“I woke up alone in a hospital. There is nobody here. I can’t find a single person. Humanity is extinct. The date is February 2027.”
That is from a viral TikToker, Javier, who claims he is from the future to warn us about humanity. But there’s no way he’s actually from the future, right?
Meanwhile, in Miami - an IG model is telling the police - “the aliens are coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming.”
The authorities are confused. She tells them - “I’m from the future. I’m a crystal ball. You can live off me.”
The police ask her if she remembers what happened.
“Yes, I remember. I died.”
Puzzling. Because she’s not dead. She is very much alive but just one block down there are two people that are dead and they’re not coming back.
Full Source Note: www.rottenmangopodcast.com