Welcome back to the Rust Review, your weekly source for news, articles, discussions, and interviews centered on the Rust programming language! Brandon Konkle filters down the frenzied firehose of activity around Rust and related topics to bring you a focused stream of highlights and opinions. Join the Rust revolution!
00:12 - Intro
01:03 - Async Rust Challenges in Iroh
18:22 - Secure RISC-V Bootloader
32:10 - Efficient Logging
39:48 - Mastering Dependency Injection
52:34 - Phantom Menace
59:55 - Announcing SeaORM 1.0
1:02:45 - Tauri 2.0 Release Candidate
Async Rust Challenges in Iroh
Developing a cryptographically secure bootloader for RISC-V in Rust
Efficient Logging
Mastering Dependency Injection in Rust - Crafting a Custom Container
Phantom Menace - memory leak that wasn't there
Announcing SeaORM 1.0
Tauri 2.0 Release Candidate
Find out more about the show: https://deterministic.dev/rust-review
Find me on Fosstodon: https://fosstodon.org/@bkonkle
Find me at Nearform Commerce: https://commerce.nearform.com/
Find me on Discord in the Rust, Go, and Denver Devs communities
Find out more about Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org