“To Catch A Predator” steps:
That is the premise to the show “To Catch A Predator” that has now been cancelled for its moral dilemmas.
But now influencers are recreating the show themselves on their platforms. Luring in predators, confronting them, and then calling the police.
That’s what 17 year old Gavon tells the cops was his plan… He met up with a middle aged man on Grindr for the purpose of robbing him because he deserves it. Why else would he talk to a minor?
But for the police to believe his side of the story they have to go through his phone… and that’s where they find a folder titled - “Dark.”
The password? “Murder.”
Suddenly a simple robbery case turns into a murder investigation because in it… are videos and photos of 17 year old Gavon Ramsay killing and SAing a 98 year old woman in her own home. Gavon Ramsay is the predator.
Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com