, God has joined us in marriage for his mission in our homes and has equipped us to do it together. Through Christ’s perfect record, we can humbly forgive one another, refocus on our mission, and live in unity with our husbands every day.
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Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea to our children, exposing them to different people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture — affirming that all people are made in the image of God and deserve to be loved as such.
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As moms, we spend a lot of time thinking about sleep, like, “Will I get to have it?” and “I can’t sleep – I have too much to do!” From tiny baby bellies to late-night toddler questions, we sacrifice our sleep out of love and service to Christ through caring for our families. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss how the gospel gives hope to the weary, sleepy mom (most of us, right?). In light of God’s promises to us, we no longer worship sleep as an idol or ignore our need for rest. Instead, Christ has freed us from either extreme, offering us true rest and hope in himself. We may be tired, but we can trust him with our needs.
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As mommas, we all fall short of the glory of God. What we need when that happens is to preach the gospel to ourselves again and again. But how do we actually do that? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how reminding yourself of the gospel is an important part of the Christian walk – but it requires some practice. To preach the gospel, we have to know the gospel. It’s the only thing that keeps us from being defined by the time we yelled in the car or hid in the pantry stress-eating dark chocolate. Momma, your true identity is secure in Christ – offering peace, hope, and joy in every moment.
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We were created to work and to rest, but sometimes it feels like our to-do list never ends. But we were not created to carry the burdens of “doing it all” or to indulge in copious amounts of “me time.” So, when and how are we supposed to rest amidst the busyness of motherhood? In this episode, Laura and Emily get to the heart of self-care for mommas. While we do need practical things like sleep, food, and a shower, what our hearts most desperately need is the refreshing truth of the gospel. We weren’t made to be limitless, so our limitations are actually a gift that draws us into the rest offered by Christ in every situation.
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We’re excited to be back and set the course for our 2018 theme: unity in the gospel! While moms may look and act differently than one another, we find common ground in being followers of Christ. In this episode, Laura and Emily share the heartbeat behind this year’s theme by looking at the letter to the Ephesians. Much like Paul’s audience of Jews and Gentiles, we’re moms of different races, backgrounds, giftings, and more. But being heirs of Christ gives us all the same foundation. So let’s spend the year learning what it means to be united as the body of Christ as we seek to glorify God in our lives. We’re grateful to journey together with you!
Also in this episode, Emily and Laura share about a new endeavor RM is embarking on, and you can be apart of it! Find out the details at the beginning of this show!
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What a year 2017 has been – God is so good! Whether you’ve been with us for awhile or just recently started listening, we’re grateful to have spent the year learning to deeply study scripture together! It takes practice to grow in biblical literacy, but our prayer is that we would all find our truest delight in knowing God through his word. In this episode, Emily and Laura wrap up the year by looking back at our 2017 theme, lessons learned, and favorite shows. We also share our 2018 theme! Let’s finish this year well mamas, and head into the next year with our feet firmly planted in the gospel as we bring grace into our homes and our children’s lives!
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All moms are working moms. We’ve each been called by God to love our families, train up our children, and use our gifts and abilities to glorify him in our unique situations. For some moms, this means they work exclusively in the home. For other moms, this means they work in and out of the home. In this episode, Nikki Daniels, wife, mom of three, and Assistant Headmaster of Advancement at Monte Vista Christian School, reminds us that God values us in every role he calls us to. No matter where we spend our days, our call is to be faithful with what he’s given us. The gospel will always meet a mom where she’s at and offer her the sweet freedom of a woman – not just a mom – rooted in Christ.
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This fall, the RM team will be experimenting with adding discussion questions to serve as a launch point for further conversation. Our hope is that these questions will encourage you to dig deep and see how the gospel transforms motherhood.
Discussion Questions:
Think about all of the seasons you’ve experienced as a mother. Think about the seasons of your sisters and closest friends. Are there wildly different experiences, even in your own relationships? Most likely. While everyone is living a unique life, the one thing we can all relate to is the pursuit of glorifying God by serving our families well in the season we’re in right now (Eph. 2:10). Rather than compare ourselves to one another – which leads to mutual insecurity – let’s enjoy the freedom and grace Christ offers us. Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, and that looks different for every mom.
With our access to social media, parenting books, blogs, and more, moms need a strong, gospel-centered filter to separate the truth from the falsehoods. The world will always tell us what we should be doing or what our kids really need, but we want to honor God’s standards in our parenting. How do you grow a gospel-centered filter to discern truth in a world of personal opinions?
Saying no to the world’s ideas of motherhood in order to say yes to God’s design for motherhood will be costly. Thankfully, we do not need to fear man’s judgment, because we know that God’s design is always better. How does God describe a mother’s role in scripture? What matters to him?
We all have to prioritize our callings or we risk overwhelming ourselves and misplacing our time and talents. The gospel should guide our to-do lists, offering us perspective and freedom. On what roles does God place a high value and importance? When you look at your list, what are your “best things” in light of scripture?
The gospel applies to everyone – across history, culture, and geographic locations. Women have always served their families in different capacities. It’s encouraging to remember that God has already prepared good works for us to do in each of our roles: woman, wife, mother, worker. Everything we do is in service to him, so it all matters. How do your different roles in this season of life glorify God?
The two most common phrases for moms today are “we can’t have it all” and “we can have it all.” These anthems cause intense and unnecessary comparison amongst moms. A gospel-centered perspective of motherhood will continue to bring you back to Jesus, our truest portion and prize. When moms have Christ, they have it all, even if they have nothing else. What does it mean for Jesus to be all?
Most of us know that good storytelling captures our attention and impresses lessons on our hearts. The same is true for our children! The adventures, battles, victories, and resolutions whisper biblical truths that impact our children, often without them fully understanding how or why. In this episode, Emily and Laura share how stories can help us pass along the gospel and give examples of godly character to our children. A good story represents the Great Story, and wonderful tales laced with hope invite our children to know the greatest storyteller of all–God himself.
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One of the most exciting things we can teach our children is that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby and that he’s coming back as the King. This past-and-future perspective is at the heart of the Advent season as we celebrate what has happened and wait expectantly for what is to come. On this episode, Emily and Laura explain the meaning of advent, sharing ways to celebrate, and encourage moms to find freedom in the Christmas season. Instead of running into the holidays with added pressure of one more thing, we can look to Christ and celebrate the gospel story in our homes from an overflow of joy.
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From the rude friend in the neighborhood to the scary show at Grandma’s house, our children will face negative influences. Even more so, their own hearts will lead them to worship the wrong things. So what do we do as moms to train our children in godliness? In this episode, Laura and Emily talk about building a gospel culture within our homes by offering grace, not guilt, to our children. By creating an environment of conversation, repentance, and joy, we can extend the welcoming attitude of Christ towards our children as they learn to live like Jesus. Our children are not the things they see or do, and we have the privilege of teaching them to look towards Jesus, again and again.
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RM|APPLY: Questions for personal reflection or conversation with others, to dig deep and allow the transforming work of the gospel to impact every part of your motherhood
While we cannot keep our children from all of the negative influences of this world, we can create a culture within our homes that continually points them to Christ (Deut. 11:18-20). Jesus modeled perfect obedience to God during his life, teaching us how to be in this world but not of it. Because of his perfect life and death on the cross, we experience deep grace every day. As you work through these questions, consider how you can draw your children to Christ through the normal rhythms in your home.
Our family culture influences our children at home. What does your family value most? As a mom, you have the opportunity to live an authentic life of discipleship to Jesus in front of your children. How are you teaching your children to walk in his ways?
The biggest problem our children have is inside of them. So we need to address negative influences with our children at the heart level. Consider an issue in your home right now. What does it look like to bring it back to the heart issue?
We need to be praying constantly that our children will grow to love the one true God as we work to protect them. What practical things can you do to surround your children with godly influences in different settings?
Ultimately, we do not change the hearts of our children, only God can do that. When we understand that God is in control of all things, we no longer have to strive to control our children. Are there are any areas of motherhood that you still try to control? How does your identity in Christ free you to trust God?
In the years of little ones, it seems almost impossible to carve out a quiet moment to read our Bibles and pray intentionally. Most moms want to be in the word amidst the busyness, but we just need a little help. This is why founders, Raechel and Amanda, started She Reads Truth – to see women get in the word of God everyday. In this episode, Raechel and Amanda, wives, mothers, and authors, discuss how women need to be rooted in God’s word, taking the first step by just getting started. By changing our expectations of “quiet times” and studying with other women, we can find the refreshing hope of the gospel in the Bible that has relevant application in each season of life.
She Reads Truth has kindly offered all Risen Motherhood listeners 10% of anything in the shop (except the auto-ship subscriptions) – from 11/1-11/8 with the code RISEN10. Go check it out!
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From elaborate, Pinterest-worthy birthday bashes to simple celebrations with donuts and family, birthday parties can look wildly different in every family. But for moms today, planning a birthday party can feel a little like a competition against online strangers, our friends, and even ourselves. One thing all parties do is reveal a mom’s heart. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss birthday parties and ask, “What’s our heart motivation?” Since our worth is secure with Christ, moms can stop chasing perfection, even in something like party planning. The gospel invites us to see each birthday as pause for a yearly celebration of God’s work in our children’s lives.
VIEW TRANSCRIPTWe want to recognize that birthdays can be hard for moms who have lost a child too soon, either inside or outside of the womb. Moms who have experienced miscarriage and infant loss can also glorify God as they mourn and celebrate what God did in and through that child’s life, even if it was short. Even though we don’t address this directly in the show, we’re thinking about you, and hope you will be blessed and encouraged by some of these resources:
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We’ve had many questions from listeners about all things motherhood, ranging from the super practical to the thought-provoking theological. We tackled many of those last spring, but it’s time to answer a new list of frequently asked questions! In this special one-hour episode, Laura and Emily laugh and talk about lessons learned, their friendship, what they’re currently reading, personal testimonies, and so much more. We hope that as you listen in, you’ll pick up a few ideas about how the gospel impacts every aspect of motherhood!
Questions & Resources Mentioned (In the order of the show):
About Laura & Emily and Risen Motherhood:
Our Motherhood Journeys:
Our Marriage Journeys:
Thoughts on Ministry & Parenting
Future Shows!
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The idea of eating around the table with little ones may bring to mind little tea cups in front of stuffed animal friends or fidgeting children and food-covered floors. No matter what mealtimes look like in our homes, each meal is a chance to share how God’s love impacts our children’s lives. In this episode, Sally Clarkson, wife, mother of four, and prolific author, offers her wealth of experience and insight on sharing Christ with your children around the family table. By making our times at the table something special and an opportunity for training, moms can tackle the hard work of sharing gospel truths in a natural way within the daily rhythm of mealtimes.
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Interactions with the grandparents in your life may leave you feeling thankful and energized, but they may also leave you feeling frustrated or misunderstood. One thing that all moms need in both easy and hard relationships is grace. In the second episode of our “Grandparents & The Gospel” series, Laura and Emily focus on how we can be the instruments of the gospel in our interactions with our children’s grandparents. When we understand how Jesus extends the most grace to us, we are free to offer unconditional love to some of our very closest neighbors, Grandpa and Grandma.
