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The podcast Sage Toxicologic Pathology & Veterinary Science is created by SAGE Publications Ltd.. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Rani Sellers regarding their article, "Toxicologic Pathology Forum: mRNA Vaccine Safety–Separating Fact From Fiction" which can currently be found in Volume 52, Issue 6 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews author Charlotte Keenan regarding their article, "Guide for Combining Primary Tumors for Statistical Analysis in Rodent Carcinogenicity Studies" which can currently be found in Volume 52, Issue 1 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Erin Quist, interviews authors Nadine Stokar-Regenscheit, Julia Kuehnlenz, and Lindsay Tomlinson, regarding their article, "Complex In Vitro Model Characterization for Context of Use in Toxicologic Pathology: Use Cases by Collaborative Teams of Biologists, Bioengineers, and Pathologists" which can currently be found in Volume 52, Issue 2-3 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Can cat caregivers reliably assess acute pain in cats using the Feline Grimace Scale? A large bilingual global survey Yaiza Gomez Mejias talks with Beatriz Monteiro
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Armelle Grevot regarding their article, "Toxicologic Pathology Forum Opinion Piece: Use of Virtual Control Groups in Nonclinical Toxicity Studies: The Anatomic Pathology Perspective" which can currently be found in Volume 51, Issue 6 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews authors Sundeep Chandra and Brian Long regarding their article, "Safety Findings of Dosing Gene Therapy Vectors in NHP With Pre-existing or Treatment-Emergent Anti-capsid Antibodies" which can currently be found in Volume 51, Issue 5 of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this new episode of Veterinary Dentistry Matters, John Lewis, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Bonnie Shope.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Diethilde Theil regarding the article, "Neurofilament Light Chain: A Translational Safety Biomarker for Drug-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity" which can currently be found in Volume 51, Issue 3 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Erin Quist, interviews authors Brad Bolon, Ingrid Pardo, and LaTasha Crowford regarding the article, "Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Points to Consider: Sampling, Processing, Evaluation, Interpretation, and Reporting of Test Article-Related Ganglion Pathology for Nonclinical Toxicity Studies" which can currently be found in Volume 51, Issue 4 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews author Brad Bolon regarding the article, "Toxicologic Pathology Forum Opinion: Interpretation of Gliosis in the Brain and Spinal Cord Observed During Nonclinical Safety Studies" which can currently be found in Volume 51, Issue 1-2 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Janardhan Kyathanahalli and Renee Hukkanen regarding the article, "Toxicologic Pathology Forum: Opinion on Not Euthanizing Control Animals in the Recovery Phase of Non-Rodent Toxicology Studies" which can currently be found in Volume 50, Issue 8 of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews the newest Editor-in-Chief, David Clarke.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews author William Siska about the article, "Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Points to Consider: Integration of Clinical Pathology Data With Anatomic Pathology Data in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies" which can currently be found in Volume 50, Issue 6 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Erin Quist, interviews author Erica Behling-Kelly to discuss the article, "Identifying Erythrocyte Injury in Toxicology Studies" which can currently be found in Volume 50, Issue 7 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews authors Maureen O'Brien and Lyn Wancket to discuss the article, "Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Points to Consider for Medical Device Implant Site Evaluation in Nonclinical Studies" which can currently be found in Vol 50, Issue 4, 2022 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Ronnie Chamanza to discuss the article, "The Influence of Geographical Origin, Age, Sex, and Animal Husbandry on the Spontaneous Histopathology of Laboratory Cynomolgus Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis): A Contemporary Global and Multisite Review of Historical Control Data" which can currently be found in Vol 50, Issue 5, 2022 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Erin Quist, interviews author Shambhunath Choudhary to discuss the article, "Modeling SARS-CoV-2: Comparative Pathology in Rhesus Macaque and Golden Syrian Hamster Models" which can currently be found in OnlineFirst of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Jae-Woo Cho to discuss the article, "Implementation and Practice of Deep Learning-Based Instance Segmentation Algorithm for Quantification of Hepatic Fibrosis at Whole Slide Level in Sprague-Dawley Rats" which can currently be found in Vol 50, Issue 2, 2022 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews authors Basel Assaf and Julie Hutt to discuss the article, "Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Points to Consider: Nonclinical Research and Development of In Vivo Gene Therapy Products, Emphasizing Adeno-Associated Virus Vector" which can currently be found in Vol 50, Issue 1, 2022 of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Jan Bellows.