A recent study has looked at product lifecycles, waste recycling and the circular economy for nanomaterials. Its findings show that we don’t currently have a full picture of how nanomaterials in products – and consequently in waste streams – may impact our health or the environment.
These knowledge gaps make it difficult to know how to recycle, treat or dispose of nanomaterials efficiently once products containing them are no longer used and become waste.
In this episode, we speak with two experts from the European Chemicals Agency. Abdel Sumrein is the Product manager for the EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) and Gary Watkins works as a Regulatory Officer in the Support and Enforcement Unit. We will discuss ECHA’s views on the study results and what more can be done to improve information on nanomaterials in waste streams.
The study was commissioned by the EUON and made by RPA Europe.
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