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Good morning and welcome back to our cocktail joint! Today we're taking it a tip slower as musical poet arkadiusz. is honoring us with his Chelada - a Mexican drink based on beer and lime he learned to make, drink and love when he used to live in the latin american country.
akadiusz. is a versatile an electronic music enthusiast based in Spessart, Germany. He is the driving forve behind the globally respected mix and premiere channel "Afterhour Sounds" and is further part of collectives such as "Kollektive Liebe", "Half Wild" and "Oewerall".
His mixes are carefully crafted with a a unique track selection and a lot of love for details. arkadiusz.' tales always contain exciting twists and susprises. You can tell he shares a great passion for music and in particular elecrtonic music, as his nusical repertoire seems to be endless: ranging from slow to fast, from new to classic and including tons of hidden gems!
What a fresh way to start our week, arkadiusz.! We would like to have another round!
The bartenders
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