Hellen, Coco, and John were 3 peas in a pod. Hellen was dating John but Coco was her best friend and they did everything together. Right now, they were sitting side by side planning what to do for Hellen’s 19th birthday.
Hellen and John shared suggestive looks with each other before the door opened and their nemesis walked in. Camellia. Hellen and Camellia had been in a fight over the same boys and it was coming to an end now. Hellen had finally put Camellia in her place.
The 3 best friends’ names were called. They stood up, smiled at each other, and made their way to the front. The judge read their charges - “kidnapping, assault, and torture.” How do you plea?
“Not guilty.” They smirked and glared at Camellia.
Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com