Saturday Night Network | SNL (Saturday Night Live)
Welcome back to SNL Stories, an interview podcast that takes place on SNL off-weeks! Our next guest is former SNL Cast Member Dean Edwards. Dean was hired as a cast member in 2001 (S27) at the same time as Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers, and Jeff Richards, and has some great stories of his time at the show from 2001-2003 - including how he almost got on MADtv instead, what his first episode was like right after 9/11, and a great story about a sketch he wrote that he always wished got on the show. Hope you enjoy this special conversation hosted by Jon Schneider (@jonschneider24), Andrew Haskell (@andrewehaskell), TJ Randolph (@kingcompliment), and some of our patrons!
Welcome to the official SNL Network podcast feed, where you will hear audio from our weekly roundtables discussing all things SNL.
Podcast hosts, journalists that cover the show, and superfans will look back at the entire history of Saturday Night Live and talk about how the legacy of Season 47 compares to all eras of the show.
Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@thesnlnetwork) and subscribe on YouTube thesnlnetwork to never miss an episode!
Catch up on other interviews:
SNL Stories: Judy Belushi Pisano (Nov 5, 2021)
SNL Cast Member Siobhan Fallon Hogan (Aug 10, 2021)
SNL Director Don Roy King (May 4, 2021)
SNL Stats Roundtable with Gary Kroeger (Apr 6, 2021)
Catch up on other Season 47 coverage:
Liu/Saweetie Roundtable - S47 E7 (Nov 22, 2021)
Liu/Saweetie Hot Take Show - S47 E7 (Nov 20, 2021)
Majors/Swift Roundtable - S47 E6 (Nov 15, 2021)
Majors/Swift Hot Take Show - S47 E6 (Nov 13, 2021)