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SBS Tigrinya – ኤስ.ቢ.ኤስ ትግርኛ

What is road rage and how to deal with it? - ሓሪቕኩም እንከለኹም መኪና ትዝውሩ'ዶ፧ ምስ ካልኦት ሰብ መካይን ከ ትባኣሱ ዶ፧ ገለ ምኽሪታት ኣብ'ዚ ኣለኩም፣

13 min • 9 juli 2024
Aggressive driving is a continuum of bad driving behaviours which increase crash risk and can escalate to road rage. People who engage in road rage may be liable for traffic offences in Australia, have their car insurance impacted and most importantly put their lives and those of others at risk. Learn about the expectations around safe, responsible driving and what to do when you or a loved one are involved in a road rage incident. - መኪና እናዘወርኩም ዘይእሩም ወይ ክብረት ዝጎደሎ ባህሪይ መብዛሕትኡ ግዜ ናብ መጥቃዕቲ ወይ ባእሲ ኣብ መንገዲ ክድይብ ይኽእል። ምልክታት ቁጡዕ ኣዘዋውራ ከተለልይዎም ትኽእሉ'ዶ፧ ባእሲ ኣብ መንጎ መራሕቲ መካይን ኣብ መንገዲ ምስ ዘጋጥመኩም ከመይ ትሕዝዎ ወይ ትሓልፍዎ፧ ወይ ንመድሕን ናይ መኪናኹም ከ ብኸመይ ይትንክፎ ወይ ይጸልዎ፧ ኣብ'ዚ ንኣውስትራልያ ንገልጸሉ ትሕዝቶ መለክዒታት ድሕነት ዘለዎን ሓላፍነታውን ኣዘዋውራ መኪና ኣብ ኣውስትራልያን ንስኹም ወይ ፈተውትኹም ኩነታት ባእሲ መራሕቲ መካይን ኣብ መንገዲ ምስ ዘጋጥመኩም ትወስድዎም ስጉምቲታትን ክንድህስስ ኢና።
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