Most of us are familiar with Halloween and its timeless traditions: carving jack-o-lanterns, wearing costumes, and of course Trick or treating. On October 31, if you don’t hand out a candy, you can expect a trick…Some are as harmless as scaring a person or egging a house, but, there are also some those outlyers that took it way to far. Here are 5 Halloween Pranks that Ended in Unexpected Deaths.
5. Marcie Jones
In the 2005 American romantic comedy film "Wedding Crashers," John Beckwith, a character played by Owen Wilson, poisons Sack Lodge, played by Bradley Cooper, with some kind of liquid concoction from a bottle of eye drops.
4. Caleb Rebh
Americans have a distinct love affair with Halloween. These people love this holiday season so much that they would go out on a limb just to spook people out.
3. Adam Provencal
Toilet papering or TP-ing is a ubiquitous activity done by young and old people alike on the eve of Halloween.
2. Jordan Morlan
Aside from skeletons and gravestones, the hangman's knot or a hangman's noose has become one of the most distinguishable symbols used as décorations during Halloween.
1. Tivarus King
"Egging" is yet another Halloween prank idea that a lot of people enjoy and abhor so much. This depends on who got egged and who threw the egg.
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