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Grandparents can be some of the most loving and helpful relationships in the lives of our children, but they can also be some of the most complicated. Navigating different expectations, values, and family cultures can cause miscommunication and even estrangement. In this episode, Emily and Laura ask the question, “Why do Grandma and Grandpa get under our skin sometimes?” which is really a way of examining our own hearts in light of the gospel. What we worship determines how we respond to happy and hard relationships, and only when we reorient our eyes to Christ’s sacrifice can we approach these issues with grace.
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In the little years, it’s easy to grow weary from sowing seeds without seeing much fruit. When the discouragement bears down, we wonder, “Does this even matter? Would another investment be more worthwhile?” In this episode, Ruth Chou Simons, author, artist and founder of Gracelaced, pours out gospel-rich wisdom from her years of parenting six boys. She discusses how she manages her dreams and motherhood, how she keeps her priorities straight with a blooming business, and offers practical wisdom for a busy mom to grow in her relationship with God. Through years of humble faithfulness, a mom can hope in Christ, even when she can’t see the outcome of her story.
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What does a mom do at the beginning of an unknown journey with a child who doesn’t seem to fit the mold? Whether it’s food allergies, therapy needs, medical concerns, hearing/vision impairments, challenging behaviors or something else; the differences can feel scary and isolating. How can a mom apply the truth of the gospel when she’s not even sure what she’s dealing with? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own personal experiences with kids who don’t fit the mold, and offer encouragement rooted in an unchanging hope available in Christ. In him, we can be confident that all things are for our good and God’s glory.
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Regardless of how long it’s been since having a baby, we can easily tie too much self-worth to our external appearance. Our confidence can be sky high one morning when we see that “number we’ve been waiting for,” and drop to the ground when it we see a friend who looks better-than-before-baby. But what does the gospel say about how we should view our MomBods? In this special “welcome back” episode, newly postpartum moms Emily and Laura discuss common cultural mindsets about body image, encouraging themselves and others to believe the truths presented in scripture. God isn’t shaming our postpartum bodies, and we shouldn’t either.
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When urgent needs and love for our littles abounds, it’s easy to become all-consumed by the role of motherhood. Without even realizing it, we can start to define ourselves by how we’re doing, letting our joy be found in the relative success of earthly ability instead of the secure anchor of the Savior. In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the concept of identity and motherhood, encouraging moms to define themselves in Christ. As sinners, our success can’t be found in any earthly role or relationship, but only through our eternal hope in the Savior himself.
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It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. Conversely, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her more-extreme views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura bring the gospel to bear on these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.
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Moms celebrate Father’s Day with a variety of feelings. Some are incredibly grateful for their husband’s leadership, hands-on help, sacrificial love, and wisdom with child-rearing. But others feel the pain of disappointment, and aren’t sure how to reconcile their expectations with their reality. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jerrad Lopes, host of the weekly DadTired podcast and founder of the non-profit ministry, aimed at pointing men to Jesus. Jerrad tackles some of the most frequently-asked-questions Risen Motherhood receives about supporting husbands spiritually, with “from his perspective” insights and practical ideas. Because of Christ’s example, moms are free to love and support Dad, right where he’s at.
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Any mom who reads to her children knows that you wouldn't start a storybook right in the middle! If you skipped the first half, your kids would miss important aspects of the plot and the character development. Instead, you would start at the very beginning and view all of the parts as a whole. But for some reason, when it comes to the bible, we often toss that concept aside and go straight for the easier-to-understand New Testament books. In this episode, Emily and Laura make a case for the Old Testament, citing eight reasons why it really matters! Processing the entire bible in light of the cross is critical for mom (and her kiddos) to rightly understand God's epic redemption story.
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We know we should be grateful for the gifts God has given us in motherhood, but instead, we find ourselves battling discontentment, anxiety, and stress over our inability to keep up with even the simplest tasks. In this interview, author Hannah Anderson, talks about her book "Humble Roots," offering an opportunity for weary moms to rest as they accept their limitations and let God be God. She applies gospel-truth to challenging topics like postpartum body image, vocational or ministry calling, and dealing with the temptation to live for our ideal version of motherhood instead of God's plan for us. This conversation is candid, challenging, and leaves much to be considered...don't miss it!
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These days, it's common to hear the call for moms to find a "tribe" where they belong. While there is great benefit in connecting with women who share similar circumstances, challenges, or life passions, is this where we're supposed to find our primary source of community? In this episode, Emily and Laura address the online "tribe" trend, and challenge moms to examine God's plan for community, which is rooted in the local church. There is no online ministry or common interest group that can replace the need for deep relationships among flesh-and-blood believers.
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Instagram and Pinterest-worthy spaces may have you feeling intimidated, jealous, or proud about the look and feel of your own home. But despite the trends or the tendency to make appearances too important, there is still value in serving others by creating a beautiful space for God's glory. In this episode, Emily and Laura explain the gospel's implications for beauty in the home, touching on everything from creating a functional space to using decorating for strategic ministry opportunities. Regardless of the size of the space or the size of the budget, mom can image God by drawing her children to His loveliness in all things - even through home decor!
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Is there hope for developing a personal understanding of the bible in the season of young children? In this special interview, author and bible teacher, Jen Wilkin, shares her passion for biblical literacy, encouraging moms to stay committed to gaining a firsthand knowledge of their sacred text. Jen also gives practical examples of what this might look like, offering encouragement to set aside larger blocks of time, get involved in a structured study with accountability, and consistently consume the word whenever and wherever you can. If you haven't been sure about how an understanding of scripture impacts your spiritual life or your role as a mom, you'll be so challenged and encouraged by this interview! More From Jen Wilkin
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When Dad has to work late (again) and mom feels like she's soldiering on with the children, is there a gracious response to give? Although the long days might leave a wife stuck in cycles of comparison with other families and even anger, God hasn't left her without hope and help. In this episode, Emily interviews Laura, who shares a bit of her experience as a mom whose husband works long hours. Whether your own husband just misses the occasional dinner, or travels for months at time, you're not going to want to miss the wisdom she shares! The gospel turns "fairness" on its head, and offers wives a better way forward - where her husband (or his job) isn't the enemy, and all her needs are met in Christ.
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-- Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
-- Proverbs 31: 10-12 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life.
-- Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
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When schedules are full and urgent needs abound, it's a struggle to run to God in prayer. We are hindered by distractions, unrealistic expectations, and even guilt, because we haven't already gone to our Father with our needs. In this episode, Valerie Woerner, joins Emily and Laura in a conversation about how moms can intentionally rely on God through prayer in each season. Valerie is a wife and mom herself, and is the founder of Val Marie Paper, which she started with a heart to provide women with practical tools for consistent prayer. If you are a mom hoping to be refreshed with gospel-truth and practical ideas for prayer, we know you'll be encouraged by this interview!
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Many moms wonder, "What is it going to be like to add another little one to our family?"...Through childbirth or adoption, the season of transition can cause everyone anxiety. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about the way we face our limitations by looking to Christ, who ultimately fills our hearts with hope, not fear. God doesn't promise to spare us from spit-up, sleepless nights, blow-outs, or frustrated older siblings, but He does promise to use all things for our good and His glory. It's often the "out of control" seasons that remind us who's really in control.
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Even before walking down the aisle, questions start coming your way, "So when are you going to have children and how many do you guys want to have?!" As a couple who just wants to settle into married life first, it's natural to take the path-of-least resistance, neglecting to intentionally consider the hard questions about family planning. In this episode, Emily and Laura share the unexpected ways that God has shaped their ideas about children -- including family size, caring for orphans, and being unified with their husbands. There is no formula for a perfect Christian family plan, but we can all rest in our gospel-freedom, embracing children as the Lord does (sacrifices, messiness and all!).
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In motherhood, sometimes unexpected and even grief-filled news about your child can change all of your hopes and dreams for the future. When her son Titus was flagged for having a small cerebellum at his 20-week ultrasound, Abigail Dodds and her husband began their God-appointed journey as parents to a child with special needs. In this episode, she shares wisdom, rooted in the truth of the gospel, about everything from facing fears of the future to facing the hard chaotic "I can't do this" moments of the present. Whether you are a mom to your own child with special needs, an Aunt or Grandparent of a child with special needs, or a woman hoping to come alongside a friend as a loving support -- this episode is for you! As you'll hear Abigail share, God's promises in Christ can provide true joy and encouragement in any circumstance.
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Before we've even grown comfortable in the role of motherhood, it starts...the fall-to-the-floor tantrums, the food throwing, the back-talking, the hitting, and even the selective hearing. Suddenly, we're faced with the the reality that our children are sinners, and moreso, that God has given us the authority to do something about it! With a sea of opinions and resources, it's easy to just feel paralyzed. In this episode, Emily and Laura give an overview of discipline in the early years, especially focusing on using it as a tool to communicate the gospel. Discipline will play out differently in each family, but the goal is the same: pointing our sinful children to their desperate need for the perfect Savior.
Although neither of us follow, subscribe to, or endorse one particular book or method of discipline, we still wanted to share some resources we've learned from (in different ways). Please see this not as the "perfect" list for discipline resources, but as a place to begin your own prayerful research and learning!
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In today's culture, there is much debate about food, from the snacks on your toddler's plate to the liquid in their sippy cup. For every article that advocates for a certain diet, there is another one that says you should avoid it. Even the most research-savvy moms have a difficult time understanding how to love their family well by providing good food (without going overboard). In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some common heart issues and gospel freedoms surrounding the issue of food. Holding to perfect food standards shouldn't be more important than the connection and fellowship we enjoy during meal times in the name of Christ.
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Letting others into the imperfect mess of daily life is challenging in the easiest seasons, and holds particular stresses with little ones around. But should obstacles like disorganized toy rooms, meal planning, noise, and messes be a major deterrent to welcoming others in the name of Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical call to hospitality, and consider its importance, even in the season of young children. Because God welcomed us into his family when we were strangers at great personal cost to himself, we can extend that same welcome to others, even when it's not convenient.
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Over the last year or so, we've had many questions from listeners about all things motherhood, ranging from the super practical to the thought-provoking theological. Although we've tried to keep up with answers, we thought it might also be fun to record an entire episode that was packed with frequently asked questions! In this special one-hour edition, Emily and Laura laugh and chat about coffee, maternity pants, daily routines, balancing time inside versus outside the home, and so much more. And of course, because it's still Risen Motherhood, we hope you also catch lots of ideas about how to apply the gospel to everyday life!
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With nearly-unlimited resources for motherhood, it can be difficult to figure out what's helpful and what subtly distracts from our primary mission as moms. Even in the Christian resources, there are great nuggets of truth, stirred together with potentially dangerous theology. How can we safely get the help we need for motherhood without deviating from the path of truth? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common fears and missteps moms face as they navigate resources, and offer gospel-principles for "finding the meat and spitting out the bones". Because ultimately, when we are familiar with biblical truth we can be wise and discerning instead of scared and gullible.
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Have you ever felt like you can't shake the baby blues? Like maybe you've recovered from childbirth physically, but emotionally, you feel like an empty shell of who you once were? It's possible that you are battling postpartum depression (PPD). In this episode, writer and speaker, Lindsey Carlson discusses her struggles with PPD, giving practical insight and gospel-hope to other moms. She answers questions like, "How do I know if this is PPD or the baby blues?" and "What's the next step if I think I might have PPD?" But most importantly, she reinforces the truth that in Christ, PPD doesn't define our identity and it definitely isn't the end of our story. Whether you are walking through this, or you have a friend or family member with questions, this is a must-listen on a sensitive topic that many moms face.
