Kathy's NDE started as she was all alone in a dark void. Then it got worse. She spent most of her time experiencing multiple hellish situations. Yes, there is a happy ending, so happy in fact that she was extremely upset to have come back, waking up in the ICU. Learn everything she experienced and find out what was written on the note she was told to bring back to someone special in her life. Please rate & review this podcast! RoundTripDeath.com. https://www.amazon.com/Misfit-Hell-Heaven-Expat-Near-Death-ebook/dp/B08TB775NV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CED4ZP9FQ7H7&keywords=misfit+in+hell+to+heaven+expat&qid=1662764188&s=books&sprefix=misfit+in+h%2Cstripbooks%2C136&sr=1-1