In the third installment of the exclusive Schirmchendrink guest show on British Airways’ Inflight Entertainment in collaboration with Deeper Sounds we’re extremely happy to welcome Landhouse to our team, one of the smoothest storyteller Karlsruhe (DE) has to offer.
Landhouse’s Schirmchendrink guarantees an incredibly mellow take off into the new week: it’s a blend of fresh Landhouse releases – that have just been made available on imprints such as Iboga Records, LOKD and on Tonal, Landhouses label together with Daniel Steinfels.
Todays delicious sip also features one of the first productions of together with Sima, who happens to be his better half, and with whom he is about to release a stunning EP on Echoes from Venus… coming soon!
Landhouse is further resident at Seaside Trip and he is one half of the duo Landhouse & Raddantze, also known for their playful slowmo sounds.
Well, for those who know him, it shouldn’t come as a surprise: the mix he did for Schirmchendrink builds-up an incredible mood. And, despite a bpm range significantly below the usual dancefloor vibes, it has such an intensity, goosebumps are guaranteed!
Thank you dear Landhouse, for this phenomenal mix. It’s a pleasure to feature you on the channel. And we look very much forward to what’s coming next !
The bartenders
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Deeper Sounds