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Busyness, squirmy children, silly questions, and feeling insecure about talking to toddlers about Jesus are all things that hinder intentional discipleship in the season of young children. When you feel like you can't live up to that other family, or your ideal picture of family devotion time, it's tempting to do nothing. But regardless the challenges, we're still responsible for sharing God's word with our children. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how they've altered their expectations for family worship, and share practical ideas for getting started. If the gospel is everything to us, and we are deeply grateful for God's word, we will show our children how to feast off of the bread of life.
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When it comes to anger in motherhood, it's easy to be caught in a cycle of guilt and despair. However, the good news is that there is hope in Christ and power to fight sin in practical ways! Just like a person on a diet doesn't keep tempting foods within reach, with God's help, we can find ways to limit the temptation to sin in our anger while we process through the issues of the heart. In this show, Emily and Laura discuss common triggers for outbursts in motherhood, and share helpful hints for prevention. Because of the gospel, even a worn-out frustrated mom is under grace, with the power of the Spirit to pursue holiness from a new heart.
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Frustration, impatience, losing our cool, having a bad day, feeling overwhelmed; we all have different ways of describing an angry heart-attitude towards our children. Although we know what it looks like when we lose self-control (and we're experts at feeling guilty about it), we rarely stop to think about why we're so upset in the first place. In this episode, Emily and Laura share their personal struggles with anger and impatience, and discuss how the good news of the gospel is transforming their hearts. At the end of the day, we are not God and we don't deserve any of the kindness he's shown to us in Christ. Shouldn't we remember that, rejoice in it, and extend that same grace to our children?
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When it comes to balancing various roles, Gretchen Saffles has experience with many on her plate! She's a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and an owner of a growing business. In this episode, she shares her journey into life as a working mom, some of the challenges she's faced along the way, and how she's learning to rest in Christ through it all. Gretchen speaks to moms who wonder how they can possibly accomplish all that God has called them to do, encouraging them to pray, "Jesus, be in me all that I cannot be."
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
As winter presses on, so do the fevers, empty kleenex boxes, and doctor's office visits. When an illness means so much stress on the whole family, how can mom avoid bitterness, trust God and walk with grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura sympathize with the exhausting aspects of cold and flu season, while also sharing ideas about how the gospel transforms our perspective on common winter illnesses. Regardless of whether our little one has an ear infection or a bad cough, God calls us to the radical response of giving thanks for His goodness in all things.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
So maybe YOU know your mission is to point your kids to Jesus, but do they? Just as God gave clear, overarching missional statements to his children, we can provide direction through the intentional act of writing a mission statement for those in our care. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the why (and how) of writing a family mission statement with your husband. Even if all you do is take time to get on the same page with your spouse, determining your family's ultimate mission helps you stay focused on what really matters in your mothering.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Even with the best intentions, we're all prone to distraction and busyness, tempting us away from time with the Lord. In 2017, it's the heartbeat of Risen Motherhood to not only discuss how to apply the gospel to everyday situations, but to encourage moms to spend more time learning the word of God. In this episode, Emily and Laura give some personal updates and set the course for another year of new podcast episodes. We're so grateful for your support, and look forward to walking this journey together in an amazing community of moms who long to glorify God!
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
The world tells us to prepare our children to be athletes, successful business people, and helpful citizens; but as Christian moms, we aim for something eternally important. Our goal isn't just to have "good" kids, but to have children that know and love Jesus. We want to help our children not just do what's right on the outside, but to think through honoring God from a right heart. How can we do this well? In this episode, Emily and Laura close out the year with a reminder about our most important mission as moms. Let's finish 2016 well mamas, and go into 2017 with hearts that long to pour rich biblical truth into our children!
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Most of us are guilty of being so caught up in our own lives, that we forget to care for the needs of others. We avoid big things like "evangelism" and "ministry" because those are for women with more time and lofty giftings. We think that serving others is going to be too burdensome or too inconvenient. But have we forgotten to just be faithful in the small opportunities God has placed right in front of us? In this episode, Emily and Laura break down the concept of ministry, making it accessible for moms. They discuss how important it is to model a life of serving for our children, and how that doesn't have to mean being a women's ministry director or a street evangelist. Momma, have you looked outside yourself lately and considered that Jesus wants your full participation in the great commission?
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Someone important has already come, and is coming again. Have you told your children? Despite the busyness and the expectations around us, Advent is a perfect time to rest the hearts of our family on the Savior. But how exactly can we do that with small children or less-than-ideal-circumstances? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the opportunity we have to point our children to Jesus during Advent. They also share practical ideas for engaging children in the Christmas story, and encourage moms who feel like they can't live up to the Pinterest-perfect standards. Ultimately, it's the most wonderful time of the year, not because of the presents or the decorations, but because of a person.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Adoption should matter to every believer, because every believer is adopted. In this episode, Laura shares a bit about her family's journey to adopt two children from Bulgaria and why they were motivated by the beautiful picture it paints of the gospel. Even if you don't personally plan to adopt, this episode is for you too! All believers need to love orphans, supporting those on the front lines of this calling. We hope this episode plants seeds, waters seeds that God has already planted, and reminds you of the great love God displays for us through adoption!
