The RAF’s F-35 Lightning II Requirements Manager and former project test pilot, Wg Cdr Jim Schofield FRAeS, starts his lecture by exploring how the F-35 would meet some of the UK’s defence needs up to 2050 and discusses the aircraft’s capabilities and many of its systems. He then describes his 2009 to 2012 tour as the MOD’s flight test pilot in the United States, including taking us through some of his test flights, including those trials at sea and at night. He concludes by telling us about the lessons he learnt during this fascinating part of his career.
The audience were also shown four films illustrating actual and potential systems on the aircraft and aspects of the flight test programme. These can be viewed at
Wg Cdr Jim Schofield FRAeS addressed a meeting of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Flight Test Group on 17 March 2014.
The material and information contained in this lecture are UK Ministry of Defence © Crown copyright 2014 and the recording is the copyright of the Royal Aeronautical Society 2014. The podcast was edited by Eur Ing Mike Stanberry FRAeS.