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews authors Mark Hoenerhoff to discuss the article, "The Society of Toxicologic Pathology: Advances and Adventures in the First 50 Years" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 8, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Charles Wood, interviews author Qingqiu Yang and Mandi Lopez to discuss the article, "The Equine Hoof: Laminitis, Progenitor (Stem) Cells, and Therapy Development" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 7, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Ben Colmery.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews author Matt Jacobsen to discuss the article, "Utilizing Whole Slide Images for the Primary Evaluation and Peer Review of a GLP-Compliant Rodent Toxicology Study" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 6, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Charles Wood, interviews author Justin Vidal on the article, "Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Best Practices: Documentation of Sexual Maturity by Microscopic Evaluation in Nonclinical Safety Studies" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 5, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews authors Hannah Pischon and Valeria Bertani to discuss the article, "Artificial Intelligence in Toxicologic Pathology: Quantitative Evaluation of Compound-Induced Hepatocellular Hypertrophy in Rats" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 4, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Host, Tracy Carlson, interviews author Steven Sorden to discuss the article, "Introduction to Special Issue on Ocular Pathology and Drug Development" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 3, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Host, Charles Wood, interviews author Peter Hall to discuss the article, "BSTP Review of 12 Case Studies Discussing the Challenges, Pathology, Immunogenicity, and Mechanisms of Inhaled Biologics" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 2, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Richard Meadows.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews authors Emily Meseck, Jochen Woicke, and Jessica Caverly Rae to discuss the article, "International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria (INHAND): Nonproliferative and Proliferative Lesions of the Dog" which can currently be found in Vol 49, Issue 1, 2021 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Charles Wood, interviews author Jack Harkema to discuss the article, "Pathogenesis and Persistence of Increased Epithelial Mucosubstances in the Nasal Airways of Rats and Mice Episodically Exposed to Ethylene" which can currently be found in Vol 48, Issue 7, 2020 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews authors Renee R. Hukkanen, Armando Irizarry, James D. Fikes and Kenneth A. Schafer to discuss the article, "Opinion on Performing Pathology Peer-Review During the Global Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities" which can currently be found in Vol 48, Issue 8, 2020 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Associate Editor, Kevin Keane, interviews Bindu Bennet on her article, "Review of Current Vaccine Development Strategies to Prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)". The article can be found in Vol 48, Issue 7, 2020.
Podcast Editor, Charles Wood, interviews author Zaher Radi and Thomas Wynn to discuss the article, "Opinion on Immune Tolerance Therapeutic Development" which can currently be found in Vol. 48, Issue 6 of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Steve Holmstrom.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews author Kristen Hobbie to discuss the article, "Evaluation of Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia and the Normal Estrous Cycle in Longitudinal Sections of Uterus from Female Harlan Sprague-Dawley Rats" which can currently be found in Vol. 48, Issue 5 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Liz McInnes, interviews author Brad Bolon to discuss the article, "The Exposome in Toxicologic Pathology" which can currently be found in Volume 48, Issue 6 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews author John Foster to discuss the article, "The Cumulative Risk Assessment of Hepatotoxic Chemicals: A Hepatic Histopathology Perspective" which can be found in Volume 48, Issue 3 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Podcast Editor, Tracy Carlson, interviews authors Brad Bolon, Deepa Rao and Ingrid Pardo to discuss the Toxicologic Pathology Special Issue entitled: "Toxicologic Neuropathology of the Peripheral Nervous System: A Special Compendium of Past, Present, and Future Developments in a Neglected Field" which can be found in Volume 48, Issue 1.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Oliver Turner to discuss the article "Society of Toxicologic Pathology Digital Pathology and Image Analysis Special Interest Group Article*: Opinion on the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Digital Toxicologic Pathology" featured in the Vol 48, Issue 2, 2020 of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Ed Eisner.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Renee Hukkanen to discuss the article "The Toxicologic Pathologist’s Role in the 3Rs" featured in the Vol 47, Issue 7, 2019 of Toxicologic Pathology.