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Have you ever felt unequipped for the practical responsibilities of motherhood? You're not alone! Most moms have feelings of confusion and insecurity when it comes to handling the in's and out's of diapering, discipline, and domestic management. In this scenario, most of us will be tempted to avoid the uncomfortable, place blame on our personalities, or put our hope in a "silver bullet" strategy for motherhood. Is there another way? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own insecurities coming into motherhood, and the ways they've grown as moms despite those challenges. Regardless of how well you were equipped for motherhood, God still calls you to trust Jesus and nurture the lives of those around you with joy and effectiveness.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Despite the sorrows of multiple miscarriages and a two year season of infertility, Courtney Reissig still has faith in God's goodness. An author and speaker, Courtney shares her journey in this interview, discussing the way she found solace in scripture, and she recounts the many blessed but barren women God used throughout redemptive history. If you are in a season of suffering, waiting, or even just enduring life's daily hardships, this episode will be a blessing to you. Courtney's encouraging perspective of God's good plans is a humbling reminder that our loving father is in control of all things.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Do you feel like maintaining good friendships is harder than ever in the season of young children? We have so much on our plates, it often feels impossible to steal away precious moments to reconnect with others. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their personal challenges when it comes to maintaining friendships. They also explore the importance of staying connected to other women in the season of motherhood, as well as strategies for gospel-minded friendship. God doesn't intend for us to do life alone, but with the rich gift of other women beside us. It's hard, but possible in every season with wisdom and intentionality!
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
As a child, Emily had visions of homemaking that included fresh-baked cookies, fun outings with children, and quiet afternoons of running errands. But after becoming a mom herself, she quickly realized that stay-at-home-motherhood wasn't as simple as she imagined. Without self-discipline, intentionality, and an industrious spirit, she was unable to stay-on-top-of the simplest child-rearing and homemaking responsibilities. In this episode, you'll hear Laura and Emily discuss her journey as a stay-at-home-mom, and what finally helped her view motherhood as an important calling with eternal implications. When the gospel changes our identity, it also changes our mission. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or not, this episode will challenge you to mother for God's glory and his kingdom purposes.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Moms hear a lot of messages when they scroll through their news feeds; "You are doing enough. If you just love your kids, you're doing a good job. It's okay to be falling apart, we all are." While those messages might offer some temporary help, are they the whole truth? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to give moms an injection of lasting hope and how to discern messages that are contrary to the gospel. Moms need more than just sips from the water-bucket of mom culture, they need help and encouragement from the eternal, life-giving well of Jesus.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Without even noticing, we can let the daily dish piles, weighty to-do lists, and urgent needs of little children push our husbands far into the background. While this might not cause immediate harm, in the long-term, giving our husbands the "leftovers" can lead to distance and damage. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the the importance of keeping our marriages in the forefront of our minds, and give some simple ideas for blessing our husbands. A healthy marriage is an opportunity to love our children well, and to model the very faith we hope to pass along.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Nearly 35 percent of women experience a traumatic birth and most women take at least 12 months to acknowledge or realize the true affects of what happened to them. In today's episode, Laura is sharing her story of a traumatic birth with her firstborn. Sharing her feelings of inadequacy, anger, shame, blame and comparison, Laura talks through what happened and how she healed from a traumatic birth, finding hope in the gospel. Whether you experienced a traumatic birth in the past, or just feel discouraged that your birth that didn't live up to your expectations, today's show will help you process and recover, turning a disappointing birth story into one filled with meaning and hope.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
With near-permanent dark circles under our eyes and a perfected diaper changing routine, it's easy to get lost in the haze of the baby stage. Instead of savoring the moment and seeing the opportunities, we rush through, wondering when the "real" parenting is going to start. But God didn't design children with a switch that flips at a certain age, but instead, he begins using mothers to do important gospel-work from the very beginning. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the important foundations laid for future discipleship during infancy. They also share lots of practical ideas for moms, caregivers, nursery workers, and anyone who wants to be intentional with the moments they share with a sweet little one. God cares for children, and he created babies to retain more than we think.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Gloria Furman explains that there are two ways to look at motherhood: through a microscope lens at the daily issues and pressing needs of little children, or from up high; using a telescope to look at the big picture. In this special interview, Gloria explains how we can take the long view, seeing motherhood as not just a helpful social construct, but authored by God for specific purposes. You'll be encouraged as she talks about everything from theology and redemption to lattes and quiet times. If you're wondering how the gospel impacts you in your most difficult moments in motherhood, tune in for some powerful words of truth!
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Hey momma, are you feeling a little anxious this election season? Are you unsure of what the future holds for your children? Although it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending news cycle, shrouded in fear and bias, there is a place you can turn to for truth. In this episode, Emily and Laura look on the bright side of this political season, discussing our unchanging hope and eternal home. Contrary to what the culture tells us, moms really don't have to fear what is frightening, but can instead trust the God who is working for our good and his glory.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Maybe it's related to a petty thing, or maybe it's rooted in a big daily decision, but all moms face familiar feelings of guilt. The question isn't, "Do we battle guilt as moms?" but, "What will we do with it?" Will we continue to live under a dark cloud of condemnation, or bring our questions to the throne of grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the common underlying reasons for mom guilt, and start the conversation about how to deal with. Regardless of what you discover about your heart as you examine your guilt in light of scripture, there is only one outcome in the gospel: freedom. Glorious freedom.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Especially under stress, it's easy to get caught in a pattern of using critical words with our children. Can you relate? Instead of tearing down, God's word encourages us to harness the tongue for building-up, giving grace, and pointing our children towards their ultimate source of life. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of practicing this skill with our children, and share practical ways to get started. We won't be perfect, but we can keep choosing words that speak truth, along with a heaping dose of love.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
So you read the parenting articles, brushed-up on the books, and did the research to approach a parenting issue intentionally. But, your plans quickly seemed to flop when you realized you were on a totally different page than your husband. How can mom be proactive and make a plan, while honoring, respecting, involving, and coming alongside her husband too? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the easy miscommunication traps we can fall into as parents, and share ideas for getting back on the same team. Mom and dad have the same ultimate goal: to pass along the gospel to the next generation, training up their children in the Lord.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
