Today on a Super Special Pride Edition Crossover Episode, noted Virgo Karen Tongson of the Gaymazing Race & Waiting to X-hale joins me to talk about THE ULTIMATUM- QUEER LOVE. Stay tuned.
Karen Tongson is the author of Normporn: Television and the Spectacle of Normalcy (forthcoming 2023), Why Karen Carpenter Matters (2019), and Relocations: Queer Suburban Imaginaries (2011). Her current book-in-progress is titled, Empty Orchestra: Karaoke, Queer Performance, Queer Theory (Duke University Press). She received Lambda Literary’s Jeanne Córdova Award for Lesbian/Queer Nonfiction for her body of writing in 2019. Tongson currently chairs the department of gender and sexuality studies at USC, where she’s Professor of GSS, English and American studies & ethnicity.
Her writing and cultural commentary have recently appeared in Slate, NPR, The Los Angeles Review of Books, PBS NewsHour, The Los Angeles Times, The AV Club, Entertainment Weekly, and KCRW’s Good Food among other venues. Tongson is co-editor of the award-winning book series, Postmillennial Pop with Henry Jenkins at NYU Press, and co-hosts two podcasts: the GenX-themed Waiting to X-Hale with Wynter Mitchell-Rohrbaugh, and The Gaymazing Race (a queer podcast about The Amazing Race) with Nicole J. Georges.
Today’s episode brought to you by Jaime Raybin, Khale McHurst, and Zella Minor-House !
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