After a posting that included a role in the command and control for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) for Afghanistan, the then recently appointed Commander-in-Chief Air Command, Royal Air Force, draws on his experiences to explore the challenges faced by the RAF in the age of hybrid warfare, including the threats posed by Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency (COIN). Towards the end of the lecture Sir Christopher also singles out the Expeditionary Air Wing concept and the RAF’s Reaper armed UAVs as examples of where the service had been proactive in dealing with new challenges.
ACM Sir Christopher Moran FRAeS gave the 2009 Sir Sydney Camm Lecture on 1 July 2009. The lecture was introduced by the then President, Dr Mike Steeden FRAeS, and the podcast was edited by Eur Ing Mike Stanberry FRAeS.
The material and information contained in this lecture are UK Ministry of Defence © Crown copyright 2009 and the recording is the copyright of the Royal Aeronautical Society 2009.