Margie Scherk talks to Julie Levy and Susan Little about the AAFP Feline Retrovirus Testing and Management Guidelines
Dr. Mike Lappin, Chair of the 2019 AAFP Zoonoses Guidelines talks with Margie Scherk, Co-Editor of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery about the recently published Zoonoses Guidelines update
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Cynthia Willard-Mack to discuss the article "Nonproliferative and Proliferative Lesions of the Rat and Mouse Hematolymphoid System" featured in the August 2019 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Carol Weldin.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Janardhan Kyathanahalli to discuss the article "Do GISTs Occur in Rats and Mice? Immunohistochemical Characterization of Gastrointestinal Tumors Diagnosed as Smooth Muscle Tumors in The National Toxicology Program" featured in the July 2019 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Dr. Peter Emily.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
Steve Dale talks to Sarah Ellis regarding the JFMS Feline Behaviour and Problem Behaviours Special Issues
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Béatrice Gauthier to discuss the article "Opinion on Integrating Innovative Digital Pathology Tools in the Regulatory Framework" featured in the June 2019 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Matt Jacobsen to discuss their article "Opinion on Considerations for the Use of Whole Slide Images in GLP Pathology Peer Review" featured in the February 2019 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
SAGE’s Jennie Atkinson interviews Martha Cannon, co-author of the 2015 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Practical Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Cats. Martha discusses the signs of diabetes mellitus in cats and the recommended management and treatment of the disease as endorsed by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP)
Denae Wagner, co-author of the popular two-part guideline articles “Shelter Housing for Cats”, talks to Margie Scherk, co-editor of Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. Denae and Margie discuss the design and location of housing for cats as well as rehoming centres, feline welfare and the improvement of existing shelter.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Daniel G. Rudmann to discuss their article "The Emergence of Microphysiological Systems (Organs-on-chips) as Paradigm-changing Tools for Toxicologic Pathology" featured in the January 2019 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites authors Nicholas E. Langevin, Kenneth A. Schafer, Oliver C. Turner, Brittany J. McPherson, and Robert E. Rose to discuss their article "Historical Data: Histopathology Lesions Observed in the Eyes of Control Rabbits in Topical Ocular Administration and Contact Lens Studies" featured in the October 2018 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
AAFP Feline Anesthesia Guidelines Margie Sherk, Co-editor of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery talks to Susan Gogolski and Shelia Robertson about the AAFP guidelines on Feline Anesthesia
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Darlene Dixon to discuss her article "Preparation of Three-dimensional (3-D) Human Liver (HepaRG) Cultures for Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Staining and Light Microscopic Evaluation" featured in the August 2018 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Sean P. Troth to discuss his article "Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Points to Consider: Data Visualization for Clinical and Anatomic Pathologists" featured in the July 2018 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites author Wendy G. Halpern to discuss her article "Use of Severity Grades to Characterize Histopathologic Changes" featured in the April 2018 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Editorial Board member Elizabeth McInnes invites authors Evan Janovitz and Magnus Söderberg to discuss their article "Evaluation of Uracil, Sodium Ascorbate, and Rosiglitazone as Promoters of Urinary Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinomas in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats" featured in the February 2018 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Associate Editor Kevin Keane and author James "Rick" Hailey discuss his article "A Diagnostic Approach for Rodent Progressive Cardiomyopathy and Like Lesions in Toxicology Studies up to 28 Days in the Sprague Dawley Rat (Part 1 of 2)" currently featured in Toxicologic Pathology's Online First queue.
In this podcast, Associate Editor Denise Bounous and author Michelle C. Cora discuss her article "A Black Cohosh Extract Causes Hematologic and Biochemical Changes Consistent with a Functional Cobalamin Deficiency in Female B6C3F1/N Mice" featured in the July 2017 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
In this podcast, Associate Editor Jerrold Ward and author Cynthia Besch-Williford discuss her article "A Naturally Transmitted Epitheliotropic Polyomavirus Pathogenic in Immunodeficient Rats: Characterization, Transmission, and Preliminary Epidemiologic Studies" featured in the July 2017 issue of Toxicologic Pathology.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Dr. Sandra Manfra Marretta.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension in Cats: Samantha Taylor talks to Jennie Atkinson from SAGE about the ISFM guidelines on diagnosis and management of hypertension in Cats. Posted June 2017.
John Lewis, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, interviews Dr. Colin Harvey.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
In this podcast, Associate Editor Denise Bounous discusses the February 2017 Special Issue with guest editors Adam Aulbach, Holly Jordan, and Jacqueline Tarrant. The editors discuss Contemporary and Emerging Applications in Clinical Pathology and provide information on the articles in the issue.
John Lewis, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, presents the inaugural podcast for the journal by interviewing Dr. Mark Smith, the longest tenured editor of the journal.
The official podcast of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, “Veterinary Dentistry Matters,” provides interviews with those who influenced the specialty during its inception and with those who continue to affect its trajectory. In addition to interviews with our specialist colleagues, the podcast will be an opportunity to discuss specific authors’ manuscripts in further detail and popular topics as they arise.
In this podcast, Dr. Sydney Mukaratirwa discusses this study which was conducted to characterize lung microscopic lesions in control beagle dogs from inhalation and oral gavage toxicity studies, to determine differences associated with the route of administration, and to discuss distinguishing features from compound-induced lung lesions.
In this Toxicologic Pathology podcast, Stacey L. Fossey interviews author Peter Hall on his article "Femoral Head Growth Plate Dysplasia and Fracture in Juvenile Rabbits Induced by Off-target Antiangiogenic Treatment." Epiphyseal growth plate dysplasia (chondrodysplasia) might be considered as the pathognomonic feature of antiangiogenic treatment in preclinical species as it is reliably and dose-responsively induced in rodents and monkeys with vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) inhibitors, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor inhibitors, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, and vascular targeting agents. The article suggests that the high prevalence of growth plate fracture in the rabbit may represent a potential additional adverse risk to those already established for children treated with antiangiogenic therapy.
The AAFP Guidelines for the Management of Feline Hyperthyroidism (FHT) help primary clinicians answer common questions and suggest when referral may benefit the feline patient. The Guidelines shed light on FHT as a disease and also dispel myths surrounding certain aspects of FHT by replacing them with evidence-based narrative veterinary professionals can directly apply to feline patients and their owners. Listen to Dr. Margie Scherk interview Dr. Hazel Carney about her work on the FHT Guidelines.
ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Feline Chronic Kidney Disease: Jennie Atkinson from SAGE talks to Dr Andy Sparkes about the ISFM Consensus Guidelines for Feline Chronic Kidney Disease. Posted: March 2016
This podcast, with Dr. James D Fikes, from Biogen, focuses on the Guidance on the GLP Requirements for Peer Review of Histopathology (guidance # 16) published on September 26, 2014 by the Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This guidance represents the first such guidance specifically on the process of Peer Review, which is a widely used tool to assure objectivity and accuracy of histopathology data by submitting it to peer analysis and discussion, before becoming official. This guideline is binding for regulatory filings in Europe and is expected to influence practices of other regulatory agencies. The Society of Toxicology Pathology, through its Scientific and Regulatory Committee, undertook a thorough analysis and provided further interpretation of this guideline in order to assist toxicologic pathologists and other scientists interested in the development of medicines, so that the guidance is better implemented in a unified fashion. This guidance clarifies some concepts, such as what is raw data in pathology contributions, and also defines the practices necessary to make this whole process officially acceptable. Dr. Fikes, as the principal author of the publication, represents the Committee’s thinking, and further discusses the impact that this guidance may have outside the OECD countries.
This podcast with Dr. Jerold Rehg and hosted by Dr. Odete Mendes discusses the classification of mice hematolymphoid tumors in CD1 mice, their pattern of incidence in regards to the age, sex or feeding status and their morphology, cell composition, organ involvement. Immunohistochemical (IHC) markers that are diagnostically relevant for these tumors were also discussed. Dr Rehg characterized the cellular lineage of spontaneous hematolymphoid neoplasms arising in female CD-1 mice. Lymphoblastic lymphomas of T-cell and B-cell lineage were common in mice 12 months or less of age, whereas a wide range of non-lymphoblastic B-cell lymphomas and lymphoblastic T-cell lymphomas were common in mice older than 12 months. Additionally, he discussed the presence of renal hyaline droplets positive for lysozyme observed in aged mice with histiocytic-associated large B-cell lymphomas and myeloid leukemia. Finally, Dr Rehg also discussed the recovery of endogenous ecotropic MuLV genes from CD-1 mice and the expression of MuLV protein by IHC in lymphomas and some normal tissues of both young and aging CD-1 mice. The data and methodology described by Dr Rehg will help differentiate and characterize spontaneous lymphomas and leukemias in CD-1 mice. The methodology described is also very relevant for broader immunophenotyping of genetically modified mice and drug immunomodulatory effects.
Veterinary Pathology podcast editor Leah Schutt discusses the the article, "Autosomal Recessive Congenital Ichthyosis in American Bulldogs Is Associated With NIPAL4 (ICHTHYIN) Deficiency" with Dr. Mauldin and Dr. Casal, two of the authors of the study.
To view this article, click here.
This podcast with Dr. Sam Cohen and hosted by Dr. Peter Hall concerns the publication of a STP committee chaired by Dr. Charles Wood concerning the role of increased cell proliferation in the evaluation of the mode of action of carcinogenesis, particularly for nongenotoxic chemicals. Dr. Cohen emphasizes the importance of attention to details in assessing cell proliferation, with different approaches necessary for various tissues and circumstances. He also emphasizes that the focus is on the number of cell replications, not necessarily the rate, and that it is the tissue stem cell population that is critical. For nongenotoxic chemicals the mode of action always involves an increase in cell proliferation, and this can be utilized in designing a short (e.g. 90 days) study to screen for carcinogenesis in rodents. Such a screen requires a labeling index (BrdU, Ki-67, PCNA) in addition to standard histopathology. If positive, additional short term studies can be performed to evaluate the dose response in detail and to determine the mode of action and its relevance to humans. Ultimately, this could replace the standard 2 year bioassay.
Veterinary Pathology podcast editor Leah Schutt discusses the the article, "A Comparison of Biochemical and Histopathologic Staging in Cats With Chronic Kidney Disease" with Dr. Quimby, one of the authors of the study.
To view this article, click here.
This podcast with Dr. Jeff Wolf discusses the development of a career in the specialized field of fish pathology, and the use of fish in biomedical and environmental research. As a veterinary pathologist, Dr. Wolf became involved with fish research during his graduate studies and as part of his present job with EPL. Major uses of fish in toxicology include endocrine disruption research, toxicity screening, assessment of environmental contaminant effects, target animal safety studies (e.g., fish pharmaceuticals), and carcinogenesis research, the last of which was originally prompted by findings of endemic tumors in fish from polluted waters. Dr. Wolf recently collaborated with 17 other fish pathologists in a Toxicologic Pathology review article that describes and illustrates some common diagnostic misinterpretations evident in the peer-reviewed fish literature, and makes recommendations for improving the quality of papers that publish fish histopathology data. Dr. Wolf participates in numerous meetings and workshops involving fish toxicology and pathology, and is especially grateful for the opportunity to be able to teach these subjects at Aquavet II, CL Davis courses, and at other domestic and overseas venues.
Veterinary Pathology podcast editor Leah Schutt discusses the the article, "Prognostic Value of Histologic Grading for Feline Mammary Carcinoma: A Retrospective Survival Analysis" with Dr. Simko, one of the authors of the study.
To view this article, click here.
Veterinary Pathology podcast editor Leah Schutt discusses the emerging field of veterinary forensic pathology with Sean McDonough, who co-authored the editorial “Illuminating dark cases: veterinary forensic pathology emerges”, which will appear in the January 2015 edition. Dr. McDonough is a veterinary pathologist at Cornell University with a significant commitment to applying the principles of forensic pathology to investigate animal abuse and neglect cases.
To view this article, click here.
Feline Dentistry: Jennie Atkinson from SAGE talks to Rachel Perry, guest editor for the two special issues on Feline Dentistry published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery – vol 16:11 and 17:1 respectively. Rachel is a leading figure in feline dentistry based in the South East of England and Rachel lectures internationally on veterinary dental issues.
Thomas Rosol discusses the role of tumor microenvironment on cancer metastasis in a murine breast cancer model with Leah Schutt. Dr. Rosol coauthored the paper entitled “Tumor microenvironment regulates metastasis and metastasis genes of mouse MMTV-PymT mammary cancer cells in vivo” in the July 2014 edition of Veterinary Pathology. Dr. Rosol is a Professor and Advisor for the Life Sciences, Technology and Commercialization Office at The Ohio State University.
To view the article, click here.
Leah Schutt discusses an emerging systemic ciliated protozoal disease of aquarium sharks with Mark Stidworthy, who co-authored the paper entitled "Systemic Scuticociliatosis (Philasterides dicentrarchi) in Sharks" in the May 2014 issue of Veterinary Pathology. Dr. Stidworthy is a zoo and wildlife pathologist working in the United Kingdom.
To view the article, click here.
Sean Callanan talks with author, John Ellis, about his article: "Porcine Circovirus: A Historical Perspective."
To view this article, click here.
A discussion with Drs. Nancy Everds, Nianyu Li and Katherine Sprugel from Amgen in Seattle, Washington about the article “Unexpected thrombocytopenia and anemia in cynomolgus monkeys induced by a therapeutic human monoclonal antibody”. This manuscript won the journal’s best paper award in 2013 and describes a study that is a cautionary tale for those investigating/testing monoclonal antibodies.
This podcast provides further insights on mitochondrial pathology resulting from long-term treatment of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus using cocktails of nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). The respondent is Dr. Brendan Payne, a clinician at the Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK with an interest in diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease--and specifically human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); Dr. Payne is the senior author of a recent review article, "HIV Treatment and Associated Mitochondrial Pathology: Review of 25 Years of In Vitro, Animal, and Human Studies." Dr. Payne's research suggests that the cumulative exposure to NRTIs is more important than the peak levels, indicating that the usual design of animal experiments (short terms with high doses, histopathology as a major endpoint) to model human responses may understate or even miss the consequences to patients who may be expected to remain on cocktails of these agents for life. Dr. Payne describes the utility of various test modalities as potential means for detecting mitochondrial damage when such an outcome is suspected.
Veterinary Pathology podcast editor Leah Schutt talks with Duncan Lascelles about feline degenerative joint disease and his article “Pathology of Articular Cartilage and Synovial Membrane From Elbow Joints With and Without Degenerative Joint Disease in Domestic Cats,” from the September 2014 issue.
To view this article, click here.
Anna Norman of SAGE talks with Susan Little about the development and significance of the recently published Feline-Friendly Nursing Care Guidelines - a joint initiative of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and the International Society of Feline Practitioners. Posted June 2012.
Jovie McMillan from SAGE talks to Hazel Carney about the AAFP and ISFM Guidelines for Diagnosing and Solving House-Soiling Behavior in Cats. Posted July 2014.
A discussion with Dr. Igor Mikaelian from AbbVie Bioresearch in Worcester MA about special issue 4 that focuses on drug induced vascular injury. The discussion centers on why drug-induced vascular injury in animals is an issue, why is it important when developing new pharmaceuticals, what efforts are underway to address human risk assessment of vascular injury, and how the articles in this issue benefit the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
Patricia Pesavento discusses the discovery, importance and pathogenesis of infectious diseases in animal shelters with Jeff Caswell. Dr. Pesavento and Brian Murphy authored the paper entitled "Common and emerging infectious diseases in the animal shelter" in the March 2014 special issue of Veterinary Pathology. Dr. Caswell co-edited the special issue on infectious diseases of domestic animals with Dr. Sean Callanan.
To view this article, click here.
Joshua Webster discusses the application and integration of nucleic acid-based molecular techniques in diagnostic pathology with Roger Maes and Matti Kiupel, who published the paper entitled "Beyond H&E: Integration of Nucleic Acid–Based Analyses Into Diagnostic Pathology" in the January 2014 special issue of Veterinary Pathology. Dr. Webster co-edited the special issue focused on investigative techniques in pathology with Dr. Jose Ramos-Vara.
To view this article, click here.
Joshua Webster and Jose Ramos-Vara discuss immunohistochemistry protocol development, validation, and integration in diagnostic and investigative pathology, further expanding on Dr. Ramos-Vara's paper entitled "When Tissue Antigens and Antibodies Get Along: Revisiting the Technical Aspects of Immunohistochemistry-The Red, Brown, and Blue Technique" from the January 2014 special issue of Veterinary Pathology. Dr. Webster and Ramos-Vara co-edited the special issue focused on investigative techniques in pathology.
To view this podcast, click here.
Elise Robertson, guest editor for two special issues on Endoscopy and Endosurgery discusses cutting edge developments in feline endoscopy Elise is a leading figure and she currently operates a visiting feline medicine referral and endoscopy consultancy service for veterinary practices in SE England.
Anna Norman of SAGE talks with Margie Scherk about the development and significance of the recently published Feline Vaccination Guidelines.
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