What makes a political system a democracy? Should we be surprised when people lose faith in a system called democracy that is not democratic? What makes a political system more balanced and robust to extremist views?
In this episode I want to take a step back and present some of my thoughts about the state of democracy around the world. I try to answer these questions and share my personal opinion of what democratic institutions make a system more democratic.
Based on a comparison of countries, I claim that many countries are not really democratic – that people do not have real power. The way forward to make countries more democratic is to improve representation in parliaments at all government levels, to include people's veto powers, and to strengthen participation at the local level.
What political institutions a country has is paramount importance for people's satisfaction with a system called democracy.
Find the show notes with links to all material discussed here: https://rulesofthegame.blog/not-a-democracy/