With young children, the years might speed by, but the days can feel like they go on forever. It's tempting to live for the next big milestone, fun moment, or restful break. Instead of asking, "How can I be faithful in this moment for the glory of God?" we find ourselves asking, "How can I burn through the next few hours and just make it to bedtime?" In this episode, Emily and Laura identify with this common trap, and discuss ways to keep our eyes on our primary mission. Passing along our faith to the next generation isn't just something that happens in the big moments. Instead, it's the humble collection of a million daily interactions over the course of a childhood.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
A number of scenarios can lead to disappointment after childbirth, especially when you compare your real-life experience to your carefully-crafted plans. You're grateful for the sweet baby in your arms, but sometimes that doesn't completely silence the lurking questions you have about your childbirth. "Could it have gone better? Should I have made different choices? Did I do something wrong?" In today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own disappointments in childbirth and how hoping in God's good plans helped them find peace. Freedom comes when we realize we are not defined by our birth story, but our Savior.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
With labor on the horizon, we want to do everything we can to prepare for a safe, healthy and stress-free delivery. But what starts as good desires for well-laid plans, can quickly become an unhealthy idol of control. We start to think that if we just get the right method, the right classes, the right scents, the right sounds, the right environment and the right helpers, then we are nearly guaranteed the birth of our dreams. In this episode, Emily and Laura share their high expectations from previous pregnancies, seeking to understand how our good desires intersect with hope in God's good plans. Because ultimately, our identities aren't wrapped up in how we gave birth, but to whom we belong.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
When the days are long, the tantrums are continuous, the sleep is lacking, and the mess abounds; the call to motherhood can feel daunting. Maybe we are completing our tasks, but having joy in the midst of them feels impossible. As time passes, we find ourselves more familiar with a tone of bitterness than a heart of rejoicing. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the difference between momentary joy and biblical joy, and the common reasons why it's hard to experience. The good news is, joy is available despite our circumstances, because Jesus offers an unchanging hope.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
In this special episode, you’ll hear two moms share their stories of loss and healing. While they are different women with different stories, they both experienced multiple miscarriages before the birth of their first child in their arms. They both felt tempted to despair and withdrawal as they walked through the grief, but found deep comfort and hope in the promises of God as they trusted him despite the pain. So whether you have experienced a miscarriage, you know someone who has experienced a miscarriage, or you are walking through any hard circumstances as a mom, this episode was recorded with you in mind. Our prayer is that these stories would leave you more in awe of God’s love, with a deep desire to hope in Jesus, even in the hard places.
Update: We received a great note from a listener regarding our into language, and wanted to affirm that we believe every pregnancy is a life from conception. The wording might have been better stated as saying that both of our guests experienced multiple miscarriages before holding their first child in their arms (as we know they had other precious children in the womb). We have already updated the text on the site, but aren't able to edit it in the podcast. Thanks for letting us clarify, and we hope this episode is a blessing to you.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
In motherhood, we all value different things. Whether it's a clean house, a well-kept schedule, a rockin' postpartum body, a perfectly balanced work/home life, an easy day, an obedient child, a certain type of diet, a frugal budget, or praise for your hard work, all moms have preferences and desires. The problem isn't necessarily with our ideals, but with our hearts. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common idols in motherhood (including their own). While we can sometimes be guilty of making good things too important, in Christ we are cleansed from all of our idols, and are set free to worship God.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Maybe you have kiddos that nap for hours on end, giving you time to balance numerous responsibilities. Or maybe, you go to battle everyday just to get 30 minutes of peace and quiet. Whatever your circumstances, Jesus understands what it's like to be needed, and he also understands laying it all down for the sake of those he loves. On today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common challenges of naptime and how to make the most of the situation. Because ultimately, all of our time belongs to the Lord, and no amount of peace and quiet will provide the lasting peace we crave.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
So you tried all the juice boxes, sticker charts, boot camps, and Pinterest parenting articles and your child still isn't potty trained? Well, you're not alone. While potty training is easy for some, for others, it can mean weeks, months or dare I say, years, of accidents and reminders. This type of frustration has more spiritual significance than we give it credit for, because it's the daily struggles that reveal what's really lurking in our mommy-heart. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their potty training setbacks, and the opportunity for growth God has given them along the way.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Even when it seems like you've done everything right as a mom, inevitably, things still don't go your way. Someone disobeys, comes down with a fever, talks back or leaves their toy on the ground for you to step on, and in no time...you blow it. Your hopes for being a perfectly pulled-together mom are dashed for the day, leaving you wondering if there's even any point in trying. On today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about those bad moments that we let define and dominate our whole day. But we don't have to get stuck there, because our identity in Christ means we can keep pursuing holiness. When we finally stop believing that we are "bad mom" or "blow-up mom" or "can't get it together mom" but are "God's beloved daughter, fully redeemed," we can move on with bold purpose.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
As moms, we love practical help. Tips, checklists, and "how-to" articles seem to promise that we're finally going to get something right. But when we bypass dependence on God and decide to just model our lives after the mom down the street, we've missed the point. We weren't created to reflect each other, but to reflect Christ in ways that are unique to the skills, abilities and life circumstances he's given us. In this episode, Emily and Laura encourage moms to understand how the gospel frees us from adopting one style of "perfect" mothering. God wants our whole lives to be a living sacrifice, so we can be free to glorify him in all we do (even when that looks different from our friends).
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
You know that time of the day, because it's marked by a series of recurring events: If you have a baby, they start fussing. If you have toddlers, they start begging for snacks and clinging to your legs. If you have a preschooler, they are bored with all the toys in the whole house. And you? You're exhausted! Oh yeah, and there is still food that needs to be made, a bunch of stuff to clean up, and several hours before bedtime. It's this time of day where most of us crumble (even those of us who were previously in a great mood). But do we have to respond this way? What if our hope in Jesus transformed our response? In today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about how a mom can do more than "just survive" until the end of the day! Because our hope isn't in a peaceful house, but in a person.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
While motherhood brings us great joy, it also elevates our deepest fears to sometimes irrationally high levels. We go from mama cub to mama bear after a few Facebook articles or moments spent reading the latest news. God gives us a healthy awareness of the risks our children face, but he doesn't want us to live in chronic fear or anxiety over those risks. In today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss common fear triggers moms face, and what to do when we get stuck in a cycle of worry, worry, worry. Jesus gives us a solid foundation, future hope, and promises that will never change. Because momma, God has good plans and he can be trusted in all circumstances!
