The Rogues DO NOT review Beastmaster just yet; instead, they pivot and talk Gen Con, To Walk on Worlds, Blacktongue Thief, gaming, Alien Romulus and why fan service can really blow chunks. And, uhhh, more! LINKS!!
To Walk on Worlds:
Alien Romulus Review:
Conan RPG:
Brent Partner - "Enter the Lawbringer"
From Brent: If listeners want a free ecopy in exchange for an email address they can pick it up here: I don't pester anyone's email and in a few months I will send them a free novel that I'm doing now Hunger of the Leaves.
If they want to buy a print version its up on Amazon: This has a caveat that there are a few minor editing issues that don't exist in the e version.
I don't have a website anymore but they can visit my Facebook author page at: