On today's episode, we are pleased to welcome JIBZ CAMERON (aka DYNASTY HANDBAG) to the show to talk about her story of almost getting into a fight with a nasty jogger. THEN Jibz enlightens us on all the trash t.v. we've been missing this quarantine (in particular Too Hot To Handle), PLUS a short review of the film FANTASTIC FUNGHI. Tune in!
You can find Jibz on patreon:
Buy one of her limited edition postcard sets to support National Bailout and the #FreeBlackMamas campaign. Details on ordering at
#FreeBlackMamas by purchasing this LIMITED EDITION postcard set by self proclaimed famous artists JIBZ CAMERON, SETH BOGART, PEGGY NOLAND & AMANDA VERWEY! They come PRE-STURMPED and some even have a mad-libs letter written for you already! Send someone you love a sanitized piece of art through the beloved
#USPOSTALSERVICE! 🔄🔃🔀 send some love on love on stamps! .