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Motherhood is loud. With days full of urgent needs, it can be difficult to complete any task, not to mention the challenge of finding a time to be alone with God. But this is exactly what moms really need! Moments to linger over a refreshing truth or be reminded of who they really are in God's eyes. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of "making time" for our most important relationship, including practical tips for getting in God's word (even when it's noisy or chaotic). Listen in, and be encouraged to drop your shame and run back to the Father who loves you.
* In this show, we talk about our new jingle - we've since updated all previous episodes for consistency.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
God has given so much responsibility to Dads to lead and invest in their family's faith. As a wife and a mom, we can and should come alongside them in this task, offering our gifts, talents, skills, intelligence and creativity to help them thrive in this calling. But how does that look practically? In today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about how a wife can help and equip her husband to lead the family spiritually. Not through manipulation, nagging, eye-rolling, or shaming; but by believing the best in him and being his biggest supporter.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Every mom spends a tremendous amount of time feeding their baby. Whether we had carefully laid plans, many choices at our disposal, or the choice was made for us; bringing new life into the world forces to us walk headlong into our first big task as a mom. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their experiences with this issue, shifting the conversation away from judgment and comparison. What would happen if we refused to let our feeding method define our first year with a child, and instead, treasured Christ above all else?
Blog Posts, Articles and Books:
Mommy Wars are Spirit Wars - Carolyn McCulley
The End of Mommy Wars - Christine Hoover
Are You Mom Enough? - Rachel Pieh Jones
What is Idolatry? - Ask Pastor John
When it comes to the mommy wars, I'm waving the white flag - Erin Davis
How to stop the judgements, stop the comparison, and be at peace with the mom you are - Jess Connell
3 Fads that are killing your joy - Sara Wallace
Mom Enough - free E-Book
One Thing - Jess Connell
Not expressedly Gospel-related, but still good articles about breastfeeding / bottle feeding:
Milk Drunk - Kim Simon for the Huffington Post
Dear Mom Who Chose Not to Breastfeed - The Humbled Homemaker
For More:
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Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
As moms, our greatest hope is that our children come to know and love Jesus, developing a deep relationship with the one true God as they mature. And we know that the best way we can impart our faith on our children is nurture, teach, model and encourage them in Biblical truths as we live out the gospel in our daily life. But often, that desire is so great, we inadvertently bear the burden of their eternal future on our shoulders, drowning us in guilt, fear and false responsibility. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common pitfalls in trying to "secure" our children's faith, and explain how moms can trust God with our children as we continue to be faithful to out the redemption story in our everyday life.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
As moms, we have a lot of demands on our time. The world tells us we should "do it all", not leaving room for weakness or balance. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss God's plan for a mom's time, and share areas of their own lives where they've needed to wave the white flag and find extra support. If you're feeling pressed for time and overwhelmed, listen in for encouragement and practical ideas for organizing your priorities.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
In motherhood, our sin separates us from each other, making us think that our "hard moments" are something no one else can understand. But is that the whole truth? Is there hope? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common feelings of isolation we experience as moms, how we attend our own pity-parties, and how to break free from the feeling that you're "alone."
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Momma, do you regularly feel burdened by what you see on social media? Emily and Laura discuss the major pitfalls of social media and comparison, how we can speak truth to ourselves in the midst of it, and how to use our favorite apps redemptively.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
How can a mom harness the advantages of styled hair and lovely clothes without shifting her focus onto temporal things?
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
This episode is for every mom who struggles to cope with the never-ending mess that comes along with the role of momma. Whether you consider yourself naturally messy or organized, this episode will help you evaluate what really matters - not the size of your laundry pile, but your heart.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
This episode is for every mom who needs inspiration and motivation in her calling. Your work and efforts matter, but it can be hard to remember when you're buried in a pile of laundry, buckets of tears and tantrums, or endless bowls of mac and cheese. Today we're sharing the mission of motherhood and why you are making an impact for eternity.
Emily and Laura discuss the temptation to let your marriage go on the backburner when you have young children. They share about why a thriving marriage is important and give practical ideas for loving your husband well (even when you’re tired).
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes
Emily and Laura discuss the beginning stages of sharing the gospel with young children, and some of the common challenges. They also share practical ideas for getting started and making it work for your family.
Like what you hear? Visit www.risenmotherhood.com for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Emily and Laura discuss the hard realities of postpartum body image, including reflections from their own experiences. Grab your coffee and listen in to this real life conversation of two moms trying to sort through the lies and struggles that come with expanding hips and waistlines, and how to speak truth to yourself as you cling to your true identity in Christ.
Emily and Laura discuss a mother’s need to care for herself in order to serve and love her family well. Particularly, they talk about strategies for self-care, ideas for discovering what gets you energized and how staying connected to Christ is the most important thing.
Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel impacts motherhood and parenting, because it's difficult to stay focused on what matters eternally in a culture prone to promoting mommy guilt. In addition, you'll hear a bit about these blogging sister-in-laws, and how the idea of "Risen Motherhood" became a reality.
Welcome to Risen Motherhood! This is a quick introductory show to learn what Risen Motherhood is all about. Tune in to hear the heart behind the show and get a feel for what you'll hear in upcoming episodes.
Visit www.risenmotherhood.com to view and listen to all the episodes, and view the show notes for each episode containing links to additional articles and resources.
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